Tuesday, February 09, 2010

flu symptoms + late nights = dystopic dreams

Lately, I have been dreaming a lot. Most of the nights, the dreams reflect a condition that is part of my life, but has absolutely no connections whatsoever to my daily living.

Last night I slept at 3am. I woke up today at 10am and realised that I have a bad sorethroat, so I decided to sleep in.

I dreamt that I was with the leaders (probably at a retreat) walking along the beach at the nighttime. It was pretty crowded (there was an airshow, probably the recent one that ended the past weekend). We sat down on the beach and waited for the planes to do their stuff. A few planes flew past and I realised something about the planes that foreshadowed that something was about to go wrong. They had some medical plane flying around really low toward a building then suddenly changed direction when it was a few metres from it. A bunch of bikers came and disturbed us. I don't know if they were part of the act or not but they started lifting off from a ramp at the jetty and landed hard on a barge that was in the sea. Then the cops arrived in cars and demanded if anyone was using blutacks (for that dream, the authorities somehow had a problem with blutacks and wanted to detain anyone caught using them). I realised that the Korean girl whom I spoke to before the show had left halfway and left behind her packet of blutack. The cop found it and questioned us, but after a while he started having this headache and I could hear a lady (probably the Korean girl who I think was a goddess) talking inside his mind and saying that the blutack belonged to her.

Then the scene changed and I was with a team of soldiers/infiltration team who were holding nerf guns and were supposed to free people from their places. I have to say by now that there was this oppressive feeling that permeated the dream. I don't really know how to describe it, but think of '1984' and you get what I mean. Everyone was locked up not in cells (because I didn't see any) but in rooms en masse. We entered this building and started to free them, but of course we got discovered and started running all around. I don't recall much from this point, but I do remember a few scenes. Apparently a couple of the infiltration team got captured and we had to free them. They were moving along below this building and so all of us took a level each and went to this balcony that overlooked this area. I was stationed at the top-most level. We all pointed our guns at them and it seemed to worked for a while. However, people from my team started to disperse from the balcony and started shooting themselves in the mouth. For some reason that triggered an explosion and we all ran down as fast as we could. I jumped down a few storeys and suddenly I saw this information bar on my suddenly-appearing HUD stating that my legs were damaged or something and that there is a possibility of my body parts freezing up, which kind of confused me because I thought I was a human being. Apparently I was some cyborg. So I landed on the ground, relatively unhurt save for that information tab and we all got lost. However, after running a while and with help from an operator (like that in The Matrix), we got together again. We continued freeing some kids by pretending to be their guards and we climbed up this set of staircase. However, everyone started leaping off from the staircases, clearing this linked fence that were stopping them from escaping. I, however, with 2 other guards didn't managed to leap on time (because I wasn't told to do so!) and so had to go up the staircases again, then jump off. There were by then like a whole swarm of babies climbing up the fence from the opposite side trying to get up. But we managed to clear them. We then started running along a road parallel to the beachline on our left and some shophouses to our right, with some tunnel in the distanced left. After that I woke up.



Blogger Unknown said...

Congratulations been very good news. I wish you continued success.
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25/8/10 2:43 pm  

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