Sunday, March 28, 2010


Had a rare band practice with the rest today, I'm playing for the final crossroads this semester. What is ironic, however, it's my first crossroads this sem. School schedule has not been forgiving.

This is one of the special times in crossroads for me; for one, it's the last time I get to play music 'officially' alongside a good buddy of mine who's graduating soon. It's one of those friends whom you don't really talk to on a daily basis (or even for a stretch of a couple months), but when you do, it's as if you two were best buddies since forever. Making music is one of my passion, and it's really good fun to be making it with people whom you love. For two, I haven't been seeing most people from Crusades for the longest of time, so it's good to see them again. For three, I need a break.

I learnt quite a fair bit about my playing style today, what I know, and what I don't. Knowing what you do not know feels like a two-edged sword: you feel demoralised because you lack so much, but you feel good because there's so much more to learn.

On another note, I haven't been going out as much as I want to, I can actually count the number of times I went out 'for fun'. Most of the times I actually go out would be for church, for BB, for studies. I can't wait for this semester to be over, and actually take a good, long break. But then of course, it's those times where you actually work hard, persevering on throughout the semester, longing dearly for the break. And when it arrives, it feels much more worth it.

But till then, hard work beckons.

Oh well, didn't want this post to end up like a rant but I think it did.

Have a great week!

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

when i feel blue in the night

I've been having weird dreams (still, from the previous post). I think I have about one every week.

While it does perk up the boring life I'm having right now (which is quite sad that I have to depend on dreams to do that), I'm not sure if these dreams are some sort of a sign; they are barely related to the real world at all. But the dreams of the old in the Old Testament keeps coming back to me whenever I wake up, furthermore, I can remember those dreams very well, unlike most others we usually have. Most of these dreams are related to the future; there are always some elements that I can identify that doesn't belong to this age: scenes of a futuristic terminator-esque civil war that foreshadows the end times (or rather would I feel like I would die any moment then); teleportation; some fancy sci-fi gadget, etc.