Monday, January 07, 2013

12 AOK

I've decided that I will contemplate on 12 things to do by the end of this year. 12 acts of kindness, to be precise. Yes, I know how cliche 'acts of kindness' sounds, but it's been a long day... and I would like to start reading my novel before I turn in for the night. Anyway, I'll have to mull it over carefully as I wouldn't want this to be too random.

12 for the 12 months in a year; that would average it out to be once a month. Not a pretty bad start. If I ever finish all 12 before the year's end, the rule is that I will come up with more ideas and do them.

Now on to the fun part: what should I do? Now would be a good time for me to do the things I've always wanted to do, but for one reason or another, procrastinated. I would like these things to be something out of the ordinary. Not like holding doors for strangers, which I consider as habits.

Here's the list, in no particular order. Some I have kept deliberately vague (so as to encourage some spontaneity). I will also remain anonymous whenever possible. There would be greater joy for all.
1) Pick up the tab for an elderly couple at the same restaurant I'll be at. I will also write a short note of encouragement.
2) Help out at a soup kitchen (actually already done in 2012, but I'd love to do it again).
3) Do something related to empowering children with education.
4) Buy a meal for a man on the street.
5) Lend a stranger a helping hand.
6) Write a cheque for a worthy cause (something related to education empowerment)
7) Sponsor a kid from a 3rd world country for an exchange trip to Singapore. Checked.
8) Complimented a stranger on the street. Checked.
9) to be decided.
10) to be decided.
11) to be decided.
12) to be decided.

As you can tell, I've still got plenty more to think of. Feel free to leave suggestions... but I'm starting to think I'm the only human around these parts of the cyber-universe. Aha, perhaps practicing silence would be a worthy thing to do this year too (at least it benefits me!).


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