Wednesday, September 22, 2010

tired. and busy.

The past few weeks after returning back from Cambridge has seen me picking the stuff I left off.

Today has been a really tiring day. It was as such:

10am - 12.15pm: Was looking through the potential books for the new syllabus at SKS. Had an epic drive trying to get to SKS after making a single wrong turn.
12.15pm - 1pm: Drove to school for lessons.
1pm - 4:17pm: Lessons.
4:18pm - 5pm: Drove to the GAMBIT lab.
5pm - 6.30pm: Press Interview.
6.30pm - 7.30pm: Drive back to school for more lessons.
7.30pm - 9.30pm: Lessons.
9.30pm - now: Home and work.

I did not have time to sit down to eat lunch nor dinner (I had to eat it on the go), and I was exhausted by day's end. What's interesting is that I have similar schedules for the remaining week. It's times like this when I tell myself I'll have a short lifespan. I must learn to take things slower. Maybe I should start my walking speed.

PS: I don't like this blogspot theme. God knows why I changed it in the first place.


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