Monday, January 02, 2006

for narnia, and for aslan!


Been quite busy in church in recent days. After Pastor B's dinner (which was awesome), went home, slept and went back to church for BS and service. Then stayed back after service to pass Amenda her prayer journal. ERRR then after that went home to slack and then go PS with some of the BB officers to catch Narnia. Nice show, but interestingly, the poster/trailer dones't have the words "Inspired by a true story". Why? Perhaps to retain the movie's 'secular' state.

Anyway, should be getting back 1 camera body, 2 camera lenses tomorrow (yippie!). Repairs will be a bomb though. And my hands are tied up in this year's recruitment. People who are in my team aren't doing their job, don't want to sacrifice their time because of the trouble it will give them, and conveniently pass me a myriad of excuses not to do it. And recruitment's next week.

Yesterday's Watchnight Service's sermon was great too. In short, Pastor Kow taught us how to relieve ourselves of the 3 Ws : Worries, Wounds and Wrongs. The one about worries hit home. Is worrying neccessary? Will worrying help us, or change the course of events? Worries build up in our mind. And to prevent worrying, we should just give our troubles to God, and let him take care of it. By worrying, we are playing God, and that's not what we want. So pray more, tell God about your troubles, and stop worrying!

Well, tomorrow's (or at least later) will be a public holiday, but it won't make any difference to me: everyday's a holiday until 7th April.

My captain told me about this new thing in church: there's a full-time ministry in church which caters for those who are waiting to go into JC, army, polys. It's a 3 months thing, and we'll be exposed to stuffs like projects and such. I most probably will go, after all, I guess most of us will find jobs. And what better job is there than to serve in church? And also, I'm still praying as to whether I should join the Communications Ministry as a photographer. I'd love to, but there's something holding me back. What it is, I'm not sure. That, I have to figure out myself.

Happy new year, and please, pull your ear.


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