Thursday, March 30, 2006

time to wake up; pull your sheets down.


Shooting went quite well today. Managed to get the scenes I want. Editing and post production shall begin now despite me have no clue how to begin. When the video's done (hopefully tonight or tomorrow), I shall upload it on YouTube.


as usual.

Hello there,

Yesterday's filming went wrong, from the fact that while we were into the first scene the video cam battery just died. And we didn't have a spare. So we went to Esplanade (again) to take some photos then dinner then played lan.

Shooting continues today. :D

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Project Genesis

Hi there,

Today will be quite fun-filled. I'm going to shoot my short film today for the portfolio for Art Design & Media. It's supposed to be loosely translated, meaning I don't have to shoot a short film, but I want to. Heh heh heh. I had a few great ideas while in JC a.k.a. suffering period, so I'm going to film one of those ideas today.

However, I can't seem to contact my friend a.k.a my actor a.k.a the one holding on to the video cam. I originally wanted him to wear our ex school uniform for a scene, I think that's why he's uncontactable. Hehe.

Hopefully I'll be able to do so later. Okay, half the day is gone, and I have to rush out. Hope it doesn't rain!

Monday, March 27, 2006

farmer's revolt.

Hello hello hello.

I just got back my prints from KT and my are they lovely. Hahaha.

Last Saturday was the Passing Out Parade for my recruits. I was the OIC in charge along with another GB officer. Things went pretty well except for some last minute problems (which always happen) and weird stuff happening.

For one, the new privates always call me Sir Timothy. Like I'm knighted.

Okay, private candidate registration closes in 1 hours time, and they don't offer computer science! So if I can't get into a university, good luck to myself!

Friday, March 24, 2006

bullet-proof skin.

Okie dokie.

ERRR, nothing much to update about. Life is still as mundane as ever!

On a sidenote, my temp job at the Esplanade has ended! So that means our regular visit to Shima Aji won't be that regular after all.

Recruits will be having their POP tomorrow, I'm in charge of it, hopefully everything goes on well. Anyhoo, okay never mind I forgot what I wanted to say.

I went to KT today to print some film, as part of the Art Design Media portfolio. That leaves me officially one week to finish up on my portfolio! And I've gotta film my movie ASAP. Actors, anyone?


Monday, March 20, 2006

hi doggie


Friday, March 17, 2006

Oh dear.

A few black and whites from the most recent film to shatter the mundanity of worded posts. Yes, pictures are BAD.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

comms cord and such.

Here's another long dued update:

Yes, got back my results. I faired TERRIBLY. I got B D E B3. An E!!! Can you like believe it? E for Computing. I got an A for computing during prelims. Heh.

Anyway it's all over, and like what my dad (mum and friends) say, look ahead and plan the route for the future. I'm not sure if I can even get into a local university. Luckily my choices for courses in university aren't that science-y related, so I can use my GP and mathematics to get in. Hopefully. After looking (and choosing) the courses I prefer, I found out that my interests are like in the creative industry (film making, advertising, photography and the such). I guess I'm no good at sitting down and doing paper work 9-5. So let's hope I get into a uni (and a course that I want)!

I believe God gave me the grades, got me where I am for a reason. Go ahead and say it's sour grapes, but it's your loss. It's the same feeling why he put the company in Hillgrove. It's those times that I feel damn demoralised, being in charge of like a few mega events and it's overwhelming(I got 5 missed calls and 7 SMSes during the NS talk), that I turn to the Lord for help, and voila, he brings me through it. Maybe it's some testing ground for me, I don't know, who does?

Let's just hope that I make it through.

That aside, I have to develop my film, and get my portfolio ready in 1 months time for the Art Design Media course in NTU. Still figuring out how I can make a 3 min movie. Hmm.

Until then, please take care of yourselves. Turrah!