Monday, February 26, 2007

Well, in case you're wondering, I was on off on Friday and today, so that's why I have time to blog now.

Anyway, I have to leave house in like 30min time. How sad man.

Had a realyl great time though. Haven't spent so much time outside the house in such a long time.

We watched Ghost Rider on Friday. Was great. Duty on Saturday. Sunday was fun tman. Booked out, went home for awhile before heading to ACJC for our usual cell, then met up with Yuhua, Winson and Khien at Bukit Timah for lan gaming at I.R.C. After which we went to Rocky's at Rail Mall for dinner. It was super super shiok, knowing that I don't have to book in that night. But it sucks knowing that I have to book in soon. Oh well, at least Monday's gone.

So many phone calls that came from the office today. Questions on whether I did this, did that, what should I do, blah blah blah. Gets damn irritating, me being out of office physically but never psychologically. Damn sian!

Well, at least it's about 345 days to go.

See you guys on Friday night. have a great week!

Oh yes, 'A' level results out on Friday. Haha!

Friday, February 09, 2007

misere mani.


Well, man's misery indeed. Experiencing some super low morale in camp lately.

Lots of stuff happened. Like working from 8am till 11pm, csm playing area inspection, blahblahblah.


Well, to top things off, i was on duty on wed so i couldn't go for nights off. And i'm on duty tomorrow, so i will book out on sunday to go to church and then book in. And i can't apply leave on monday because 'we have lots of work to do'. And they (superiors) have been bugging us to clear our offs and leaves. But the thing is, even if we want to, we can't, because of all the work we're doing.

I just can't wait for next week cos it's chinese new year and I'll be going to Malaysia to visit my grandparents.

Oh well.

Will update on Sunday. after bookout. :(

Sunday, February 04, 2007

test post.


the last time i posted, they (blogger) asked me to log in with my new google account. i used my old account and when i posted the entry i think i timed out or something.

anyway, its been a while since i updated. a month. well, much has happened of course. but i'll do a quick one - i'll save the rest for another day.

we scored well at the audit, which meant that the nights burnt in camp was well worth it. time in camp is better now, but we still have lots of random stuff going on around. irritating no doubt, but what to do? gotta do lor.

anyway at this moment Thailand's playing against Singapore. they're equalised right now, so got no idea who's gonna win.

tonight we get to book in at 2300 hrs. which is good. cos by the time the match ends it's time to book in.

i'll be doing duty this wed and sat, which is super sian, but well, i've got no choice. 1 year 2 days to go! :)

i hope this week would be great cos i fell ill on thursday. had a super bad flu and i haven't fully recovered. still have got blocked nose and phlegm.

oh, i've got a new rig. so i'm 24/7 gaming whenever i'm at home.

OK WE JUST SCORED. 4 -3 right now. just gotta tahan 10 min and we'll GG.

okay great!

so that ends my post today. goodbye all!