Wednesday, July 21, 2004


Hello, just finished another GP AQ question!!

Before that I had my second training for softball. Coach was not here today, so it was kinda fun. Heard that when coach comes, they would normally be very quiet and serious. Highlight of the day was batting the ball into the field. Hehe, batting is fun! Especially when you have like 10 other fielders in the field trying to catch your ball. Batted a couple good balls, and caught a few myself. Shawn was batting the ball into my direction so the other 9 - 11 people would be standing there looking at me catch. Hehe funny. :D   Jasmine told me I had their support and Zoe said 'can go home already'. Hahaha.

But I was supposed to pay $10 for the softball fund, and another $80 for my softball glove. That's a fricking $90! Alot! Gotta save up for another rainy day! Hopefully I'll get the glove by tomorrow.

Physics test was a killer, but maybe I'll pass. HOPEFULLY. Sigh, and gotta find time for my chinese tuition.

And my chinese homework needs to be done.  :D


Blogger amenda said...

my teacher said so far everyone who hav taken the test, nobody passed. and 4 TOP phys klases hav taken the stoopid test. so.. hope for the best and be preared for the worst yar? im aimin for 30% :) btw, softball cap is funny.

21/7/04 11:28 pm  
Blogger lordaero said...

What's so funny about it? Heh, I read 'nobody passed' as 'everybody passed' the first time round.

22/7/04 10:01 pm  

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