Monday, August 02, 2004


Heh, been a week since i've updated. Long eh?

Been really busy these few days. Reach home at about 9++pm due to training or some things in school and I normally sleep once I reach school. Lunch for me is getting bad to worse, eating only chocolates to supress my hunger. Sigh.

We had softball training last Saturday morning. It was muddy and all, since it had been raining the night before. We saw track and field teams from Crescents, ACJC, HCJC, VJC, JJC and a few others training in school. Weird, so we couldn't use the field due to them throwing javelins and shot putts and hammerthrows. It rained heavily so everyone took shelter and we (softball guys) started playing soccer in the rain. I couldn't afford to be sick that day due to the ushering so I played for awhile. When the rain stopped, we went out to the field to do batting. Most of us (especially Yuhua) got hit badly in our shin as it was difficult to hit high balls that day (prolly due to the weather) and most or all of the balls rolled fast on the floor. The condition of the field is kinda pathetic too, the ground was uneven so the ball would bounce up and down while travelling towards us and it was difficult to judge the ball's position. So, in the end, most of us (including myself) got hit and we got bruises on our shin. Two days before that, I was the catcher and the ball twatted me just below the eye. Luckily I was alright. The ball bounced off the bat and flew up towards my face. Yum.

We had ushering on Saturday night. It was really fun all stuff, talking to those china people and those from abroad. They were quite friendly. Parvan, Daniel, Sook Fern and I was stationed at the staircase leading to the hall. Val and Khai and the rest were at the concourse, lucky people, can take photos with those teams! Okay, then went up to help those upstairs. Cool. After the prize presentation (China got 3rd and 1st, Singapore got 2nd(nanyang girls)) , they gave us performances. We ate some of the food (the roast lamb was excellent, yummay.) and at the last minute, we (the ogls) decided to do mass dance. We danced to the beat of Superstar and Hey ya. It felt like orientation again. I partnered with Li Yi. After that we went to MacDonalds to eat our dinner and went home.

Today, I completed the 2nd function for my coursework. Tomorrow (or tonight), I'll find a formula to finish off the 3rd and last part of page1. After that, I still have page2 and page3! Mr Lee went ballistic after he found out that almost everyone he taught in almost every class did not memorise the trigonometry fomulas and thus were unable to do the surprise test he gave us. Everyone got a deduction of 2 marks due to him giving us the formulas, which I already knew. I thought he was going to give us one with the R-formula. But no. So, I think I'll get a -2 for my score. Coal. "Can't wait!"

And that is how the cookie crumbles. Seeya.


Blogger amenda said...

FINALLY! its updated, HOOOORay!

i wanted to go for the chi riddle thingy, but i was thinkin dat even if i had gone, i'd prob not understand anythin since its in a foreign lang yar?? chinese.. haha.

anyway i DO NOT care!! im goin to tacklebox 1 day.. soon! bro's goin to tacklebox dis sun.. will ask him how it is.. im goin!!! and u gotta be a good host :)

3/8/04 12:11 am  
Blogger amenda said...

yoez harry! u noe lee hee fock got frensta account?!?! haha.. its set up to insult him, quite funny. go check it out!

6/8/04 1:03 pm  
Blogger lordaero said...

I'm his friend already man. Coal.

8/8/04 5:56 pm  

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