Saturday, March 26, 2005


Well, today was a busy day indeed.

Had BB the entire day.

Started the day by going to West Coast Park for our Good Friday event. It was basically some station-to-station games and I was Game I/C with two other peeps from dunno where. One girl was a student in NUS and the guy was a teacher teaching Chemistry in TJC. Heh. So yeah. It was nice mixing around with them. Our station had basically 8 cups, with 7 of them filled to the brim with water. They were laid in a straight line and the kids had to blow a pingpong ball across the cups to the last, empty one. The teacher dood blew and the ping pong ball flew up and right into the last cup, hahaha. That's like, a perfect score.

Ah, perfect. How everyone wants to achieve perfection. But, what is perfection? Everyone has their own definition of perfection. Some may see perfection as attaining something others can't; some might want to go beyond what they originally set out to do; and some may even want to be the best, so much so that nobody can beat them. How we spend so much time finding perfection. But is it possible to attain perfection? Where do we go after perfection?

After BB I had to rush home and went to church for band practice. I saw Hui Shan with *AHEM*. They were going to CHC's Good Friday event at the Indoor Stadium. Yeah. When I reached church, Edmund told me our captain didn't book the worship hall! So we had to stone for like 1 hour before we could get a place at the children's chapel. Well, I'd prefer the worship hall anytime, but it's better than nothing. The sound produced from the amps weren't that nice, so I couldn't really concentrate on what I was playing. But like coach said, it's the player, not the equipment.


Well, tomorrow Easter Sunday, the day Jesus rose from the dead. I shall copy out a text from the Bible, which I sort of remember when it comes to Easter. It was Jesus appearing to his disciples after his resurrection, and of course, their disciples were shocked.

Luke 24:36-43 (New International Version)

Jesus Appears to the Disciples
36While they were still talking about this, Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.”
37They were startled and frightened, thinking they saw a ghost. 38He said to them, “Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds? 39Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.”
40When he had said this, he showed them his hands and feet. 41And while they still did not believe it because of joy and amazement, he asked them, “Do you have anything here to eat?” 42They gave him a piece of broiled fish, 43and he took it and ate it in their presence.



That's one word I always like to use.

One of my friend just got an email from Rado, one of the guys in Cambodia. He recently got a job at a youth christian organization and has access to email. Really great to know that they are doing fine and all.

After glancing through one of my friend's nick, I suddenly remembered the bible studies we used to have in Cambodia. It's like, after lunch and then we learn about God's Word and his Love for us. Learnt alot, really. Then after that we'll all take an afternoon nap before we go tot he worksite. Heh.

Reuben, the facilitator during our trip, is going to Cambodia for 3 years, and he's leaving on the 1st of April this year. Which is like next week. I can see that he really loves the Cambodians, and he loves God. Once, at the river front in Siem Reap, my group was just hanging out by the side and looking at the vastness of the Mekong River. It's really like the Singapore River, except it's much longer in width and length. It was at night, and there were beggers here and there. Reuben was there too. Then 2 kids came over to us and pestered us for things. One of my friends opened the first aid box and gave them plasters. I don't know why, but he did. The thing was that the kids took it and ran away. It's sad, seeing that they lead such life and all. Then Reuben came along. I remembered him telling us not to give money to the beggers. The two kids came back and they were tugging at Reuben's shirt. Reuben took out his wallet and gave them a few dollars each. The thing was that Reuben wasn't looking at them; he was looking straight ahead. I could tell from his eyes that he was trying to keep a straight face, but deep inside, he was really feeling for them.

Perhaps that's one of the reasons to go back; to help them. As he said during our presentation, not only do they need us, but we need them too. Why? For me, it's because they remind us of the rich and luxurious lifestyle we lead over here in Singapore. More often than not, we take things for granted and forget all about being humble and we become self-centered and all. Cambodians are not only tactful, but they are humble too. While our government debates on whether we should have a casino (or even two), their government struggles to cope with unemployment. Really, it's two very different worlds.

It's a place where you can look back at your life, and reflect on what has already happened in your life, and what hasn't. We lead a life that goes by too fast. Students go to school and back; it's a daily and repeated chore that happens throughout their entire education. The kids in Cambodia have only an hour of school a day. And they are considered lucky already.

Well, it seems one thing for sure; God is already working through the hearts of the Cambodians, and people from different parts of the world are helping them pick up their lives which they left behind before the rein of the Khmer Rouge.

It's Good Friday, and I can already hear the songs of Cambodian praise.

Saturday, March 19, 2005



Haha, we won the match against NJC, 10 - 5. Our first win for the season, go Vipers!

hah. Actually we had two matches, the 2nd against TPJC, but I wasn't feeling too good so I asked coach to bench me. I lost track of the score, I think we lost though.

Tomorrow we'll be having our 3rd 4th placing, but I won't be playing. Doctor gave me two days of exemption from sports. I've got flu. Dammit. I want to play.

Then yeah. Gotta do my GP and Math homework. Started like 0.5% today. Wasn't feeling very well. Ha. I mistyped Math homework for Chinese. That's funny of course. It's a great sensation, not having to take Chinese ANYMORE! Woahu!

Hur hur.

Good luck guys and girls, tomorrow.

:) Muack muack.

Thursday, March 17, 2005


Once again, we're approaching the end of the week. What's worst, it's almost the end of the holidays. What's worst than worst, I just started on my work.

That's right.

Tomorrow we'll be having our second match against NJC. Heh. Hopefully we'll win, of course.



Dunno what to say. heh. another nonsensical post tonight.

much wuv. :)

Monday, March 14, 2005

Let it rain!

Holidays are here!


Okay, so we lost the RJC match. But it was a very good experience, this carnival.

So Monday has come and gone.

Today went to church @ worship hall from 1-6pm for our worship band practice. Really improved since the last session. We finalised Everyday, I Will Run To You, and Lord I Lift Your Name On High. Did a short preview of One Way, sounds okay, but still needs some polishing. Really great day today. Kinda good to serve the Lord in some way or another. As the parable of the talents go, we have to use our talents that God has given us. For the Lord giveth, and he taketh. Indeed.

Tomorrow, we've got math remedial and then off the Outram Park for my dental appointment.

But for now, it's rest. Much needed rest.

Friday, March 11, 2005


Hello once again.

Holidays are here!

Haha, but to many of us, this holiday is not a holiday at all. Isn't it always the same?

Tomorrow, we'll be having our carnival! First match, 8am, against RJC. Good experience, I should say.

8am at Padang, which means I have to wake up at 5am!

That means I have to skip BB this and next week. Heh. Anyways, been training the past few days for the upcoming tournaments and this carnival.

Hope everything goes smoothly tomorrow. Heh.

Okay, time to sleep. Need lots of rest.

Happy holidays!

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Here we go!

Okay, today's Saturday night. :)

Slept through Friday afternoon. I didn't eat dinner. I got a C5 for my Chinese Language, which is kinda good. Can still remember how my tuition teacher was rejoicing when I got a C6 for my O Levels. Hehe.


Had our Recruits POP today. That's Passing Out Parade for you. :)

I was the Recruit RSM and escort for the Guest-of-Honour. Uh-huh. Sooo yeah. Started out quite badly, wore full uniform when we're supposed to be wearing PT kit, then when I changed into my PT kit found out I brought the wrong PT shirt. Doh!

Then rehearsed for POP. Quite okay, had lots of fellowship and fun with the recruits. Then during the actual POP (Guest of Honour was Mr Desmond Koh from HQ), Pastor Barnabas and Mr Lau Kinn Yong came down too. During our slow march, Josephine made a mistake SO in the end we marched BEHIND the contingent instead of in the middle of it. So it was kinda hilarious. A big boo-boo. Heh.

Other than that everything went well.

Oh, after the POP, while we were eating some food, I talked to Joshua's mom. She was kinda impressed by today and we talked for awhile. Kinda cool. The food was okay too, had LOTS of curry puffs and all.

Went for Cheng Tng @ West Mall after that. Really yummy. Refreshing after a really hot day.

Well, dinner was Pizza Hut, had like 5 pieces or something. Today's junk food day man. Unhealthy crap.

Gonna hate the feeling 24 hour from now. Heh. Back to school. Darn YJC students, they've got school holiday on Monday!