Saturday, March 05, 2005

Here we go!

Okay, today's Saturday night. :)

Slept through Friday afternoon. I didn't eat dinner. I got a C5 for my Chinese Language, which is kinda good. Can still remember how my tuition teacher was rejoicing when I got a C6 for my O Levels. Hehe.


Had our Recruits POP today. That's Passing Out Parade for you. :)

I was the Recruit RSM and escort for the Guest-of-Honour. Uh-huh. Sooo yeah. Started out quite badly, wore full uniform when we're supposed to be wearing PT kit, then when I changed into my PT kit found out I brought the wrong PT shirt. Doh!

Then rehearsed for POP. Quite okay, had lots of fellowship and fun with the recruits. Then during the actual POP (Guest of Honour was Mr Desmond Koh from HQ), Pastor Barnabas and Mr Lau Kinn Yong came down too. During our slow march, Josephine made a mistake SO in the end we marched BEHIND the contingent instead of in the middle of it. So it was kinda hilarious. A big boo-boo. Heh.

Other than that everything went well.

Oh, after the POP, while we were eating some food, I talked to Joshua's mom. She was kinda impressed by today and we talked for awhile. Kinda cool. The food was okay too, had LOTS of curry puffs and all.

Went for Cheng Tng @ West Mall after that. Really yummy. Refreshing after a really hot day.

Well, dinner was Pizza Hut, had like 5 pieces or something. Today's junk food day man. Unhealthy crap.

Gonna hate the feeling 24 hour from now. Heh. Back to school. Darn YJC students, they've got school holiday on Monday!


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