Sunday, May 29, 2005


Hello, a very good evening to all of you.

Heh, today I delivered my "speech" on behalf of my captain. It was Boy's Brigade Sunday, our enrolment service in church.

I was kinda nervous in the beginning, even before service started. My captain asked me to be in church @ 7.45am to watch how he delivered the speech. It was the 8am service, very very cute to see elderly folk in choir attire. It's nice to see that no matter how old they are, they still believe and trust in God.

About 9am, I went to ACJC for the 10am service. The congregation was spontaenous and active. It was quite fun actually, to be on stage. There were about 250+ people? Yeah. But it was great fun.


New experience eh? I love the songs too, it was contemporary worship. Different from the music @ The Tacklebox. Sort of jazzy, my favourite. It's been a loooooooooong time since I attended the service @ ACJC. I think it was sec3-4, I still remember that I used to wish and hope that I'd study in ACJC after my O's 'cos I'm familar with the school. But alas, I did not.

Tomorrow we'll have the actual opening ceremony for the pre-U seminar. But now, it's time to game. With 3/4 of our computing class. Yes, that's the actual number. :)


Saturday, May 28, 2005

Sing About You.

Hello again.

It seems that I only update once a week eh? And I feel pretty guilty when I see the counter increasing and yet the post from last week remains. Aha.

Okay, so the much awaited "holidays" are here. That's right folks, that means we have to start studying for our tests and such. Pre-U seminar starts next week, and it's gonna be very time and effort consuming.

Today I did not go for BB. Instead, I went for the pre-U seminar rehearsal, for closing ceremony. It went quite well, learnt a new song sung by the SLOs today(but i forgot how the tune went already). After that I ate with the J1s from AVAC.

Heh, tomorrow is our *enrolment service. Quite long eh, it's been like half a year and we're going to do enrolment service tomorrow. But I'm not going to be part of the colour escort this year. Instead, I'll be at Praise@AC tomorrow. Why? I'm there to deliver my captain's enrolment report to the congregation. Gasp! Heh, I'm sure to get real nervous tomorrow. You bet. The last time I checked the bulletin, there were 320 people for the service @AC. Heh, it's gonna be my first time speaking to so many people. While eating earlier today(refer to above), Yuheng from AVAC said something which was quite meaningful. "Anything that does not kill you strengthens you."

I guess tomorrow won't kill me, and it's gonna be a new experience. But heck, I'm up for the challenge.

Bring it on.

See you tomorrow @ ACJC.


Monday, May 23, 2005

Save Tonight.

Wow, been a week already.


Hello to you, it's a Monday night.

Nothing much happened. Last Friday we ended school early SO we went to watch Star Wars Eps. III. Really good. No matter how episode III fared, the Star Wars saga would still give an "omph!" Heh!

Yes. The long weekend has come and gone, so fast! On Saturday went to NTU to help out for the pre-university seminar. It was OKAY, we interacted quite alot with our juniors. And yesterday we were supposed to go for the Big Walk but due to unforeseen circumstances, we didn't. Instead we went swimming. Been so long, about 2 years? After my coach had some ear infection I stopped going for swims. But we actually went swimming yesterday and today! Quite alright, I still remembered how to swim.

Oh well, the long weekend HAS come and gone (it still hasn't sinked into me yet), and we have to start studying again. 4 days left to our so-called "holidays".

But we all know otherwise.

Much love.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Crucify My Love.


First and foremost, a big congratulations to the volleyball girls! Not only have they made us proud, we can also go home at 10am this Friday! Bahaha. Congratulations once again.

Anyhoo, it's back to Monday. Loooong day, yeah. Nothing much to look forward to this week, some of the highlights are that we are having our last match against NJC this Wednesday. And as usual, I get to play bench! Woohoo! Almost 1 year of training is finally ending, and everything has to make way for our ultimate battle, the A Levels.

Kwa kwa kwa.

Bak kwa.

Oh, got back my Math results today. Quite okay, but could have done much better than I actually had. 2$$24124$(#*%93589()w9f0SDJFSDJFF#()u893fu90sduf90asfuwuroaiu90uw3jowi#&*)!!!!

YouthJam/WowForChrist/WowForWorship/Wow commences this Friday and Saturday. Woohoo! I can't wait. It's been so long since we've praised God together in music. Hope that we've become closer to our Saviour since the last gig. Like Mr Rick Chong has said, we always have to remember that we play music for the glory of God, and not for ourselves. There's a very very very thin line between playing for ourselves and for God, and it be a very significant downfall. That's how Satan, once an 'expert' at playing music for the Lord, decided to play for the glory of HIMSELF, and thus he fell. It's a very important thing to always remember that.

Speaking of my Christian life, last Sunday, Eric brought his friend Daniel to teach us on the books of Esther and Nehemiah. We read and he taught us about how Esther, a queen, asked the Jews to pray and fast, because they were about to be killed. Now in those days, it was very difficult for a queen to seek the presence of her king, not like today where the queen always sits beside the king. Anyway, she could risk being killed by the king. But for the love of the Jews, she still continued to see the king. It takes courage, of course, but it also requires FAITH in GOD. God is always with us; God is here with us now!

After that we went up to service. The pastor preached on 1 Samuel, where Jonathan, Saul's son, together with his armour maker, went to fight a war against the Phillistines with only 2 swords. There were more than 6000 well trained and equipped Phillitines. How did he do that? Of course, it's impossible to do that alone. With faith in God, of course! What else were you thinking? Gym workouts everyday? Jonathan and his armour maker were only like our age when they did that.

Psalms 147:10-11

10 His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse, nor his delight in the legs of a man; 11 the LORD delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.

Hebrews 11:6

6 And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Don't Stop Me Now.

Hi to you.

Damn, the weekends are over in such a jiffy.

It's always like that, and I always rant at the same thing over and over again.

Well, at least it's holiday next week. And Star Wars is going to be screened next week. Woohoo! From 1977 till now, the saga finally ends. Don't know why, but I'm such a nerd for these old movies. Indiana Jones, Batman, Superman, HEH! Next movieto look out for at the oldie section, Flash Gordon. :)

Anyhoo, back to reality.

Maths test tomorrow. I really hope I pass (who doesn't?). I've did all I wanted on these topics, but I still feel that it's not enough.


Our softball legacy ends next week. Seems fast eh? Can't believe it's like last month I told myself on the bus that I'll have to stop going for training soon. And now it's next week. How time flies.

Well, time to sleep early.


Thursday, May 05, 2005

Watching some good friends, screaming,: "Let me out!"


Well, today was quite a fruitful day.

Started the day doing TCA. Was terribly glad that I actually tried my best to stay up late to do research on my question, so I could actually do my essay today. Teeheehee.

Today can also be classified as slack. Why? Cos we didn't have any computing lessons today, so we lost 2 hours of lessons today. So we ended at 12.30pm. I could actually have went home after that, but I went JP with YuHua and Winson so I could kill 4 hours before going for my IDP Malay class. Went to have lunch at Mos Burger. I, being overly obsessed with hotdogs, decided to try out their hotdogs. Heh, I tell you, the dog was superb! Super crunchy and yummy. And the chilli was just right. Wohoo. Bliss.

Oh, and I also bought QUEEN - Greatest Hits I, II & III. QUEEN is hot! Seriously good. Heh. Sure it's an oldie, but good music never dies, doesn't it?

Anyhoo, tomorrow's friday, and it's time to chill.


Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Want to eat French? Let's go Delifrance.

Hellooo, fast update today.

Well, it's going to be a busy busy week from now onwards.

I can predict how the future would like: quick, swift, malicious.

Too tired, getting sick often, no time to rest. And it's going to go jet fast from now onwards.

Kwa kwa kwa.

Anyhoos, tomorrow's going to another match against TPJC. My first away match, the team's second. I wonder how the bench would feel like.


Our softball training is going to be over soon. We're gonna have to step down soon and make way for our juniors. Heh. Then it's time to concentrate on our studies. Fast eh?

Gotta catch up on work,

Catch you later.

Busy busy busy.