Thursday, August 25, 2005

The Line.


I'm finally back to update. Been busy with falling ill and stuff. But I've recovered albeit feeling out of place sometimes.

This week has been a really bad week for me. It can be called "The Week That Screwed Me" (read: reality check).

You see, on Monday, I got scolded by a certain Math tutor due to some careless mistake in my Hypothesis Testing assignment. It's like, been super long since I've gotten scolded directly by a teacher. If I remember correctly, the last time something like this happened was either during my early secondary school days or late primary school days (yes, I know, I'm WELL BEHAVED). Anyway, then on Wednesday, there was this prep talk during Civics period and another teacher scolded me. I don't know why he suddenly scolded. Okay, fine, so it wasn't exactly scolding. More like a 'fierce' prep talk.

Their words really got to me man.

Feeling cheesed, I took out my TYS to 'vent' my frustrations. (yes, it's nerdy, I know!) Amazingly, I could actually do sums which I couldn't do previously! So I figured that if I could harness the 'energy gained from the week' and use it to my advantage, it would be a great thing, as my happy TYS would tell you.

Another reality check: 17 days to Prelims, and 72 days to the final battle.

On a light note, I got an invitation to this Saturday's TNP Canon Photojournalist Seminar! Due to some miscommunication/misunderstanding, Ian the Tech Guy from TNP called me once on Monday and once today to tell me that he'd sent me an invitation. Hurray! That means that I can go to the NLB after that to see Michael Yamashita's exhibit! I hope they have some photos he took during his journey to retrace Marco Polo's journey across the Silk Road. Can't WAIT.

At least I've got something to look forward to.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Back in Black.

Hello it's me!

Yup, an update as promised.

Today was kinda fruitful. I went out in the afternoon to meet a seller for his National Geographic book. I took like so long to go Bugis' OG, where I was supposed to meet him. I lost my way! It's entitled National Geographic Photography : Field Guide - Secrets to Making Great Pictures. Got it for $34! Quite a steal. Great condition too.

I then made my way (with lots of help!) to Peninsular Plaza. I was planning to buy a cable release and a UV filter for my camera until I realised that the shop which I wanted to go to was closed. I was also kind of lost within Peninsular Plaza. Hohoho. So I went to some shop (which didn't look promising) and I got my filter for $23. They didn't carry the original Nikon cable release, so I didn't buy. I have to go back to Cathay to get it, someday. Andddddddddddd I'm eyeing a few Lowepro bags, they can be my photo bag, and double up as a backpack for school as well. :)

Quotations for Orion Trekker II and Rover AW II warmly welcomed.

Well, weekends over! Time to study study study. At least school's ending in 3 months time! Then I can burn a few films. Wootay.

Okay, goodbye to you. Have fun at school tomorrow. Ha, ha, ha.

Don't bet on it.


Friday, August 12, 2005



Heh, 30 days left? I'm screwed! That leaves like 15 days for a topic (since I can study computing one day before the paper). So 15 days includes reading the notes and doing the venerable TYS. So much time left eh? Time to go all out.

But going all out also makes one tired. I'm exhausted, even though I've not done THAT much. 3 more months eh?

Nothing much to add, I'm tired. But I've got to do my work "soon"!

Watch out for another update over the weekends.

Monday, August 08, 2005

When I cross over Jordan, I know that I'll be running home to you.

Hello, fresh from Sports Day.

Hahaha, yup, BIKILA got champions, as usual. And I think we got last again, haha. It's almost like a tradition already lah, the champion house last year clinched first and the last get last again.

Anyhoo, good job to everyone who took part. Great fighting spirit++.

Past weeks have been hectic, studying being main priority. Uh-huh. And I REALLY REALLY REALLY have to CHIONG now, if not I won't be able to finish even one round of revision before prelims. Sheesh. Can't believe how academically based Singapore's system is. Parents keep saying the same thing like "Study hard ah! Never study next time no girlfriend no family no money ah! No car also!"

In short, you're a loser.

Anyway I shall stop ranting now.

Festival of Praise was good! Delirious + Hillsong. I went for the opening day, and we almost didn't make it. Half of my friends who went couldn't go in. Haha. We recieved conflicting comments on the number of people at the Indoor Stadium. So we flipped a coin and let fate decide. In the end, we all boarded a taxi and went. But halfway there was a jam and the other cab decided to take the MRT instead. Big mistake!

The songs were almost the ones in the album Unified Praise, which I was crazy about. The things they say during the song was about the same as the CD, so freakishly enough I could predict what they were gonna say.

But there were surprises of course, Darlene sang One Way, haha. On the way there I was discussing with Edmund as to whether United Live would be there as well. Then I said," Darlene singing One Way? No way!" Haha. How wrong I was. It was great. They even did Tell The World, from United Live's Look To You album. Hurray!

We bought CHC's album, Cross as well. Nice songs. Haha.

Okay, slack for awhile more, then study. Goodbye to you!