Thursday, August 25, 2005

The Line.


I'm finally back to update. Been busy with falling ill and stuff. But I've recovered albeit feeling out of place sometimes.

This week has been a really bad week for me. It can be called "The Week That Screwed Me" (read: reality check).

You see, on Monday, I got scolded by a certain Math tutor due to some careless mistake in my Hypothesis Testing assignment. It's like, been super long since I've gotten scolded directly by a teacher. If I remember correctly, the last time something like this happened was either during my early secondary school days or late primary school days (yes, I know, I'm WELL BEHAVED). Anyway, then on Wednesday, there was this prep talk during Civics period and another teacher scolded me. I don't know why he suddenly scolded. Okay, fine, so it wasn't exactly scolding. More like a 'fierce' prep talk.

Their words really got to me man.

Feeling cheesed, I took out my TYS to 'vent' my frustrations. (yes, it's nerdy, I know!) Amazingly, I could actually do sums which I couldn't do previously! So I figured that if I could harness the 'energy gained from the week' and use it to my advantage, it would be a great thing, as my happy TYS would tell you.

Another reality check: 17 days to Prelims, and 72 days to the final battle.

On a light note, I got an invitation to this Saturday's TNP Canon Photojournalist Seminar! Due to some miscommunication/misunderstanding, Ian the Tech Guy from TNP called me once on Monday and once today to tell me that he'd sent me an invitation. Hurray! That means that I can go to the NLB after that to see Michael Yamashita's exhibit! I hope they have some photos he took during his journey to retrace Marco Polo's journey across the Silk Road. Can't WAIT.

At least I've got something to look forward to.


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