Sunday, July 10, 2005

What the world will never take.


It has been a busy weekend for me.

I've been spending time in BB/church activities, and I'm loving it!

Saturday was filled with BB activities, we had our FINAL youthJam practice, and we recorded some of the stuff we played. Andd had our final 40 days of purpose activity during Core Leader's Training. After that went back to sleep, hehe.

Today we had Faith bowling event. It's an annual event whereby families take part in a bowling competition organised by the church. My family didn't take part of course, they're atheists, and I hope and pray that someday they will come to accept Christ. I took part with the BB officers. The event kicked off on a happy note with Pastor Barnabas bowling a strike for the opening ball. Not bad eh? I got scores of 97,94,114. Haha. Haven't really bowled for a long time. It was great la, I got a see a few people I haven't talked to for a while. Oh and I won alot of novelty prizes, including a lucky draw prize. I got 3 novelty prizes, which consists of 2 purses, and 1 kit which has scissors, nail clippers and some other girly stuff. I don't know how I won that, but I finally have my own purse! Hurray!* For the lucky draw prize, I won Rainbow Six - Black Thorn. It's not bad lah, old game but still playable. It's free, so who's complaining? :) The funny thing was that there were actually 3 Timothys playing today, 2 Timothy Tans and 1 Timothy Cheong, so whenever a Timothy was read out by the emcee, all 3 of us would go out and ask which one of us won. Haha. In the end all 3 Timothys got prizes, cool eh? And I thought I would get an award for the straightest bowler aka. most longkangs. I had don't know how many longkangs until I think I was one of the bottom players for the above 16 category. I think my ranking was actually in the middle of the kids who played in the under-16 category. Haha! It was great fun, this bowling.

Today marked FMC's and QCMC's 39th anniversary as well. We had service at 5pm instead of usual TTB service at 9am. It was great, worship hall and the sanctuary was jam-packed. I was expecting it to be, since all services were combined into 2 parallel services. Yup, songs were great, there were a mixture of contemporary songs, modern worship and hymns. Sermon was by Rev Dr Isaac Lim. It was about People with Faith. It was funny too. Mixture of jokes throughout the sermon. Learnt the action for the song Celebrate, Jesus, Celebrate. We sung that during singspiration in the morning before the bowling event started, then we sang that again during service. I saw another girl who was doing the action also, haha.

Next week I'll be going to BOUT! I can't wait, I think it's some evangelism event for TTB. Mr Chong approved of me going, stating that it was a good time to expand my network in church. Church events are fun.

I saw another FM2 auction on Ebay again. It's way cheaper, and I think I'll discuss with my dad again. I'm considering joining the Communications ministry in church if I ever get that camera. And of course the Music ministry.

And here's a song I've recently uploaded for your listening pleasure. Oh, it's absolutely legal since I've got the CD. Or is it still illegal?

Here goes:

My Best Friend
by Hillsong United


Have you heard of the One called Saviour?
Have you heard of His perfect love?
Have you heard of the One in Heaven?
Have you heard how He gave His Son?
Well I have found this love and I believe in the Son show me your way

I believe in the one called Saviour
I believe He's the risen one
I believe that I'll live forever
I believe that the King will come
Because I have found this love and I believe in the Son show me your way

Jesus you are my best friend and you will always be nothing will ever change that (x2)

I believe in the One called Saviour
I believe He's the risen One
I believe that I'll live forever
I believe that the King will come
Because I have found this love and I believe in the Son show me your way

Jesus you are my best friend and you will always be nothing will ever change that
Jesus you are my best friend and you will always be nothing will ever change that
Jesus you are my best friend and you will always be nothing will ever change that

Nothing will ever change that (x6)

(kudos to for the lyrics!)

It's great to serve the Lord!



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