Saturday, July 02, 2005

Oh I feel like dancing.



It's going to be a special day tomorrow, because it will be the day that I'll be stepping down (temporarily!) till the dreaded A's are over. That'll be like 5 months yea? And youthJam is going to conduct worship tomorrow. But we're going to perform only 3 songs, and not the 6 songs we originally planned. And we have to make do without drums,bass,keyboards, and electric guitar as originally planned. So it's gonna be a 3 man show tomorrow, consisting of Mavis, Edmund and I. We've been practising for about a month now, and I can proudly say that we've improved alot since the last worship conducted. I went to church after school today, reached about 8pm. We tried the songs with only an acoustic and it sounded great. We also fitted in a last minute song too. So the finalised songs for tomorrow are Magnificent, I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever and My Redeemer Lives. Why a youthJam worship tomorrow you might ask? It's because it's the Sec4 Graduation Party tomorrow. It's something that the planning committee came up with the say goodbye to the sec4s, for they are also going to step down for their A's, or N's.

Yep. It's been almost 10 years in the Boy's Brigade now. And I've still no regrets joining the movement. I've really learned alot for the past few years, and I've been growing in the Lord. Without the BB, I bet I would have just a brief knowledge of who Jesus Christ is.

Oh, back in school we had our GP mid-years today. It was horrible! I think I wrote out of point for my essay, and paper 2 contained lots of advanced vocabulary. It was quite okay, luckily I read novels during the June 'holidays' and I knew a few of the words.

Anyway, tomorrow is here already. And you know what?

It's time to say goodbye.

For now.


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