Sunday, June 19, 2005

Dare You To Move.


Happy Fathers' Day to all fathers (including potentials)! Today is the day your good-for-nothings buy presents and give cards, but the question is, do they mean it? If they really do, then what's the point of giving something to you when they are supposed to do that everyday? As I've found that out, I've decided to do something special this Fathers' Day.

I've made a card asking my dad to stop smoking. It sucks to see him puffing away. So I've decided to start my campaign on persuading him to stop that habit. Why campaign? Cos I know it's difficult, and it's gonna have to be in phases. I've been praying about it this whole week, hopefully he'll listen to us.

Today, we also had our secondary school class gathering at Miss Hema's house. It's been a while since we've all came together ever since we went back to collect our results, and it's a good time to catch up with everyone. As expected, there were people who didn't change at all, and of course, there were those who changed totally.

Change is good. Change is a constant. But what we become is most important. That we have to keep in mind.

We watched videos, ate (alot) and chatted. Turned out Miss Hema is actually a "regular" on Vasantham Central, where she sings. She even has about 15 MTV videos on her singing. Cool eh? Haha. Of course, the food was good. There was curry, sushi from Saeki Sushi (pre-u seminar!) and fishballs from Old Chang Kee.

Good food, good buddies, good time.

After we left, we went to JEC to play pool and ate dinner. Got my dad his present and made the card. That's pretty much what I did today.

And I'm exhausted. Did I mentioned I slept at 5am last night?

Time to sleep, hopefully I'll get something positive from the card tomorrow.


And I should study. 3 more days.


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