Tuesday, June 14, 2005

So fast, it can't be handled at all.


Hello there.

A very quick update before I go back in recluse to my cave to continue studying.

Heh, AKLFJA:AJJ:JSFK:JSJ!!!!!!!!!! Stress alert! Mid years are coming, next week!

I guess everyone is busy busy busy studying eh? Today when I went back to school I saw lots of J2s, and some J1s as well. Everyone's just starting on revisions, but the funny thing is that they appeared cool and calm. And for me, I'm way behind what I'm supposed to do. Right now, if all goes well (but we all know likewise), I should be doing 4 topics a day, which I'm not.

I'm only averaging 1.5 topics a day. A topic includes reading the notes, and doing the revision exercises. Grrr.

It's important to know that we're all doing this not only because of our mid-years, but ultimately because of THAT hurdle, the A levels. Dammit.

I'll be having youthJam tomorrow, hopefully I'll be able to focus properly on my work after that. Sheesh! Bababaa.

ARGH!!! A week from now, I'll be done with the math paper. Sheesh.

Can't wait for that to be over.

Okay, till then, have fun studying.

In the immortal words of the White Rabbit, "I'm late, I'm late!".

See you then.


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