Monday, July 04, 2005

My Best Friend

My best friend is of course Jesus!

Saturday's parade was great, haha but worship was a tad slow. We sang My Redeemer Lives at too slow a tempo, maybe it was because it was difficult to transit from a slow to a fast using only an acoustic. Yup, but all in all Saturday was fun. After parade Mr Chong treated us (some of the officers) to Sakae Sushi. I ate bento, sashimi and all those stuff and paid only $10! Haha.

Yup. I really enjoyed yesterday's service alot. The songs were those of which I know (surprisingly!) and after service we had great fellowship with Daniel and Jia Le. Too bad Eric and Chee Yoong wasn't there. Oh and I overslept for bible study so Daniel was mentoring only Jia Le. Haha.

Yup, I've stepped down, and that means it's time to concentrate on studies. However I don't think I will feel comfortable having an empty Saturday morning slot (but I'd probably be sleeping anyway). And yesterday after service, there was an announcement about BOUT, acronym for BOX OUT, which is some outing (treasure hunt I think) to pulau ubin. It's been long since I was on that island (think last year, during AQ). I know that island pretty much well, where the temples, cemetaries, prawn farms, and highest peak is. It's also a great time to know people from TTB, which is long overdue for me. I've been to TTB for like 2 years and I still don't know anyone other than those in the music ministry and my BB friends. Haha. Yup, so since I'll be going alone, I've decided to rope in a couple of friends. AMENDA AND YI CHENG, YOU READING? Ha ha.

That outing clashes with our BB CARES, which is on the 16th July. We're supposed to go Police Academy to have some fun fair. Hmm, about 3 years ago we had a similar fun fair and the President, which is the Patron of the BB, came to visit our stall! Muaha. But since I've stepped down (and Pulau Ubin sounds more interesting), I should be going for BOUT. It's be some childish fun with kiddies, and of course another opportunity to know more about God, which I want to.

I've also just finished my Continuous Random Variables, which is like a few days overdue, kindly reminded by Mr Lee (who else?) during lecture on Friday. He had some sort of PMS I think. I read somewhere that men get affected by menopause too. Men-opause, geddit?

Time to relax, chillout.

But not for long.



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