Friday, April 18, 2008


i went to peninsula plaza to lower my guitar's action but i think the guy who fixed it lowered it a tad too much, now a couple strings have fret buzz. i guess i'll need to go back again tomorrow.

anyway, i've been trying to catch up on my reading and guitar playing and at the same time i'm busy with a lot of church and BB meetings and commitments. and i'm starting to get irritated by people who keep saying 'you do this/you do that lah, you so free what, never work' whenever there's things to be done. I don't understand why people can't seem to understand that the reason why I don't work is because i'm already very preoccupied with other stuff now, and I do not have the time to actually do paid work. and from what i see (and if i assume wrongly, please do correct me), most part-time work are stuff like data entry, manual labour or some administrative work which allows me to learn zilch. but a few weeks back i was considering working at like botak jones and hope that some customer will yell at me when i'm serving food so that i can observe the way i react.


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