Monday, November 08, 2004

Ah, the sound of music.

Hello. A very good evening.

What a nice Sunday.

I woke up in the afternoon and went to Winson's house at 3pm, or rather I was a little late. So the rest went first without me and I had the honourary task of buying printing paper and a black felt tip marker. I initially wanted to buy Digital Fortress as well, but decided not to. I'll buy it at a later date, once I finish my Da Vinci Code. Hehehe. It was a good move, considering the state of condition Da Vinci Code is in now. I hate it when my cover turns dog-eared. I've got to find the hard cover edition.

Amenda, go buy the hard cover one, then I'll tell you the secrets that the hard cover edition has. Yup, it's different. :)

So I went to Winson's house for the LAST PW MEETING we were going to have. And yea, it was quite okay. Been long since everyone was present in a meeting. Hehehe. Yup, and finalised everything. Printed and printed and printed stuffs. But our GPF still seems damn thin, compared to SOMEONE'S.

We be dead.

Then Mr. Yuhua saw my Da Vinci Code (I brought it along) and he told me how wonderful a book it was, even though he haven't read it yet. A best seller for very long. #1 hit. Wohoah. He told me that he read Digital Fortress before, and it was good.

I'm almost at the 3/4 part of the book already.

So we printed and slacked. We played Xbox and watched TV. Then after gaming we had to wait for our dear Mr. Yuhua to finish watching his anime (I think it was Full Metal Alchemy) before we could go for dinner. It was about 9.30pm already. We went to Bukit Panjang Plaza and ate Mos Burger. Had the teriyaki burger. I thought that the fries were actually better than the burger itself. Yucks.

Went home, reached home about 10.30pm (That's about 2 hours ago). Then had my 2nd dinner. Family bought backed Hokkien Prawn Mee from Kim's. Been long since I've been there. They be serving kickass Hokkien Prawn Mee.

Hopefully tomorrow will go smoothly. AND I HOPE WINSON DOES NOT BRING THE WRONG POWERPOINT PRESENTATION!! Cos he did the other time and luckily I printed the correct one and we had to edit the copy which he brought just before our rehearsal. So, yup, hopefully tomorrow they (examiners) will not throw tough questions at us. Hope everything goes smoothly.

Oh yes, I'm in the same room as Gabriel. So we'll be each other's audience. And we'll cheer each other on. Buahah.

I'll be having my 2nd meeting with the YEP krew tomorrow over at the BBHQ @ 7pm. The 1st meeting was kickass. Tomorrow's meeting would be kickass-er. Woohoo.

Good luck to everyone tomorrow, and good night!


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