Wednesday, October 13, 2004


WTF!!!! Damn BLOG had error in publishing and I HAVE TO RETYPE EVERYTHING! AS IF I CAN REMMEBER ALL!!

Okay, woke up at around 12pm today. Didn't know Lin had no school too :(

Yeah, so I went to Daiso to get 8 size C batteries and a frisbee which WE DID NOT USE. Okay, so we went Sentosa to have a bbq. What a boring outing! Didn't had much to do. GAJFLKASFJASL:FJFJSJFAKFJKASFJKASFJ:AJKL:ASFJKLASFJFKJASFKJASFASF

Okay, so I entertained myself with frisbee (yahoo!), beach volleyball (yahoo!), Magic cards (yahoo!), beach babes! (double yahoo! :D)

Did the above-mentioned things for like 7 hours? Yeah. Bored as hell. After that we left Palawan at about 8pm, went to Harbour Front Shopping Centre (?) to grab dinner and jalan-jalan.

Now I'm dead beat tired. Tomorrow I'll be throwing balls with my softball gang. Looking forward to that! Been long since I've played. I want to play!

After that maybe I'll go PS to get my softball and a new set of guitar strings. Yummay.

:NINJAEDIT: I hate mats >:( They almost killed Vivien when they THREW A FILLED WATER BOTTLE FROM THE BLOODY MONORAIL. WTF. Using Potential Energy = mgh, we can calculate the potential energy of the water ball and since the gain in KE is loss in PE, we can use 1/2*m*(v-squared) = mgh to find the velocity!


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