Sunday, September 19, 2004

Injury madness.

Why hello there.

Started off yesterday officiating for FaithActs captain's ball match. All in all good fun, but it was open for secondary school kids only. Saw a few babes tho'. The people at FaithActs are good people. :D

One of our BB/GB teams clinched 2nd place, winning 200 moolah worth of shopping vouchers. We (the officials) played our own match and we won the rest! Hurrah! During one of the matches, I got hit by the captain's ball and my specs bent badly. I had to play and officiate the rest of the matches technically blind. There were 59 matches all in all! Reached Delta complex at about 11am then left at about 5-6pm. But it was cool, got my specs fixed and all but it's still a little crooked.


Today I woke up late for my Bible study (again!) and missed youth service again. Woke up, fried my scrambled eggs and pizza and hash brown, then went to meet the rest of the boys for soccer practice. Quite okay, but halfway during training LESTER QUEK KIM SONG tackled me hard and I was down. Got back up, continued playing again. After that, LESTER QUEK KIM SONG again tackled me. The pain was excruciating. After that, I wanted to meet my sister so that we can go Jurong Point to get meself an ankle guard. But she said my mother suggested that we go to the doctor. So the three of us (mother,elder sis, me) went to Raffles Medical Centre. Turned out that my ankle was sprained and he gave me TWO WEEKS OF NON-PE. And my soccer tournament is next Saturday!! Doesn't that mean all my practice and trainings have come to nought!! HOPEFULLY (yep, hopefully) my ankle will recover and I'll be able to play next Saturday. I have to!

Oh yes, I almost forgot, I got a weird dream again. Isn't it weird when dream of the same dream?

I was playing with my younger brother in the living room when I lit a dynamite. Yep, a dynamite. Then er, my dad went near the dynamite. I told him that there will be a loud bang when the fuse was finished. But my dad continued walking towards it. After that, the dynamite didn't explode. Something that looked like a dynamite spinned up towards the ceiling behind the sofa. Then, beautiful fireworks exploded into the horizon. It was at night, by the way. After the fireworks finished exploding, a few (prolly 15) helicopters flew into our estate and near our balcony window. Someone say "Time to hide!" or something like that and the curtains were drawn. Then I saw something like a syringe thrown into our window. SUBTITLES (that's right folks, SUBTITLES!) in Chinese said something about a poison needle. I can't read you know!

Then someone in an oxygen tank and helmet came in. I killed him somehow, then 2 more came in. I took the dead man's pistol and shot at one. That person died immediately. After that I re-cocked my pistol and tried to shoot the other guy. Which idiot only puts one bullet into his magazine? After that I took the other guy's pistol and shot the 3rd person. Green blood came out. I took like 5 shots to kill him. There was peace, for awhile. I found 2 people running out from our bedroom. Yep. They had two shotguns. Subtitles said that they didn't have a lot of bullets to spare. After that I reloaded one of their shotgun and more helicopters came in. I pumped bullets into them and they all died. That was the end of my dream. Funny, isn't it?


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