Tuesday, August 31, 2004



Yes, what a wonderful day this is.

Started off dancing on the tables during mass dance today in front of the whole school. Everything went well. :)

After that went to give the present to my CT. Quite a happy/touching moment, hope he likes what we bought for him!

After that went back to my alma mata, YHSS. Remind me not to go back. Wtf, they won't allow us to go back until 12pm. And we reached at 10.30am. It's super gay, damn pissed off. At least I forgot about that when I met Mr Khor and Miss Hema. Found out that her baby daughter's called Sonia. I asked her to name it after me the last time. Hehe. She's gonna invite us to her house for Halloween and Deepavali. Yippie.

Then went back and slept and had Chinese tuition. Yep, tuition on Teachers' Day Eve. The last time my favourite teacher is gonna teach me. She's gonna give birth and from next week onwards, a new substitute teacher is gonna replace her. Speaking of the new teacher, she telephoned my house while I was sleeping. She asked me to go downstairs and tell the security guards to let her in. Wtf. I immediately woke up, I thought she was gonna replace my teacher today without any warning. So I sent my maid down to get her. My maid came back empty-handed shortly after that. She said the security guards had already let her in.

So I called my present teacher. She said the new teacher was supposed to come only next week. She came into our house and telephoned the new teachers. Yep, confusing. The new teacher didn't pick up her phone. About 5 minutes later, the new teacher called our house again. This time, she asked me why my block's lift could only go up to level 37. I was thinking, ' Wtf? My block has only 14 floors.' So I passed the phone to my present teacher and she told the new teacher that she was supposed to come only next week. Yep. We didn't know where she was, the highest floor in my estate was level 24. So I don't know if she got lost of something. Hahaha.

Yep, gonna watch Alien vs Predator tomorow. Goddamnit.


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