Friday, September 24, 2004


Why hello again.

Today, I stayed back in school till 9pm to do my revision for tomorrow's mock promos. And I'm gonna fail. Yep. Accompanying me was Yulin, Suxian, Yee Sim and one more girl whose name I still don't know ;( .Sorry. Okay, so Yulin and Yee Sim came back to JJ to study. Suxian is a math genius. She knows how to do the questions I ask her. keke. Okay, so I did my September revision paper. Other than that, today was pretty much the same.

Tomorrow, I'll be having my mock promo paper *horrors* and my MUCH anticipated soccer tournament. Yep, I've been training for this for a few months now, and I HAVE A DAMN INJJURY!! I don't care I'm gonna play tomorrow. The most I'll get injured again and I'll do my promos in crutches. :(

My mom is allowing me to get a new pair of spectacles, the current one I'm using will be used as my sports specs. The other (which I think would be frameless) would be used for normal activities. :D

Okay, lets pray and hope that everything turns out well tomorrow, from my math paper to my soccer match!

Tudos, time for World War II.

What to do, it's a friday. :D


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