Wednesday, November 09, 2005

what know you not.

Quick update here.

Math was alright. Was surprised I was able to wake up like at around 10.30am despite sleeping late nights for the past few weeks. Had a quick lunch, didn't had an appetite, so went off to school about 1.5hours before the paper started. Caught up with some friends whom I haven't seen after school officially ended.

Math paper 1 was alright, lah, albeit being shocked at the first question. I think it was a matter of butterflies in the tummy. My better senses kicked in and I managed to do most of the questions (just hope I get them right) apart from 2 parts. That's about 11 marks gone. Not bad though, I had like 30+ marks of questions I couldn't answer initially, but in the end I managed to do some.

1 day gone, 5 days to go.

I was telling myself the night before, something like "If I screw even one paper up, I won't be getting into a university". Come to think of it, it is true, but that's why there's two papers for most subjects isn't it? (apart from diverging us from the fact that we have so much stuff to memorise, or mug). But, if one falls, the other must rise. That's how I managed to pass my mathematics for prelims. If you think you can't get through one, bang on the other. Or for Science, bang on your Paper1 and SPA.

Remember: You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. Don't give up. Press on; for this is the final battle all of us have been waiting for.

On a more lighter note (as with all posts):

I can get my el-cheapo lens after A's! Yippie! Check my posting out here. If you have any friends who are into photography, ask them if they have any lens for cheap buggers. :)

Time to read my computing notes.

Good luck for those Chem students out there.


PS: I uploaded a new song (actually not) by Hillsong. I got the God He Reigns CD off dad's golf goodie bag a few nights before. I especially LOVE this track, it's sort of more jazzy than the one on the previous album, Look To You. I love the bass on this track too. I urge all of you to have the patience to let it load - it's good. :)


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