Thursday, October 13, 2005

This Is The Last Time.


Well, 1 and 2/3 years has passed by SO SO fast. People always complain that time pasts so slowly, or how they dread the next day. But yes friends, the 2 year mark is looming upon us. So friggin fast right? I can't believe it. If you've been around me recently, you should have heard me commenting that last week seemed like Orientation 2. Sheesh!

Tomorrow's the last official school day for us J2s! It's the last time to officially drink the water cooler, officially eat uncle's 'hardcore' egg prata, officially drink Vitasoy, officially piss in that latrine, officially go for lessons, not forgetting officially talking to friends, and the list goes on and on. Oh well, I guess it's time to reflect on the time we spent in school and look forward to the hopefully bright future ahead of us. Today was the last official computing lesson. :(


I'm gonna hand in my compo tomorrow (codenamed : Political Essay). It's about blogging and podcasting, but I included politics inside. Hoho. I shall share some of my thoughts with you.

You see, you HAVE to know and be aware that Singapore isn't totally democratic. The media, laws, and most things around us are mostly one sided. Content in the newspapers are controlled. A recent survey to find out how restricted media content is done by Reporters Without Borders showed that out of 167 countries, Singapore ranked 147. The higher your number, the more journalists will feel restricted. Guess what, Iraq was ranked 148. North Korea 167. And who was in first place? Denmark.

Well, school's IN tomorrow, for the last time!

We're gonna take computing class photos, so watch out for the computing students with their tripods and cameras tomorrow! (Good luck spotting, there are only 4 of us in the entire school! Muahaha!)


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