Saturday, September 17, 2005

Half Time.


Just an hour ago, ANOTHER blogger got charged for sedition. That's the third case in Singapore already. And guess what, this fella is only 17 years old! Sheesh, makes me think twice before I post my stuff online. I've always thought the internet was a solution to the question of free speech, but I retract my words.

Not that I'm racist of course, please do not misunderstand that fact. What I'm saying is, yes, the government should crack down people like them and fine them. After all, whatever rights one have, there are also moral values(more to be touched upon) to uphold. Racism is bad. And we all know that.

But free speech ain't that free anymore. It never was. If I recall correctly, in 1994, a local ISP called TechNet conducted a search within accounts for GIF extensions, and out of 80,000 files, 5 were deemed pornographic. That is how much control authorities have. And it's scary.

Is society getting more apprehensive about touchy issues? Sure, we've got a speaker's corner, and opinions on sensitive topics like religion are not supposed to be voiced out. But the question is: Are we doing the right thing by avoiding this problem? Does circumventing over the issue really solve everything? Are we really opening a can of worms?

Personally, without any basis at all, I feel that the answer is a definite 'no'. If you think education is expensive, try ignorance. Yes, curiosity did kill the cat, but without curiosity, the cat would have thought it was a chicken. It might have even crossed the road. But bad jokes aside, I think that by averting the topic, we are only delaying the problem. Sooner or later, the issue of racism must be tackled, and this is evident now. Why the sudden 'arrests' of two, and now three bloggers? I don't know. The last time the Sedition Act was invoked was over 10 years ago.

Of course, the solution to this problem is simple, but to get the government to implement it would be useless. Primarily because it cannot be implemented at all. It is already existing, and it varies from household to household. What's the method? It's called upbringing. By having the right moral values, bad things will still happen, but it could be at a lower rate.

Speaking of morals, if everyone has the 'right' upbringing(and it's subjective), Singapore would be a much better place. No more spitting, masticating with mouths open, and so on. It all goes down to the mind. Tolerance? Maybe.

But now that this has happened, I really am not sure what one is allowed/not allowed to say online. Was what I have just written criminal?

So now that the score is 3-0, who's next?

Your guess is as good as mine.

Have a nice weekend.

DISCLAIMER: What you have just read is purely based on my personal views. No hard feelings eh?


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