Saturday, December 31, 2005

absolut apeach.

Seems like my biological clock is screwed! I woke up at 5pm today, and even now I feel tired.

Err so I guess I have nothing to do today, except for 7.45pm, dinner in church. It's a farewell dinner for Pastor B.

Anyway, if any of you guys are wondering, the photos below (and all that I post) are those without postprocessing, without filters.

Taken with my Nikon FM2n with Nikkor 28-70 f3.5-4.5D AF on a Centuria ISO 400.



Just got back from church.

But we had prom night before that. It was fun, my first prom night. Anyway, was about 1 hour late because I went to Kim Tian to pick up my film. Haha. Then went Suntec where prom night was held. Okay had some fun, but it was nice catching up with old buddies.

After that the class went ChinaBlack, but I went to church instead. Had 40 Hours of Prayer from 2am to 4am, then went to eat at Mac's, then here I am typing this.

Seems that the disc KT gave me has some virus, argh. Can't access the pictures without having the Norton Antivirus poping out stating I've some errors. Will post them next.

Some are quite okay, some plainly suck.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

im haunted, weeping.


First post after my Thailand trip. Quite nice, almost got mugged by teens though. Hahaha.

Been really really busy these few days, can't find time to develop my rolls :(

Anyway, will try to do so tomorrow.

Till then,


Thursday, December 22, 2005

random thoughts

why is dictionary such a long word?

Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Okay hello.

Went to CamX today, excellent service. Went to drop off my E Series lens, and got a quote for my dad's camera and lens. Went home, dad say go ahead, so either him or myself will go down again tomorrow to drop both off.

Then in the evening, it's off to Bangkok. Just hope it's not too cold, and the floodwaters will subside.

Back on Boxing Day, then hopefully the stuff will be ready for collection. It's gonna cost a total of $205. Will finish my roll of film tomorrow, then drop it off at Kim Tian.


Tuesday, December 20, 2005

'Tis the season to be jolly, falalalalalalalala.


Things have been moving around pretty quick the past few days, and it's gonna get faster in the next few.

We(BB & GB) had a christmas party in church yesterday, and it was fun. In light of all the hiccups that came up last minute, I dare say we managed to do a good job. Had great fun too.

For the next few days I'd be in Bangkok. Nope, not for a mission trip (I wish though), it's another family holiday. I don't know why we have 2 this holiday. So I apologise in advance for any withdrawal symptoms. Will be back on Boxing Day(argh!).

That means I will miss a few key events in church: namely FMC's Narnia event, and Christmas Party!!!

Okay, so when I get back I had better hurry to get my black shoes before prom night. I don't have to buy some fanciful clothes, I will be wearing my warrant officer uniform sans the coat. HAHA. And *try* to look like the event photographer. Then after prom night I will rush down to church (you heard me correctly) as we will be having a continuous 40 hours of prayer. At 2am, they will commence the prayer sesssion for GB and BB until 6am. After that I should be going home to sleep, or stone in church until about 7pm, then we will be having a farewell dinner for Pastor B ( :( ).

That's the plan for the next 2 weeks, assuming everything goes smoothly.

OH I'll be having my Basic Theory Test on the 29th, and I had better pass if not I have to retake my evaluation again. And I'm considering Final evaluation tomorrrow. Vroom!

Finally found a buyer for my 100AW. Transaction will be tomorrow, and if it goes through, I'll rush down to City Hall to get my lens fixed. Yay!

Okay bye.

PS: OH by the way, Ezann Lee is actually Ericia Lee's younger sister! :o

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Nikomat FT-2


Saturday, December 17, 2005

Be with Me.


Okay, as the title suggests, I have JUST finish watching Eric Khoo's Be With Me. After watching it, it makes me want to buy his box set, which surprisingly can't be found anywhere. And it's rated R21. :(

Anyhoo, the past few days have been REALLY busy, and the next few are only going to get worser. What happened to the days after A Levels? I thought we were going to slack alot?

I registered for driving at BBDC 2 days ago, and since then I've finished 2 Basic Theory Lessons, 2 Basic Evaluation (79% and 100% for my score respectively), 1 Basic Practice, and 2 Final Theory Lessons. Talk about chionging, the past few days have been spent at BBDC. And church. And BB meetings. There's gonna be youthJam tomorrow, at worship hall! Can you believe it? We're gonna use worship hall tomorrow! So, if you're anywhere near Commonwealth MRT tomorrow between 8am to 12pm, feel free to stop by Level 4 of Faith Methodist Church.

Okay, and Samantha Tan and Ezann Lee are so hot in the movie, besides Ezann's awesome-ly coolistic name.

ERM, apart from that, I still am short of money to repair my lens which have been attacked by fungus. No, not mushrooms. Okay, so if you are kind-hearted enough, please drop me a SMS or MSN message stating you wish to donate to "The Timothy Lens Repairing cum Miscellaneous Fund". K thank you.

Sleep early then!

Goodbye to you, citizens!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Morning/Afternoon, Boys' Brigade.


Well, today at Sharity Gift Box I finally had something to do. I became the receptionist at HQ. HAH. How fun man. Basically what I had to do was to pick up the phone when it rang, transfer the calls to the correct extensions and answer queries on-

1. Sharity Gift Box
2. Miscellaneous stuff.

So it was fun. But quite stressful. Calls kept coming in fast and hard. Had to think FAST, then reply. And sometimes stupid things come out. The 'standard' first message to say was 'Morning/Afternoon, Boys' Brigade.' For my first call, I said 'HELLO'.

The boys had nothing to do anyway. They got scolded by another primer from another company because of that. I mean, hello, it's not their fault they aren't doing anything. And if you want to scold my boys, do it in front of me. I hate people who do things behind my back without me knowing and I only found out when the boys complained to me. Sissy.

Anyway, I saw the cutie again on the way home. Same time same path taken as yesterday. Hoho. So cute.

Okay sleep bye.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

cute girls, games, music.


I'm back from Sharity Gift Box, yessiree, it was fun. But uber boring. My company was put to the warehouse, which means packing up the stuff which people donate. But since I was wearing the Primers' uniform, I was basically in charge of taking care of the boys (read: duty officer). Okay, so I slacked from 9am to 3pm. Then we (some boys and I) went to walk around Orchard Road. After that went home.

And we're gonna do the exact same thing tomorrow.

So I'm gonna bring capteh (if i can find one lying around somewhere) and ping pong bats and balls to play tomorrow. Hoho! How fun will it be boy. We seriously hoped that the boys would be put to either collection or delivery, but fate has it they got chosen to pack. Oh well, there's next year.

Okay, friggishly tired.