Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Nights off!

Shiok ah! Hah.

Anyway this week is gonna be sad, because we are going outfield next week, and I have to stay back during the weekends to do some routine clerical duties. Argh! But as they say, suffer now, enjoy later.

Okay, life is getting more and more miserable in camp because of some implementations. But I won't say what that is.

I'm going to back to Pulau Tekong tomorrow to collect my docket. I can't wait man! I get to sit the Penguin Express again. Wootay!

Okay gaming then back to camp.

See yall on Friday evening!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Thom Hugan.


I finally got my D70s two days ago.

It was like Christmas all over again; coming home to golden boxes, opening them to find toys inside.

Toys, heh. As we grow up our toys get more expensive and different.

Anyway, dad's back into his photography again (I guess), considering how much he plays around with the camera.

The weeks been alright, I'm settling down quite nicely. Except for a few buggers (which is common), I'm surprisingly having a nice time there.

Spent the weekend going out shooting with the new camera. Went to Esplanade (my usual hang-out) from City Hall MRT, then walked towards the Merlion, went to Chinatown and finally Plaza Singapura to meet my Mum and Sis for dinner.

Interestingly enough, I met alot of people. I saw Madam Teo (my GP teacher when I was in JJC) in Chinatown with her family, Vivien at Manhatten Fish Market at PS and Sergeant Nasser along The Cathay. It was quite dark, around 8pm+ when I heard someone shout 'EH TIM!'. I spun around and lo and behold there stood a sergeant from Ninja. I shouted back, 'SERGEANT!'. He told me not to call him Sergeant when we're out of camp (lol) and asked me where I was. Exchanged a few pleasantries before continuing on our way. A few of his friends who were with him keep sniggering and muttering 'sergeant'. Haha.

I don't think there's night's off this coming Tuesday, so don't expect an update yeah. Heh.

Hong Wei, my close friend from BB, JJC, will be ORDing tomorrow. Lucky, lucky. The funny thing I get when I hear about friends ORDing is that I will reply 'I want to ORD too!'. Then I realise that I have exactly 600 days to ORD from this time of post. Envious of friends ORDing, yes. But you can't help but wonder what they have gone through these couple of years in NS. Then you realise there's a long long way more to go.

Okay then, back to slacking around abit more, then back to camp for me. See you on Friday night (if not Tuesday)!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

pumping position down!

Hay sexays.

Tonight's night's off, which means I can go home at 6pm, and go back camp at 11pm.

Nothing much to say, except things have been happening around in camp. I shall not disclose them, but there's a very high possibility that next week's night's off privilege will be taken from us. So you can guess what events have happened.

Remember what I said about the re-vocation? I've thought it through and I've decided to abolish that thought, and carry on with where I am now. Stressful, yes, but at the end of the day, it's the army. I'm supposed to serve my nation, and I don't expect it to be a walk in a park.

I read the papers recently and there was this guy who got LKY's award who wrote in the Forum section of The Straits Times. He was referring to the incident whereby should this young kid defer from NS 'cos he's uber musically talented and stuff and got into a prestigious college to further his interest in music. In summary, he said that army brings you out of your comfort zone, and trains you to adapt to it.

I guess that's what happening to me now.

I won't be updating on Thursday because I'm not a 2nd year soldier, and thus not qualified to have 2 nights off a week.

On a brighter note, the Branch dudes have been ultra nice to Nicholas and myself, so it's kinda great to be in S1 branch, despite the workload and stress.

On Friday, we're planning to hit the town after bookout with the other OOTs whose camps are nearby. Can't waste any time you know, heh heh heh.

So yup, DOTA, then rest awhile and it's back to camp!

It's nice to be posting, see you guys on Friday night!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

anytime she goes away.

I know I know I know I know I know.

Hey there.

Sorry about the late posting, I'm supposed to post earlier. Why? Cos we were supposed to clear leave for the rest of last week. So I was out since last Wed night.

I didn't do much on Thursday, I went out to town on Friday night, whole of Saturday, and till afternoon today. Where did I go? Mostly lan in town. Heh heh heh.

My unit is great; life there is great; but the workload is scary.

But like what I said last week, maybe I'm just new and I'm still feeling intimidated. New people; new environment; the works.

This morning after service and class the whole lot of us (the sec3s and leaders) went out for lunch @ California Pizza in town. We were there to say farewell to one of the leaders, who will be going to Philippines to practise medicine. And she'd be there for a whopping 5-10 years. That's like so long, I can ORD at least twice. I'm only in my 2nd month of NS and I feel like it's forever. So you can imagine how long 2 years will be. Then imagine how long 5-10years will be.

Another interesting thing is that when I told mum of a hopeful transfer out of my current unit (I shall share more on that on later posts, as events unfold themselves), she shared a parable from the Bible! Interesting huh, because she's not a Christian. Cool :)

I might also buy a D70s kit sometime next week. Dad says should get a D200 instead. I say wow.

Will be booking in tonight @ 2230. The next time I can expect coming out is Tuesday night. High chance of me going home then.

That is, if we even have a nights off at all. So if you guys don't see an update on Tuesday, then it's Thursday. Hehe.

Okay, please take good care of yourselves, ok?


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Docu Clerk.

Hey there,

Wondering again how come there's another entry? Because today's night's off. What does that mean? It means we can leave camp at 6+pm, then return at 11pm. Sounds short, but it does wonders for the soul.

When I reported to the camp today, I got pretty lost. Luckily my upperstudy went out to look for me. A nice chap. He showed us to the office, and initially I was like, 'just like ninja OOT company!'. Cos everyone was reading the papers.

At 8am, the real work started. That's when I got myself into becoming a Docu Clerk, which means I handle almost everything. And yes, it is stressful. Maybe it's because it's the first day and my upperstudy is giving me alot of information and SOPs. So at the end of the day I felt super stressed and mentally tired.

So when they told me that today was night's off, I was super happy. I went home straight away. I talked to my family about today and they gave some comforting words, I felt so so so much better after that. My vocation doesn't seem that bad after all. Maybe I was too stressed up to think clearly.

After all, the people's great (so far), I think I can fit in quite okay. Job's stressful, but that's the army right?

At least I can proudly tell people that I rightfully earned myself a black beret.

I'm leaving again in about an hours time.

See you all on Friday evening. :)

Monday, May 15, 2006


Hey there.

Abit surprised to see an update in the middle of the week? You should be, heh.

I've been posted out! That means I will no longer be in Tekong, in Ninja, and such. Sad, yes.

Come to think of it, it's quite scary. When we booked in last night, they were saying something like '3 more weeks to POP!'. Then I wondered how I would have fared for the past 6 weeks. Just 3 more weeks and they're outta Tekong, but I still have to come back for a recourse someday.

This afternoon after IMT shoot, I received a call from a unit clerk. He said that I will be his understudy (a.k.a mentor) and so I will pack all my barang and report at 40SAR (Singapore Armour Regiment) tomorrow at 8am. So I packed my bags in my bunk, and the most difficult thing was saying your goodbyes to your bunkmates. Those bastards who made your life so terrible, those bastards who made your life so meaningful for the past 6 weeks. Those bastards who suffered with you. I went to every section to say goodbye.

How quaint. I arrived in Tekong 6 weeks ago, made new friends, made some very good friends, and now I have to say farewell. It's fast, barely knowing them and yet missing them so much.

Another difficult thing was saying farewell to the fellow OOTs. Those who did sai-kang with me for the past few weeks. Those, whom who endured the hardship which we weren't supposed to endure.

Some of them have already been posted out, and tomorrow we will be going to our new unit. Sadly, all of us were posted to different units, so we won't be seeing much of each other.

As of this posting, I'm feeling butterflies in my stomach. Why? What scares me most is the life in a unit. I've heard both good and bad things about being in a unit. Rumours about unit life being totally different to BMTC life, a 180 degree turn. My unit is stay in, which means I won't be able to come back everyday, but book out and book in on weekends, like what I'm doing now.

What I'm also afraid is that they'll ask me to do things I'm not supposed to do, like chiong-anything (which why I was OOTed in the first place).

Well, the family recceed the place just now, we found Keat Hong camp, and it looks intimidating.

Let's just hope everything turns out well.

Will post about the difference in unit life this weekend.

See you guys, and please take care.

Saturday, May 13, 2006


so today saw me basically going out to town with the OOTs. Played lan, arcade, NTU talk, lan again, then home.

Easy peasy day.

Tomorrow's book-in day, so fast man. It was like a few hours ago that Fabius' parents gave me a lift home from Changi.

Okay, will update more later/tomorrow. Feeling abit sluggish now.

Thursday, May 11, 2006



Back after 2 weeks.

So field camp is over, thankfully! Had to do so much logistical work as I'm OOT. Refill jerry cans, carry store/unload store, and stuff like that. The past 7 days have been OOT hell.

I'm glad I'm back. But my cough from 2 weeks ago is getting worser each day, I think it's something to do with all my biscuit and whathaveyou snacking everyday. Heh.

Anyway, field rations are yummy. They're better than cookhouse rations, which are not THAT bad, but eat the same food every week is getting to me.

Okay short update, but I'll do more during the LONG WEEKEND! Muahaahahahaha.