Sunday, May 21, 2006

anytime she goes away.

I know I know I know I know I know.

Hey there.

Sorry about the late posting, I'm supposed to post earlier. Why? Cos we were supposed to clear leave for the rest of last week. So I was out since last Wed night.

I didn't do much on Thursday, I went out to town on Friday night, whole of Saturday, and till afternoon today. Where did I go? Mostly lan in town. Heh heh heh.

My unit is great; life there is great; but the workload is scary.

But like what I said last week, maybe I'm just new and I'm still feeling intimidated. New people; new environment; the works.

This morning after service and class the whole lot of us (the sec3s and leaders) went out for lunch @ California Pizza in town. We were there to say farewell to one of the leaders, who will be going to Philippines to practise medicine. And she'd be there for a whopping 5-10 years. That's like so long, I can ORD at least twice. I'm only in my 2nd month of NS and I feel like it's forever. So you can imagine how long 2 years will be. Then imagine how long 5-10years will be.

Another interesting thing is that when I told mum of a hopeful transfer out of my current unit (I shall share more on that on later posts, as events unfold themselves), she shared a parable from the Bible! Interesting huh, because she's not a Christian. Cool :)

I might also buy a D70s kit sometime next week. Dad says should get a D200 instead. I say wow.

Will be booking in tonight @ 2230. The next time I can expect coming out is Tuesday night. High chance of me going home then.

That is, if we even have a nights off at all. So if you guys don't see an update on Tuesday, then it's Thursday. Hehe.

Okay, please take good care of yourselves, ok?



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