Sunday, November 26, 2006

up the irons!

Well! It's Sunday night again! It's kind of crazy, I haven't been playing much these past few weekends. I've been doing duties like nobody's business.

I was on duty yesterday, and will be again tomorrow. I'm not complainin though, duties are fun because I get to escape the monotony of work in the office.

But, as half the camp is already empty, life's starting to get easier. We're trying to close branch at 5.30pm everyday. It was hell working from 7am till 10.30pm everyday, I tell you.

Iron Maiden's newest album is sweet. 2 tracks stand out from the rest: Different World and The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg. I can actually play the solo in Different World.

Weekends are great, because I get to go to church, meet up with the krew, and do nothing.

I apologise for the rather short post today, the book-in mood is starting to get to me. Argh, don't you just hate Sunday nights!


Sunday, November 19, 2006

asleep tonight.

Well, I heard the 'A's are over, so hurray for everyone!

I had duty on Friday, so came back only on Saturday.

I slept from 11am to 6pm, so go figure.

Oh well, as least I could actually sleep.

So I'll start writing about today.

I went to church as usual, then finished at 4pm. Went out with winson and yuhua. Went to vivocity, crowded as hell. Had some trouble finding a place to eat. So we went into pastamania.

Went into some car replica shop beside pastamania, quite cool. The last time I went into that shop was like February, and the difference between that experience and now is that I can actually appreciate cars. Like, I can at least differentiate a toyota from a nissan at a distance.

If you want me to differentiate the models, well, you gotta wait for a few more months man.

I bought Iron Maiden's newest CD. Yuhua bought +44's debut CD, which I am gonna grab from him sometime next week. Trivium's CD was good, but it gets repetitive.

Okay, time to slack, then back to camp I go.

And another week.

Oh wait, I got marksman again for my range, and this time I got myself a day off, a marksman badge to sew unto my uniform, and most importantly, $200. ka-ching!

Heh, heh, heh!

Sunday, November 12, 2006


Well, this week was event filled.

You see, I booked out on Thursday. 2pm. That's right. We had the ORD function in the evening at the newly built Civil Service Club thingy over at Bukit Batok. It was alright, I guess.

The whole battalion had to take leave on Friday, so I went out and bought Trivium's new album. I was actually trying to get Amber Pacific's CD, but HMV's selling it for $43, which is quite insane. So I'll be getting it over, once I figure out how I can get myself a bank draft.

Saturday was duty. Insane too, we watched full-length movies over a 24 hour period. We watched Scary Movie 4, King Arthur, Date Movie, Kingdom of Heaven, High School Musical, Initial D, and finally League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

As a result, I didn't get to sleep much. I booked out this morning, then went straight home. I bathed, ate my McDonald's breakfast, then we (the family) headed straight to Malaysia for my grandfather's birthday. It was quite alright, but I noticed that the cousins aren't really close to each other. I'd hear from my friends like, 'Oh I 'm going home cos I'm meeting my relatives for dinner', or 'My cousin farted this afternoon!'. My family is nothing like that. In fact, our cousins rarely speak to each other. Weird, isn't it. I guess some contributing factors include us meeting only like twice a year, and nothing more. The next time I'd see them is during Chinese New Year. It'd be great if us cousins were closer...

We reached home at around 4pm. I slept for 3 hours, and here I am typing this out. Then book in again later. Argh!

Event-filled weekend, yup. I'll be having range on Tuesday, hopefully I'll shoot well.

Until the next post, goodbye!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

i had a dream.

another week gone by!

and this week my friends, would be the week of reckoning. Why? That's because, after working so so hard since September to make sure everything's okay, half the battalion will finally ORD starting tomorrow. Some have already ORDed today. So, for the entire week, I'd be hoping and praying that all ICs are in and everyone is happy. I've been working for like 10.30pm everyday for the past week, starting work as early as 7.45am. Non-stop. It's crazy on the brain, I tell you.

And we had range last wednesday.

Lo and behold, I was Best Shot, and attained Marksman. I got 30/32 targets, not bad, for a first-timer.

I booked out on Friday night @ 9pm, I would sadly proclaim that I was most probably the last person left in camp at that time. After which, I went to meet Khien and Yuhua for dinner at Clementi, at some western food stall called Botak Jones. We had to wait 45min before the food arrived. But it was good stuff. It's at Clementi Ave 5, if you're wondering. I ordered Cajun Chicken, too spicy for my liking, but it was hardcore.

Saturday was spent mostly at home. Gamed the whole day.

Today was spent in church. We didn't had classes today, as there was a Sec 2 vs Sec 3 soccer match at ACS(International). I regretted not bringing my soccer gear along as I thought it wouldn't be nice to suffocate the people around me with my stink when I went back to church for membership class after the match. Why did I regret? Cos the moment I saw the pitch, I instantly felt like playing. What's more, we thrashed the Sec2s 10-3. It was a super funny match, with teammates accidentally clashing into each other, and a terrific display of the infamous 'Hand of God'. He got sent off, and a penalty was given. Luckily the keeper saved the penalty, causing much grievance to the other side.

Heh heh.

And I bought my 2nd pair of dunks just now. It looks great. Had to run all over Queensway before I could find the size that fits me.

Oh well, time to bathe and bum around for awhile, before going back to camp. But I feel unusually excited to go back to camp. I have no idea why. Weird, isn't it? Let's hope everything goes well, and I get to book out on Tuesday. And who knows, Chief might just give me off-in-lieu because of all the time burnt. But thinking again, maybe not. Heh!

Okay lah, time to end this post. Had quite a great weekend, could have been better (jamming!), but great, nonetheless. See you guys, on Tuesdays hopefully!

Good night!