Sunday, October 31, 2004

Louisville Slugger.

Hello all.

Yesterday, we had softball training. Coach taught us all how to bunt the ball properly. After that it was too late to go to the BB meeting. So Bryan, ah Tam, Bao Yue, Yuhua, Rayson and I went to Kallang to watch the National Baseball team and National Women's Softball team play. A baseball team from Sri Lanka came to visit and they were playing a friendly. The journey to the field was horrible, but the matches were fun to watch, and I learnt alot. Left Kallang at about 7pm? Yep, and after that we went home.

Today I woke up at about 11am, and I did not go to Church. :(

Nothing to do, so I think I shall sleep now. Goodnight.

Friday, October 29, 2004


Why hello.

The weekend is here.

So are the holidays :)

Started the day waking up at 5.30am. Thought there was school. Then realised it was a holiday, and went back to bed. Slacked through the entire day, as usual. Played games, blahblahblah. At night, my mother, brother and I went to Pizza Hut for dinner. A great end to the day, avoiding my maid's cooking. Woohoo! :)

We tried the new Chicken Teriyaki pizza. Damn it sucked. Badly.

There was this Miso soup was too damn saltish, maybe it was because the soup was nearing to its base, so normally all the saltish and undesirable stuff hangs around. Think of it like Milo. The thick and gooey stuff always ends up at the bottom.

The pizza was too sweet, in my opinion. Luckily, we also ordered a regular sized Super Supreme, my favourite pizza of all time.

I suddenly remembered of Rocky's Pizza at the Rail Mall. Haven't tried that joint, looks/sounds good.

On the way back, I collected my new spectacles. I got these. They look kinda cool. Before I collected my specs, I found out that Optical 88 opened a new branch just opposite the Jurong East Regional Library, and they have the frameless model I initially wanted! Basket! Oh well, oaks are too expensive anyways. I'll probably get them when I'm older.

Tomorrow, softball training, then BB camp meeting.

Have a great weekend.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

OGL reloaded.

Whay hello.

Just got back from the OGL meeting. I sang loud, I cheered with all my might, I jumped high, I had fun!

I felt the surge of the OGL spirit once again, since February. JJ spirit, maybe?

Today nothing much happened. It was the last day of me officially being the class rep of 04S30 today! Quite happy, sad also. One year has passed by so fast. So much has happened.

And I forgot what I was supposed to type.

Oh yes, I'm gonna collect my new specs this Saturday. Hehehe.

Today's the last day of school too, so all my after-school programmes will be starting soon. I'll be very very very busy till January or February, until orientation ends. Really miss the OGL days. I'm lucky to be reliving that soon. Woohoo. :)

Sunday, October 24, 2004



Just slacking around today.

We (family) just got back from Plaza Parkroyal for buffet.
It was alright.

The table next to us was terribly horrible though. They took so much and couldn't finish anything. Geez.
The funny thing was that after they had eaten finish, their mother took a straw and dug her teeth. omgwtfbbq. Gross. Then after a while their daughter (who I think was a little dim-witted) took the straw and used it to drink her water.

There was a guy (chinaman?) who kept taking his food for his family. None of the family members stood up to get their own food. That guy scooped oysters out from their shells which were on the salad bar and walked away, leaving the empty shells here. Heh.

After we ate finish we decided to go Plaza Singapura, but changed our minds after the entrance to the parking lots were full and crowded.

Slack slack slack.

I still have my Physics Skill A to do. I totally forgot about it!

Hopefully Winson will do his job in binding + printing of the written report. It's time for the rest of the members to do their job.

Sigh. I feel so much like sleeping but I have to do Physics. :(

Okay bye.

Friday, October 22, 2004

Lily's Eyes.


By now you should know why I called this blog The Inconsistent One.

Been long since I updated.

Okay, everything's been going fine so far.

Can't wait for the holidays! :)

I met up with the Cambodia YEP krew yesterday. A really really really cool bunch of people. I can't wait for the trip! Everyone was friendly and cool.

Tomorrow I'll be having softball training! BB parade resumes next Saturday.

I'm slacking now. Bored. OGL interview next monday, hopefully I won't screw it up. BORED BORED BORED.

Okay. Bye.

Friday, October 15, 2004


Why hello.

I'm bored. Bored as hell.


I can't find anything to do!!! Listen to my musak until I've heard it over and over and over and over and over again. Play games till I'm bored. TV? Don't even mention it.

Right now I'm chillin' to Hotel California for the 5th time today. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay okay. I woke up LATE for unofficial softball training yesterday. Nik, Yuhua, Bao Yue and Rayson turned up wit me. We threw and catched for a while, but stopped when the weather turned HOT HOT HOT. So me and baoyue went suntanning. After that we went to play squash. Heheh. Then I went home and slept.

Tomorrow, I'll collect my leather ball from Bao Yue!!

And I'll do my PW oral presentation practice tomorrrow too.

I'm bored.

Watched a ball game between St Louis Cardinals and Houston Astros today. Nice game, highlight was when the Cardinals scored 2 home runs back to back :D

for the guys, hot babe, HERE.
for the ladies, hot hunk, HERE.

Oh yeah. I'm supposed to get my strings. AFJKLASF:ALFS:

I miss my guitar.

Tudos, to a very boring night.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004


WTF!!!! Damn BLOG had error in publishing and I HAVE TO RETYPE EVERYTHING! AS IF I CAN REMMEBER ALL!!

Okay, woke up at around 12pm today. Didn't know Lin had no school too :(

Yeah, so I went to Daiso to get 8 size C batteries and a frisbee which WE DID NOT USE. Okay, so we went Sentosa to have a bbq. What a boring outing! Didn't had much to do. GAJFLKASFJASL:FJFJSJFAKFJKASFJKASFJ:AJKL:ASFJKLASFJFKJASFKJASFASF

Okay, so I entertained myself with frisbee (yahoo!), beach volleyball (yahoo!), Magic cards (yahoo!), beach babes! (double yahoo! :D)

Did the above-mentioned things for like 7 hours? Yeah. Bored as hell. After that we left Palawan at about 8pm, went to Harbour Front Shopping Centre (?) to grab dinner and jalan-jalan.

Now I'm dead beat tired. Tomorrow I'll be throwing balls with my softball gang. Looking forward to that! Been long since I've played. I want to play!

After that maybe I'll go PS to get my softball and a new set of guitar strings. Yummay.

:NINJAEDIT: I hate mats >:( They almost killed Vivien when they THREW A FILLED WATER BOTTLE FROM THE BLOODY MONORAIL. WTF. Using Potential Energy = mgh, we can calculate the potential energy of the water ball and since the gain in KE is loss in PE, we can use 1/2*m*(v-squared) = mgh to find the velocity!


Why hello to yet another interesting post.

Woke up at about 12.30pm today. Didn't know Lin didn't had school!

Okay, went to Daiso to get 8 batteries and a frisbee for our Sentosa outing. Met Khairulddin and ate lunch.

Then we made our way to Sentosa. Blahblahblah, what a boring outing! Didn't had much to do, only frisbee, beach volleyball and Magic cards. Bored as hell. :(

Then stayed till like 8pm then left Palawan Beach. We made our way to Harbour Front Shopping Centre (?) and ate dinner, walked around. Erm. Then went home. Yeah. Saw the touch rugby girls too, they had their outing there today too.

Nothing much to do. PW oral presentation rehearsal on Friday for Tuesday's class session. We're the first group to go.

And, gonna throw balls with the softball gang tomorrow, then MIGHT make my way to PS to get my softball and guitar strings. Hurray!

:NINJAEDIT: I hate mats. :(

Tuesday, October 12, 2004


yes! Promos over! Time to slack!

Right now I'm eating my softee ice cream which I bought last night. My mum rather.

Woke up at about 2.30pm, hehehe.

Tuition at 5.30pm for Chinese later, sigh, have to start doing homework now. Sian! Can't wait for AO levels for Chinese to be over man.

I watched The Exorcist : The Beginning yesterday. Went alone, cos the rest didn't want to go. And I couldn't wait any longer, hehehe. The show was quite alright, I got scared in stupid parts of the movie (crows flying around, doors opening), and when the scary parts came, I wasn't scared. All in all a good show, an okay twist at the end, but the CGI really sucked. Yep. Could see where it was fake and all. The sad part of the movie was, I wasn't even bugged after the movie. I normally get spooked for like one week after watching ghost flicks (The Eye), but for The Beginning, I wasn't. :( However, the spiritual aspect of the film is terrific. You could really feel the power of the verses which Merrin used. Which reminds me, I haven't been to church since Promos started. :(

I give it a 3/5 rating.

Anyway, we're having a BBQ at Sentosa tomorrow. Hehhe. Tuition in 1 and 1/2 hours time!

Gotta get that Girl to like baseball. Luckily she didn't stay up when I asked her to. The Cable TV guide tricked me. And I stayed up till 1am to watch. Sad. So I didn't wake up at 8am to watch today, in case they trick me again. There's another one at 5pm later though.

Next movie to watch?

Probably another acton/ghost flick. Ah, Resident Evil.

The life of a slacker. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh.