Saturday, November 13, 2004

The Holy Grail 'neath ancient Roslin waits.


I'm tired, so I'll keep this short and sweet.

Woke up at about 1pm. Then ate lunch (yummy smelt fish) and waited for my younger brother to come back before we (including mum) went to meet up with my sister @ Geylang Serai. Mum wanted to look at the pasar malam. It was damn big.

Walked till about 7pm, bought a number of things before we started to leave. The last part of the trip was the best, because we were in the food section. And at 7pm, the Muslims started to break fast. Woah. The sight was awesome. There were lots of stalls selling lots of different food. There were burgers, hotdogs, chickenwings, and lots of other deep fried stuff. You order the food, and they grill it on a barbeque pit for you on the spot. Damn shiok. There was this stall which sells an entire chicken drumstick woahwoahwoah. Too bad I didn't buy any, otherwise dinner would be spoilt. There was also this stall which sells kebab, and they would slice off pieces of roast chicken off a grill. Pretty much like Brazilian fare. Yummy. Pasar malam's gonna end tomorrow. :( I want the food!

So we decided to go Clementi's Jack's Place for dinner. We took a cab to Aljunied MRT (the taxi driver was damn arrogant, when we said we wanted to go Paya Lebar MRT, he said :" Aiyah, you must make one big round then you can go leh, don't want lah." Wtf. So my mum said Aljunied MRT instead. The fella replied :" K lah k lah, Aljunied lah.") I mean, wtf? What kind of lousy service was that? Sure, you didn't want to go there, but you don't had a choice, asshole! The world doesn't owe you anything.

We took the MRT to Clementi (like duh!) and ate there. Then we went back at about 9pm? Yep. Damn tired.

I wonder how you girls can shop and shop and shop without stopping.

Okie, Mr Lee's lecture tomorrow. (EH QUIET LA!)


Have a great weekend.


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