Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Thy merciful soul!

Hello again.

Much has happened.

First and foremost, PW HAS FINISHED! O yeah! 6 months of shit has finally finished!

The OP was terrible, the Q&A session. Miss Gong and Mr Suren were the invigilators. When it was my turn, Miss Gong asked me two damn difficult questions which I cannot even comprehend. So I acted blur and asked her to repeat the questions (I decided to take advantage of it since they won't minus our marks). So Miss Gong rephrase the questions 3 times while I made use of the opportunity to think.

Not fair.

The 2nd question was even worse. So I repeated the steps above and gave out crappy answers. Heh.

PW file was alright, we managed to clock up 242 pages. Not bad. We did alot of research last minute and I think we're gonna get screwed upside down when the term starts. Heh. Maybe not.


I went for my BB Cambodia trip vaccination yesterday. Supposedly. I usually get damn nervous when I'm at the doctor's, don't know why. Heh. So I started to panic and my blood pressure shot up, first doctor said I was unfit for the trip. I was "wtf?" then he asked me to wait outside. 5 minutes later, another doctor called for me. She took my blood pressure again and it was still the same. Could see that she was doing everything she could to calm me down, even helping me take a glass of water, heh. She asked me to lie down for 20 min before taking another reading.

So 20 minutes later, the reading was still the same. While taking the reading, a 3rd doctor asked me to close my eyes and he tried to help me relax. He asked me to envision a blue sea with no waves and nothing satanic or ungodly. Turned out he was a BB boy as well. Hehe. I couldn't envision anything (probably due to our education system) but I told him I could envision anyway.

Yea, reading was still the same, abeit lower. He asked me to come back next Tuesday. I'm supposed to take my own reading at home and then he'll decide on my results. Heh. I took one just an hour ago and it was normal.

Today softball training was as usual, except coach's friend, Mr Goh and 2 girls from god-knows-where came and trained with us. Mr Goh is unbelievable. He could score a home run from just batting with one hand. Turned out that he was one of the best batters in Singapore. My honour to meet him. He coached us for awhile, and he taught us how to field ground balls and port flys. My throwing sucks today, something wrong. Can't seem to throw properly. :(

Hmm. Nothing much to add, I'm bored. Damn tired. Gonna have breakfast @ Delifrance with my family tomorrow morning. And I'm starting to have my silver/grey hair now. It's hereditary. My grandpa and father got white hair @ 18, so it's my turn now. Wonder how I'll look. Heh. No more pretty girls :(

Good night, and have a happy Deepavali!


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