Friday, October 28, 2005



This shall be one of my last few posts before the A levels. Yup, it's here. But fret not, it'd soon be over.

Nothing out of expectations happened for the past weeks. Holga looks good, haven't developed yet. I've got 3 rolls to develop now. Initially I wanted to get a Yashica Electro 35 GSN today, but on second thoughts (actually on thirds), I decided to get one AFTER the exams. Why? So it becomes like a 'reward' for me studying hard for the past few weeks. Haw haw haw. But we all know the studying part is a big hoax. But seriously lah, if I get it now, I'd be spending more time playing with it instead of doing what I should be doing.

I predict nothing much will happen for the next few days apart from studying. Study study study. Can't wait to get out of this mental asylum that is education.

Oh, some of you may have noticed large photographs on glass plates(the actual name escapes my mind at this moment) now at Orchard, it's an exhibition by photographer Yann Arthus Bertrand. The project took almost 6 years before he published his book in 2000. Been to 150 countries, it's now here in Singapore. So catch it if you guys can.

List of things to buy after A's (which probably means WORK)
1. Yashica Electro 35 GSN
2. MD-12 for my FM2n
3. Sigma 28-70mm f2.8 for my FM2n.

Of course, in standard Timothy logic, it's all gonna be second hand, with an estimate cost of around $400? >:| It's a good chance to upgrade before Grad Night.


Saturday, October 22, 2005




I am feeling liberated.

I got my Holga today. Haha, MUCH FUN! Enter lomography. Winson, Yuhua and I all got our Holgas just now. Then went to Funan to look around, have dinner, then walked to Esplanade and back to snap shots with our new camera. It's like, so goddamn liberating. I feel so shiok now. :D

On a more serious note, ENLISTING 7TH APRIL 2006 BMTC SCHOOL 2 ! HURRAY! Haha! April! That's like the best time to enlist. I have a few months to work/enjoy life. And earn money to buy buy buy!

Okay, I should study now. :D Holga!

Malaysia tomorrow, I think it's my granddad's birthday. Good time to play with Holga.

Holga~~ :D~~

Monday, October 17, 2005

Blue Cheese.


I so LOVE blue cheese.

It's like, the best thing you can crumble into your pizza, sandwich, what-have-yous.


I am so hungry thinking of blue cheese, that I have to content myself with mozarella and chicken ham sandwich. FOR THE MOMENT.

Okay, on to what I did today. I went for GP consultation, was about 15minutes late, thanks to Gabriel. Then we had to do a FULL paper. How fun. I took 2 hours to write 2 sides of a fullscap paper. I had some 'difficulties' trying to remember quotes and stuff I could use. So what does one do in such an occasion? Simply text your personal assistant to help you check things out. So I finished it in 2 hours. Oh I got back Political Essay. All paragraphs had a tick, with a minute "good" at the end. No grading though. :(

I went to get 4 rolls of film because my hands were itchy. It seemed that the larger film store near my place doesn't have scanning services. Boo. I'm not going to the Kodak one anymore. That means I have to go Bukit Batok to get my things processed.

And, I think it's time to tuck into my sandwich and continue on my AJC paper. No school tomorrow so I can slack. Good bye!

PS: Anyone tried mashing blue cheese with beer before? I think they eat that in Prague if my memory holds me well.

Saturday, October 15, 2005


A preview on the upcoming series entitled "Unsung Heroes". However, expect to wait quite a bit for the finished product. A Levels in 20 days. Hurray.


only ONE keeper.

Lesson learnt: NEVER, EVER, use a cheap roll of film. It's never worth it. Most of my other shots (including some group shots) are close to ruin. :~( Stupid film from Daiso.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

This Is The Last Time.


Well, 1 and 2/3 years has passed by SO SO fast. People always complain that time pasts so slowly, or how they dread the next day. But yes friends, the 2 year mark is looming upon us. So friggin fast right? I can't believe it. If you've been around me recently, you should have heard me commenting that last week seemed like Orientation 2. Sheesh!

Tomorrow's the last official school day for us J2s! It's the last time to officially drink the water cooler, officially eat uncle's 'hardcore' egg prata, officially drink Vitasoy, officially piss in that latrine, officially go for lessons, not forgetting officially talking to friends, and the list goes on and on. Oh well, I guess it's time to reflect on the time we spent in school and look forward to the hopefully bright future ahead of us. Today was the last official computing lesson. :(


I'm gonna hand in my compo tomorrow (codenamed : Political Essay). It's about blogging and podcasting, but I included politics inside. Hoho. I shall share some of my thoughts with you.

You see, you HAVE to know and be aware that Singapore isn't totally democratic. The media, laws, and most things around us are mostly one sided. Content in the newspapers are controlled. A recent survey to find out how restricted media content is done by Reporters Without Borders showed that out of 167 countries, Singapore ranked 147. The higher your number, the more journalists will feel restricted. Guess what, Iraq was ranked 148. North Korea 167. And who was in first place? Denmark.

Well, school's IN tomorrow, for the last time!

We're gonna take computing class photos, so watch out for the computing students with their tripods and cameras tomorrow! (Good luck spotting, there are only 4 of us in the entire school! Muahaha!)

Monday, October 10, 2005

Heal Me, I'm Heartsick.


I fell ill over the weekends, but I'm up and running for today. After all, I can't miss the last day we wear a tie to school right? Haha! How true, lah.

Okay, luckily my dad upgraded to digital cable (yay!) so I had the TV to entertain me 24/7 for the past two days. Slacked, in other words. Other than that nothing much happened, except it's the last week of school! So since it was the last Monday for school term, I took the liberty to actually SING the school song. Hurray! And I made it moderately loud, so Brandon, who was in front of me, could hear me. Haha.

Went for dinner at Ruby Road the night before, wanted fishhead steamboat, but there was like 1239850138590128901824908 people waiting there. So we left LOOBIE LOAD and went to Beach Road to have our normal steamboat. Hehhe. One thing I LOVE about Ruby Road is that the back alleys are those of the 70's? It's where you can see spiral staircases, and dirty walls. Dirty as in dirt, grime, and moss. It's so dirty, it looks nice. I LOVE IT. Too bad I didn't have my camera with me. I'll have to go back someday, preferably after A's (duh) and in the morning for some snaps. HEHEHE. But I'll have to find someone who can bring me there. I was thinking of cycling there one day, then I can travel around Singapore as well. And exercise too. Flawless plan, but I didn't factor in the reality that I got lost in Raffles Place MRT station once, so I don't think it will work.

Okay, time to slack + lunch + eat medicine + sleep + study + go school!

4 days till school's out!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

June & Nov. 1982 - 2003

Why hello thar!

While I'm trying to access CS forums, I've decided to give a little update.

School's still okay, seems like people are starting to disappear middle of curriculum time. The weather's kinda bad huh, it rained like nobody's business last night, and it was baking the Earth in the afternoon. No wonder people are starting to fall sick.

So I got my Nikon bag, quite pleased with it. I'm gonna bring it to school tomorrow! Okay, forums are up again. Gonna surf for awhile then study abit, TIA!


Monday, October 03, 2005



Went to the airport yesterday to fetch my mom back from UK. kladjl;ksdjfkajsldfjasd HEHE :D I LOVE MUMMY!


Okay! Now that I'm filled with love and joy, let me recall what I initially wanted to say. Okay!

School ended quite early, so went home to slack. SLACK. But after a while, conscience got to me and I started to finish up the SAJC paper. But I realised I still kinda sucked with nuclear physics. And I'm being lenient on judging myself.

Okay, so yesterday I took back my developed roll of film. Out of 35 shots, 27 exposed correctly, and only 2 shots were 'acceptable'. Kinda expected though, I was testing out the focus since it's the first roll after the Repair. Focusing MIGHT still be off, I have to check again. More detailed tests, next roll. Andd, out of the 2 keepers, if I have the time, I will finish up another roll and go to KT Digital Imaging at Chinatown to develop. Heard lots of good comments about that place eh? Yup, then scan those 2 and the new roll and post it up, maybe.

Okay, prelims are over, no point brooding over them right now. Gotta forget about it, and chiong all the way to the finishing line.

What's good about tomorrow:

1. 2.5 hours of lessons! :D
2. Finally getting my Nikon bag! :D :D
3. Can study! :D :D :D

Okay! Goodbye! Family love, aight!

EDIT: Doggie still missing, please help my friend to look for it! Yup, it's not mine, I only have 5 fishes and 2 terrapins. Which won't escape, I hope.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Shit happens.

Hi guys,

Appealing to whoever is reading this:
