Sunday, February 26, 2006

caught up in the heavenly sound.


Went for usual church service, then made my way into the Sec3 cell group. I managed to bluff some leaders that I was secondary 3. Oh well.

Then went down to East Coast to teach my friend how to kayak. Adventure Quest in like 1 month away. Great to be back at sea. Guess what Jun Han said was right- there's no sound sweeter than the serenity of the open sea. Might be kayaking often from now, heh heh heh.

And, going for chalet tomorrow, till Wednesday then collect results together with the krew. Heheeh.

Finally finished my roll of Ilford. Might develop on the way to Pasir Ris tomorrow.

And, may get a photo backpack tomorrow. Friggin difficult to cycle/run with the equipment.

Okay till then!

Friday, February 24, 2006

dogs and chips.

Woke up this morning with a SMS that caught my attention immediately:

A levels results out this Wednesday.


I couldn't sleep after that.

It's fast huh. So we've studied for our exams, sat for them, and now the results will be out. It seemed yesterday that I stepped into JJC. Feeling excited, yet having this apprehensive attitude.

Oh well, I guess there's no choice but for all JC students to experience this, rather lovely countdown to 'judgement day'.

Okay, core leader's meeting tomorrow (i'm leading worship), then off to East Coast for kayaking. Yay!

Thursday, February 23, 2006


Hey one and all!

Okay here's an update I should have done a couple days ago.

Went to Ubin TODAY, not Monday. Okay so it was fun. We cycled like hell la, I thought it was Adventure Quest (AQ) again. And this year's AQ is 1st April; I'm team leader. Hohoho. Okay back to today. Was/Am super tired. It's like, butt pain because of the crappy bike seat. We travelled 99% on gravel because we got lost halfway finding the German girl shrine.

Finished up my roll; loaded a Superia 400. Did a few B&W dog portraits candid shots. Was too damn tired to take my camera out from the bag, did it only like 3/4 of the journey done.

Tomorrow's BB parade, maybe I can run/fly to KT and develop my film, then fly to Bukit Gombak for parade then fly back to Chinatown to get back my film. Then again, maybe not.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

1-1, 2-0, 2-0.


We lost 2 and drew one. OMG. How sad.

But had great time playing/mixing around with the church people. Talked to some people I wouldn't normally have talked to on normal service days.

Anyway, jogging/swimming + gym + ubin cycling tomorrow! Yay! Watch out for my pictures if I can finish up my roll tomorrow!

Saturday, February 18, 2006

getting off my chest.


Soccer tournament at ACJC tomorrow. It's part of my church's sports games or something like that. We're playing from 1pm - 6pm at the soccer field. If you're there, look out for 2 Leg's Kickin'! We're the ones in white shirts. Okay bye gotta sleep now.

Thursday, February 16, 2006


Here are a few pics from my Holga cam, dedicated to Daryl's friend! Light leaks, wrong focusing and wrong exposure. For those who don't know, a Holga is some sort of Lomo LC-A, or even the Diana. When I say some sort I mean they produce vignetting, light leaks, etc. What sets the Holga apart though, is its fixed aperture (f11) and fixed shutter speed (1/100). So you can't adjust anything, except selecting the focus points (very near, near, quite far, far, very far). And it uses 120 film, so technically it's a Medium Format camera.

In short, it can be a crappy camera, or a unique one, depending on how you view it.

This shot looks as if some UFO is landing anytime soon.

This shot was from my balcony, overlooking my kindergarten, you can also see the Jurong East MRT train tracks. When I look at this picture it gives me a rustic, some olden days kind of feeling.

This shot was taken at Little India, I forgot to focus so it came out like that.

A shot of a fruit stall along Little India, on the right hand side of the frame you can actually see a part of the next frame. On a Holga, you have to manually wind the film to the next frame, and to 'rewind' on a 35mm (I modded mine), you have to open the camera back and use your fingers to roll the frames back into the spool.

I actually like this shot the most, except for the accidental multiple exposure which kills it (forgot to advance the frame). If you see carefully, you can see a part of the previous frame on the left hand side. I have no idea what the shiny thing on the right hand side of the frame is. Maybe it was a stall at the Thieve's Market.

This one shows a wide view of the photo 2 pictures back. The tomato picture wasn't taken from this stall, it was taken at a stall to the left of the picture.

Thursday, February 09, 2006


Tuesday, February 07, 2006

scheduled outage

Here they are, a few snippets from my B&W film. I noticed my sky usually gets overexposed and the objects underexposed. Any way to solve this? I know for digital users they expose twice, one for sky and one for object then layer the two together in Photoshop. But that's cheating.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

everything is alright, yeah everything is alright.


Tody was quite fun, went to Ngee Ann first thing in the morning and jammed for like 5-6 hours. Played till I almost fainted because I was so bored.

After that went to Esplanade carrying 4 of my sling bags. Heck I didn't know why I carried so many. Had interviews to be done for 4 hours. Quite a nice day, if you catch my drift.

Anyway, dropped off my film from my Holga and FM2n at Kim Tian today. Will be able to collect my Ilford tomorrow, so hohohopefully I will have some nice ones. After which will be work work work again.

In the morning I'll have BB CNY party. I initially wanted to do something tomorrow, but decided not to as it's the festive season. The boys are getting from bad to worse.

Sorry for the uber boring posts, I'm getting increasingly fatigue with each passing minute. Okay, bathe + sleep.

Have a nice night all.

Friday, February 03, 2006

test my arms; kick like crazy.


This is a special report brought to you by the author himself. Here's the update:

"Selling a Rock for Good ticket for $10, same price
as when I bought it.

What's that?

4th Feb 2006, 6pm - 10pm, RGS, rock concert.
Featuring local bands like West Grand Boulevard,
Ronin, Electrico and The Suns.

RGS = Raffles Girls' School.

I'm selling because I have to work on that day
(dammit!), if not I would be going. It's not stolen or

Event is this Saturday, so please tag if interested.

Thank you very much."

----- End of Transmission -----

OH. see you guys (if any) at the School of Film Media Studies later on. They have GREAT teachers and studios. I love you all much much. See you from 10am!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

no time for losers.


Woke up, made another wasted trip to BBDC. After that we went to Ngee Ann Polytechnic's open house. We were supposed to go there to fill up space for the jamming studio. It was fun, made another new friend. Those secondary school kids kept coming into the studio to hear us play. And we didn't, haha. It's been super long since I've played in front of people, nice to have that experience again.

Went to Esplanade for our job briefing. Had dinner, then rushed back home to celebrate my sister's birthday.

Job starts tomorrow. So I'm going down to Ngee Ann again from 10am - 12pm to jam, then Kim Tian to FINALLY develop my B&W film then start working. Hoho!

What a fun day tomorrow shall be.