Sunday, June 18, 2006

chapter 21

Hi again,

Here's what I did today, as promised.

Went to the Singapore Botanical Gardens for a walk-about shoot. Quite refreshing, nice to see people enjoying themselves in parks. Met Andrew @ 10.30pm at Orchard then headed down where we started shooting interesting objects until about 12pm.

Had a short lunch at BK @ Millenia Walk where we had a funny discussion on our JC life and culture.

Went to the Esplanade at 2.15pm, where I bad farewell to Andrew and bought my ticket for The Great War. It was fantabulous. It's a great, original kind of telling a story. The artists do the movement of cameras and objects in front of you, and there's a big projector screen which shows the end result. They use dry ice, parsley, beans, and toy soldiers to narrate the story of a young soldier (whose name escapes me at the moment) during World War 1. Bloody great.

I slacked around Esplanade for about an hour after the show. Funny enough, I always remember the 'vow' the three of us (Winson, Yuhua and myself) once made around January that we will never go to the Esplanade again, cos we went almost everyday till we got sick of it. In the end, we got ourselves temp jobs at the Esplanade for February and March, and I always head down there for some shows or just reflection every other weekend.

There was this performance at The Living Room @ The Concourse today. It's actually the main lobby at the Esplanade. There was this French guy who made hats using large brown sheets of paper. At first, he stood in front of the crowd which numbered around 30 and made a hat for himself. I thought that he was gonna fail in captivating the crowd considering the crowd looked quite bored.

Then, he took out many sheets of brown paper and started distributing it amongst the crowd and invited them to come forward to take a seat on the floor and follow his instructions on how to fold a hat.

Interestingly enough, all of them came forward and eagerly made their hats. Some of them who came later even went up to him to get paper! Most of them folded their hats really clumsily and they looked funny. Haha but I guess they had fun so that made up for it. I noticed that they took photos with themselves in hats. Cool. For the record, the crowd swelled up to almost 50+ onto 60.

Kudos to you, mr unknown French hat-making man.

After which I went down to Paragon to meet up with Khien and Yuhua. Khien was having this buskering thing for the Bone Marrow fund. When I reached there Zero Infinity was singing their last couple of songs. Khien and his ensemble played a couple of hot sounding songs, despite the low volume.

Here you go:

For a great cause.

Met new friends over there. Eric, Evelyn, Hans, Irman. After that Khien, Yuhua, Eric and Evelyn and myself went to have dinner. Eric and Evelyn went away after dinner so the rest of us went to play lan @ Far East. Fun DOTA match.

Went back, then here I am.

Sleep, church later.



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