Sunday, July 30, 2006

table for 5, not table for 4 and a chair.


A quick update before I head back to camp, and be void of all things civilisation.

Met up with the classmates(finally) yesterday evening. Walked around The Cathay, then went to Plaza Singapura to eat at Swensens. Headed home after that while the rest went to play lan. I have been going back at about 2-3am on the past few Saturdays, and I promised my parents I would come back early the night before, so I reached home just before midnight (a la Cinderella).

The following week would be quite interesting. I'll be getting boarded tomorrow, duty on Tuesday, then an East Coast run on Friday. I'd be looking forward to Friday. This coming Friday also means FOP. FOP simply stands for Festival Of Praise! Last year, Hillsong + Delirious! came down, this year it'd be CCC and another one whose name escapes me at the moment. Too bad I can't go this year, I'll miss it because of the run.

Yeah. And I just caught Constantine. Come to think of it, it's been a long time since I went to the cinema. Last week I watched Xanadu in camp. Frickingly awesome. Olivia Newton-John looks so hot.

On my way back from camp on Friday, there was this gig just below the MRT station. Good stuff. Vocalist was from Combat Engineers, sounds like Creed.

Driving test in about 3 weeks' time, and I'm getting quite paranoid. 'Cos I only have got 3 lessons before my test. Can't seem to book anymore, it's either on time or no slots. How sad can that be?

Ah, it's gonna be a Monday again tomorrow.


Won't be updating on Tuesday, I'll be doing my duties in camp. So I guess I'll see you guys around on Friday night!

Have a great week ahead.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

just to be with you, i'd do anything.

Sheesh, great song.

It's by Third Day, church people sang it during worship today, when it was tithes and offering time. Great song, totally awesome.

I haven't had a life for the past 2 weeks. Was sick, and on Friday I bought a new game with Willy, it's called Titan Quest. It's almost like Diablo 2, a game I so love. So I've been spending the weekend playing it. I didn't go out, except for a dinner function last night. Exactly 24 hours ago, I think I was standing up, taking snapshots. It was my brother's Tae Kwon Do's dinner. He earned himself a black belt.


Dinner was okay, quite nice because we ate with strangers at the table. Made new friends.

Here's the link for Third Day - Love Song, the song I was mentioning just now:

And here's the guitar tab for it:

Fun weekend, hopefully it'd be as interesting as the weekend I had. Let's hope so!

Okay, see you all on Tuesday, if not Friday night! Seeeya!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

heart of the matter.


so it's Sunday evening. I've got to return to camp later. I'm feeling better, but now 100% well. Fever has finally subsided, but sore throat is still bad. Mum wants me to see our GP later, but I guess I'll see the MO tomorrow. 'Cos it'd be the 2nd time I'm reporting sick outside this weekend, and CSM might just hate me and arrow stuff toward me.

Outfield on Tues, not sure if I'm going but I guess I am. Let's hope I get well by then. The last outfield someone got 40degrees fever and got attendC (equivalent to an MC) but couldn't go home, cos someone told us it would be too much of a hassle. WTF!

Okay, bye.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

showtime, it's showtime! oh my god.


Okay since I'm feeling better let us have an update.

I felt feverish in camp on Tuesday, after the 5km run. Continued throughout the day. They (the branch) wanted me to report sick but I wanted to sleep and see how things progressed. I didn't even go for nights off.

Wednesday morning, and fever went up 37.8degrees, from 37.1 the day before. Doc gave me 2 days MC. Went home and rested.

Thursday morning, fever rocketed to 40.0degrees on the tongue and 39.8 on the armpit. Went to my own GP to extend MC (otherwise I would have to go back that evening, 1900hrs). The temperature sorta hit status quo and continued through Thursday evening. Medicine didn't seem to be working. Mom started to sponge me and by night it went down abit.

I started to perspire and break my fever. Friday morning, fever went up to 40degrees again. Perspired again, and it went down again. By then I was quite pissed it kept going up and down.

This morning I felt alot better. Still having a fever, but a slight one. I think it'd only come down if my sore throat (doc called it tonsilitis) gets better. But after like 10 cans of JJ Liang Teh, 2 bottles of herbal tea, litres of water, it still ain't getting better. I wonder why.

Let's hope I'll get better tomorrow, for I have to go back camp!

Spent last night watching the entire Hell Freezes over. GREAT PERFORMANCE. I can't believe I missed their farewell tour like 2 years ago, I think. But then again, tickets were like $300+.

I wanted SO badly to go Baybeats this year, but thanks to the rise and fall of my temperature, I couldn't go, so I stayed at home and watched Singapore Idol, which was a terrible mistake. I wanted to get the goodie bag though, it's quite fun albeit childish rummaging through the bag looking at what's cool and uncool you've got in your hands. This year, as I've been told, there's a T-shirt (!!!), earplugs (I reckon I could bring it to camp, live-firing range), and a mystery toy (don't know what I can do with this). Weirdly enough, I like T-shirts from the Esplanade. Weird, yes. Being there at that place everyday for 2 months can have bizarre effects on you. I got a Mosaic shirt, which I like.

Okay, byebye.

Friday, July 14, 2006


holy cow fever that goes up and down. will give updates when i am feeling better.

Monday, July 10, 2006

the finals.

and Italy has won. GG.

poor zidane. i can feel his pain.

oh well, off to camp i trot.

see ya on tuesday (hopefully)!

day at the races.

Here's another photo I took last month, 170606 to be exact. Post processing consists of UnSharp Masking only. Looking back, I could have framed this a tad better. Was deciding between this shot, and another one that was framed in the middle. I prefer this as the overall picture exudes a more balanced feel to it, as compared to the other one.



Today was Faith Methodist Church's 40th Anniversary. Cool!

So service was at 5pm. Had some really awesome dance segment (youth had hiphop, young adults had a slower mass dance, the young-at-hearts had line dance, the children had some awesome jumpy song, I think it's called "Jesus You're my Superhero" or something). Haha.

Great jokes, sermon, and songs. They gave us a 24k gold plated keychain, a muffin, and a mag. Cool. They had a bowling tourny in the morning, but I didn't go. Prizes were nice, mp4 players, hi-fi system and the likes.

Oh I'm at home now because we were 'encouraged' to clear 1/2 day leave cos World Cup Finals are in about 2 hours 30 minutes time. We have to book in before 1300 hrs tomorrow. So yup, late night today.

Went out on Sat night with the usual gang (Khien, Winson, Yuhua and myself). Did the usuals like lan, eat. Dad got pissed again cos I reached home at 2.30am.

Baybeats are next week, I'll definitely be there, see you all if you're all going. I should be having this 10km run at West Coast Park this coming Saturday, so I'll rush home to bathe+change then off to Esplanade we go.

See you all tomorrow!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

beautiful disaster.

Hey ho.

Interesting huh, me updating at this time of the day, time of the week? That's because we have a free nights off today, heh heh.

We (lucky 14 of us) went to Tampines mall to take care of people from Bedok Rehab Centre. What we did was push them around (those sweet old things were on wheelchairs) the place and had a drink. It was a short 1 hour, but it was meaningful. I thought I wouldn't be able to bond with them, but luckily I did. After that 1 hour, we bade farewell to them and we earned a free nights off. So that's why I'm here. Will be going back camp before 10pm. And from the looks of things back in camp, I think the work in office is bad. Real bad. Hopefully all turns out well.

We didn't had our nights off last night, cos of some fellow. But I'm not complaining cos I got one today.

On the way back from Tampines, Josh Nick and I took the train back. Prolly around Paya Lebar some kids from MINDS came in along with their teacher. Although it was like only one stop, they left quite an impression on me. Quiet, signs of love between them, between teacher and student, made me think of them as so beautiful.

Early morning, we had to attend our weapons training. We had our technical handling test, and I managed to assemble the weapon in 24 seconds. Fastest. But officer came over and said I did my checks wrongly. Weird, because I did my checks according to how they taught us the day before. He taught us another method, and he wanted me to assemble it again. I panicked and screwed up. 43 seconds. Sheesh! Everyone did the same (but wrong) check that I did but I probably got arrowed cos I was fast.

Anyway, today was a great day, cos I managed to go out for almost the whole day. I wasn't even in the office the whole day today. But I guess it's the only day in the next 1 year 7 months that I will enjoy alot. Hmm. But who knows.

Okay, things might get worse from here, things might just get better. Let's hope for the best.

See you all on Friday (that's 2 more days to go! woohoo!)

Sunday, July 02, 2006

rusted metal, nyah hah hah!

Heyho, merry ol' soul!

Finally finished my weekend duty. I think that's the last duty on a weekend for two months, phew.

Spent the whole of yesterday trying not to fall asleep, at night we managed to watch The Longest Yard and Blade Trinity. Great flicks.

Joshua lent me 3 shows but I haven't watched them yet. I don't reckon the duty signaller would like to watch 3 black and white oldie films. Heh!

Something interesting happened after book out. I booked out at 8.30am, as usual I took bus service number 172 to CCK MRT. I tried my luck to get a cab at Lot 1, but nope I couldn't. So I went to Bukit Batok. Oh BTW my EZ-link card has expired already. Good bye, blue EZ-link card of mine, you have been faithful since secondary school. How sad. :(

Here Lies
An EZ-Link Card
Gone, But Still Remembered
For The Services Rendered
To It's Sexy Owner
(Oh Yeah)
Jokes aside, I've gotta get my NSF green EZ-link card. For now, I've to pay by cash, and that green standard ticket shall be the new norm.
So like I was saying, I went to West Mall to get a cab, cos I was to lazy to change coins from notes. I only had enough coins to bring me to Bukit Batok. But I couldn't get a cab too! Surprise, surprise.
So I walked towards some main road hoping to get one. Dozens of filled taxis went past me. It was already 9am, late for service. Just then, this uncle walked across the road and stood IN FRONT OF ME, hoping to get a cab before myself. That's right, how courteous.
To top it off, the incident didn't end here. He actually turned around, looked at me, and made a hand gesture for me to CROSS THE ROAD. My god! I wanted so badly to walk up to him and to give him a lecture. But I resisted the urge and walked away. I walked further down the road (9.30am) and was still pissed off by that uncle. I took bus 176 to my place, where I got a cab within 5 minutes. I reached church at 10.15am, just in time to hear pastor end his sermon.
Interestingly enough, the verse he flashed was something about when you persevere through difficult times when it seems unfair, God will be pleased. How apt, heh!
Went home, slacked abit (too tired), and here I am, typing this in view that I have to book in 5hours time. Bummer!
Now I have no idea what to do. Weird! In camp, I would LONG to go home to play computer games; now I'm at home, I don't know what to do.

Oh well, I'm at home. Yippie.
I'll see if I can update again before I book in.
See you, lovers.