Saturday, July 15, 2006

showtime, it's showtime! oh my god.


Okay since I'm feeling better let us have an update.

I felt feverish in camp on Tuesday, after the 5km run. Continued throughout the day. They (the branch) wanted me to report sick but I wanted to sleep and see how things progressed. I didn't even go for nights off.

Wednesday morning, and fever went up 37.8degrees, from 37.1 the day before. Doc gave me 2 days MC. Went home and rested.

Thursday morning, fever rocketed to 40.0degrees on the tongue and 39.8 on the armpit. Went to my own GP to extend MC (otherwise I would have to go back that evening, 1900hrs). The temperature sorta hit status quo and continued through Thursday evening. Medicine didn't seem to be working. Mom started to sponge me and by night it went down abit.

I started to perspire and break my fever. Friday morning, fever went up to 40degrees again. Perspired again, and it went down again. By then I was quite pissed it kept going up and down.

This morning I felt alot better. Still having a fever, but a slight one. I think it'd only come down if my sore throat (doc called it tonsilitis) gets better. But after like 10 cans of JJ Liang Teh, 2 bottles of herbal tea, litres of water, it still ain't getting better. I wonder why.

Let's hope I'll get better tomorrow, for I have to go back camp!

Spent last night watching the entire Hell Freezes over. GREAT PERFORMANCE. I can't believe I missed their farewell tour like 2 years ago, I think. But then again, tickets were like $300+.

I wanted SO badly to go Baybeats this year, but thanks to the rise and fall of my temperature, I couldn't go, so I stayed at home and watched Singapore Idol, which was a terrible mistake. I wanted to get the goodie bag though, it's quite fun albeit childish rummaging through the bag looking at what's cool and uncool you've got in your hands. This year, as I've been told, there's a T-shirt (!!!), earplugs (I reckon I could bring it to camp, live-firing range), and a mystery toy (don't know what I can do with this). Weirdly enough, I like T-shirts from the Esplanade. Weird, yes. Being there at that place everyday for 2 months can have bizarre effects on you. I got a Mosaic shirt, which I like.

Okay, byebye.


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