Saturday, September 02, 2006

lugging it around town in the brown box.

Well well, life in the past week was great. Why?

Cos I went home (either stay-out or for a few hours) almost everyday. Monday night slept in camp, Tuesday stayed out 'cos we had course on Wednesday. Slept on Wednesday, Stayed out Thursday 'cos it's battalion anniversary today (Friday).

Today was fun. It was battalion anniversary so we had a day out from camp. We met real early (7.15am at Kallang) for dragon boating. I was damn afraid I would be late so I took a cab that cost me $13 and I was the 5th of 670+ people to reach the place. How nice. I thought Kallang would be far from where I stayed (Jurong). I didn't know it was like 5 minutes from Sheares Bridge.

Dragon boating was fun. We got overall 2nd place. So we won a packet of Cadbury Boost each. lmao. IMHO, dragon boating's like kayaking, except that it requires ALOT more team effort. And its' a one-sided paddle. Fun, I could understand why they wanted to do dragon boating. Coud also see that the guys had loads of fun. Or at least I had. But I prefer kayaking anytime. Perhaps next week, at East Coast. And most prolly I'll be getting a Crocs sandals for sea sports. I'm sick of getting my Teva wet every week.

After dragon boating I went home, changed my guitar strings, and set off for church for band prac. It's for BB's core leader's meeting tomorrow. Tightened a few loose nuts, scrapped away some rust from my lack of playing for the past few months. Let's hope everything goes well tomorrow. Had a quick dinner at Tanglin Halt (just like the good ol' days) and went back to church to Corporate House of Prayer (CHOP!). Mixed around with the sec 3 leaders and kids, then had supper at the Attic, then went home.

The sad thing is, I'll be booking in tomorow. That's cos I have guard duty. Yep, you read it right. But before that, I'll be in church for the core leader's meeting, then should be meeting the rest of the krew for luncheon and getting myself a gig bag. I'm quite sian that I haven't bought my gig bag for my acoustic guitar I got a few weeks back. I'm tired of lugging it around town in the brown box.


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