Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Linkin Park.

Woke up at 1.30pm. Mother and bro went to discovery centre. The black fish died. Went to the jamming studio to get meself 2 thin (light) picks. But they were hard to use so I reverted back to the medium one. :P Then went Padang for the LP concert!! Left home about 4.30, reached about 5pm. Almost got lost finding Padang. LOL. Damn I'm street illiterate. Luckily the Esplanade guided me. ahaha. Okay concert time:

Wow, their concert blew me away. They played songs from Hybrid Theory, Meteora and even Step Up, the song created before they changed their name to Linkin Park. Reached Padang at 5pm. Long long queue. The concert started at 8 though. Kiasu Singaporeans. Okay then queued for 1 hour before I realised that I was in the wrong queue. Knn. Then moved to the correct queue, queued till 7.15pm before I entered the 'arena'. I stood like 20-30m from the stage, which is fricking cool. Close up. :) Opening act was PIA, a korean metal band. I think this is how they gain recognition eh? Okay thought they would be playing 1 or 2 songs. In the end, they played about 6 songs!! They finally finished playing at 9pm.

After that sheik heikel (spelling!) and daniel ong came out. They talked thrash about how you should take MC the next day. Everyone was pointing third fingers and shouting 'f$$k you's at them.

After waiting for another 20min, Linkin Park (finally) came out. Brad looked like a nerd though, wearing white school socks with 3/4 pants. Joe didn't comb his hair, so did chester. Joe came back on stage after a few songs with a centre parting. Phoenix was skinheaded. Mike Shinoda was wearing a blue cap, which he threw into the crowd. Coal. Rob was the same.

Okay they sang points of authority, papercut, crawling, breaking the habit, somewhere i belong, in the end, step up, a few others which I forgot and Nine Inch Nails. I don't know what song that was.

Overall a super krad performance, I was totally tired but still sang my lungs out. I almost fainted due to the heat and tiredness. Didn't bring water :(.

Oh ya, next time I should bring a camera. THEY WON'T CHECK DESPITE WHAT THEY SAY. Bought a skull cap and a red LP shirt (s size) for 60 bucks. Fricking expensive. Before that I got conned into buying 3 LP tags for 10 dollars. Knn on closeup they were scanned, printed and laminated tags. :(

Okay a few complains, though.

1. the queues didn't had any signs on what gate they were. Only a small tiny print of A , B and C which I only noticed when I was in front. BIGGER PLEASE.

2. Too long a performance by the opening band, PIA. Dude, we came to see LP, not to hear you sing for 1 hours.

3. Too hot! Okay maybe that one is the norm. But seriously, damn hot.

All in all : Tickets : $152
Tags : $10
Red LP Shirt : $35
Black skull cap : $25

Total : $222

Expensive! But well worth it.


Blogger amenda said...

one word --- MADNESS!!

spend so much $ on those crap.. haha. hmmm, ur bro and mum so happenin, everyday go sum park. sum animal lover ehh, haha. sci centre summore.. hah!

24/6/04 5:44 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

Congratulations been very good news. I wish you continued success.
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25/8/10 2:45 pm  

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