Monday, November 29, 2004

3 Days to Liftoff.


Pretty much has been happening lately.

On Saturday, we had a softball match against our seniors. Don't know them, only one or two. Hehe. Yea, it was kinda fun, having a reunion and all. Most probably the testimonial match for the seniors. After that I went home and started packing my bag. I couldn't go for RS' meeting! Sorry guys! :(

Went for the last YEP briefing yesterday. Pretty much settled everything, except for a few loose ends. Can't wait for the trip, but I'm having mixed feelings as well. 2 weeks 2 days sounds very long, alotta things can happen during that period of time. I wonder if I'll be able to cope with the drastic change of lifestyle over there, the food, the culture. Yup. :)

After the briefing we went to eat and play pool. That 5 player pool game took super long, with Benjamin ended up being the winner *cough* *cough* . Hehehe. So I'll be seeing the rest of the krew at Changi on Thursday.

Started to pack my things, hopefully I won't forget anything!

That's right, 3 days to liftoff.

Thursday, November 25, 2004




Super sian, sian ah super.

Nothing much happened.

I didn't go send off those who were going to Australia for their UWA. KHAIRULDIN remember you only have 2 hours and 30min to pang seh us. I will time you! Haha. Yeah, then Yulin came back also. So everything as expected.

Errr yea.

Yesterday I bought a new pair of safety boots for my YEP trip, my dad insisted. He said if I stepped on nails or bricks or something falls on my leg then I'll still be alright. The toe tip of the boot is steel, so I can kick anyone who opposes me.


Sort of created my powerpoint slides for this week's YEP singspiration. I should be bringing my guitar along. Hopefully it'd be okay, first time doing this, heh. Been doing alot of things for the first time this year.


Gotta start doing my holiday homework before I leave for the trip. By the time I get back I won't be that free. No time too.

7 days left before liftoff.


Monday, November 22, 2004

Cliffs of Dover


I'm bored.

As usual.

Anyhoo, so starts things off, softball training was as usual. Coach didn't come, so we played a match. Lost, terribly! It was the first time I played as a first basemen so wasn't quite sure how it worked. After training I went home and slept slept slept. Woke up for dinner, and here I am writing this now.

There was a Cambodia briefing last saturday, it was cool. Met up with the rest of the krew and started chatting/discussing/presenting. I'm supposed to lead singspiration next Sunday. Sooooo, yeah. Hope it turns out alright.

Speaking of leading, I lead campfire last friday night. It was alright, but the campers (consisting of BB boys and GB girls) were like so damn stoned and un-enthusiastic in the beginning. I was like, " okay, I'm dead meat", cos all the BB officers and GB officers were there also. Soooo I decided to teach them some cheers I learnt in school (can't be helped right!). Yup, taught them superman cheer (my favourite) and We Will Rock You. The Superman cheer really made them high and all that, cos at the end of the cheer they have to go like, "WE AREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE", then I purposely made them shout super duper long and when they had to shout their school name (in this case it was Hillgrove), some of them shouted "SENG!". So they shouted " Yum Seng!" Haha. That really cheered them up, which was cool. Then at the end of the campfire everyone was high and all.

But before the campfire started, things had started to go horribly wrong.

You see, the camp was at CDANS ADVENTURE CAMP, the new camp thingy that CDANS built. That's at Bukit Gombak area, for the uninitiated. Andddd yeah, it was raining cats and dogs. In this case, it was raining dinosaurs and goliaths. So the FIT instructor who tried to cut our firewood with a chainsaw (which failed) suggested that we conduct the campfire indoors. He taught us how to do a campfire indoors which was kinda cool because very few people had actually done one indoors (I bet you reading haven't had one too!) Yup.

And before it rained, we were sent to go collect our fire wood supplies, which was at Lorong Halus. That's near Punggol, for those unenlightened. Heh. You see, we only ordered 2 bags of firewood and a can of kerosene, so we had to pay an extra $20 if we wanted them to deliver. So I went with Marcus and Lionel, who had a scolding from Mr Yan because they had golden hair and Statue of Liberty hairstyle. So we sat a cab all the way there. The taxi driver was chatty and friendly. So he drove us there, taking the expressways. If we went on CTE and PIE, we would had went on all the expressways in Singapore. Uh-huh.

Then when we reached there, it was super ulu. It's like those dumping grounds with full of sand and dirt. Most of the companies there were selling sand and there were those gigantic mounts of sand everywhere. We managed to find the place and drove back. On the way back, the taxi driver was asking us how much we paid. I told him $70. He then told us how the price and standard of living had gone up. He told me that he remembered having a class outing and they had to pay only $2, and they would pay for their lunch, transportation money, games, prizes and an apple, water. Funny he mentioned an apple. Kinda reminds me of those retro days where they would chill at parks and dress funnily, prolly in the 1970s. Heh.

The trip to and fro was $38.XX. I forgot how many cents, but the taxi driver only charged us $35. Hehe. He was really kind. Yeah. So we actually made a lost of $15 because they wanted to charge us only $20 but we spent $35, plus 3 manpower.

Tomorrow, Valerie and Zi Hong and the rest would be going to Australia as part of the UWA session. Yulin would be coming back from Thailand tomorrow. I would be slacking at home, probably sleeping. Hurray!

Okay, enough of typing, have a nice night!

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Why hello.

Hey all, Timothy Tan here. But you can call me Tim.

Well, I've finally had my jabs (after a barrages of tests) and the doctors have given me the green light to go Cambodia. The doctors there are FANTASTIC. Certainly the best I've ever seen. Yeah.

I'm having my BB camp from tomorrow (18th) to Saturday (20th). I'm gonna apply early leave so that I can attend Saturday's meeting. Yeah. Can't wait for the trip man.

Anyone knows the time for this Sat's meeting?

Saturday, November 13, 2004

The Holy Grail 'neath ancient Roslin waits.


I'm tired, so I'll keep this short and sweet.

Woke up at about 1pm. Then ate lunch (yummy smelt fish) and waited for my younger brother to come back before we (including mum) went to meet up with my sister @ Geylang Serai. Mum wanted to look at the pasar malam. It was damn big.

Walked till about 7pm, bought a number of things before we started to leave. The last part of the trip was the best, because we were in the food section. And at 7pm, the Muslims started to break fast. Woah. The sight was awesome. There were lots of stalls selling lots of different food. There were burgers, hotdogs, chickenwings, and lots of other deep fried stuff. You order the food, and they grill it on a barbeque pit for you on the spot. Damn shiok. There was this stall which sells an entire chicken drumstick woahwoahwoah. Too bad I didn't buy any, otherwise dinner would be spoilt. There was also this stall which sells kebab, and they would slice off pieces of roast chicken off a grill. Pretty much like Brazilian fare. Yummy. Pasar malam's gonna end tomorrow. :( I want the food!

So we decided to go Clementi's Jack's Place for dinner. We took a cab to Aljunied MRT (the taxi driver was damn arrogant, when we said we wanted to go Paya Lebar MRT, he said :" Aiyah, you must make one big round then you can go leh, don't want lah." Wtf. So my mum said Aljunied MRT instead. The fella replied :" K lah k lah, Aljunied lah.") I mean, wtf? What kind of lousy service was that? Sure, you didn't want to go there, but you don't had a choice, asshole! The world doesn't owe you anything.

We took the MRT to Clementi (like duh!) and ate there. Then we went back at about 9pm? Yep. Damn tired.

I wonder how you girls can shop and shop and shop without stopping.

Okie, Mr Lee's lecture tomorrow. (EH QUIET LA!)


Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Thy merciful soul!

Hello again.

Much has happened.

First and foremost, PW HAS FINISHED! O yeah! 6 months of shit has finally finished!

The OP was terrible, the Q&A session. Miss Gong and Mr Suren were the invigilators. When it was my turn, Miss Gong asked me two damn difficult questions which I cannot even comprehend. So I acted blur and asked her to repeat the questions (I decided to take advantage of it since they won't minus our marks). So Miss Gong rephrase the questions 3 times while I made use of the opportunity to think.

Not fair.

The 2nd question was even worse. So I repeated the steps above and gave out crappy answers. Heh.

PW file was alright, we managed to clock up 242 pages. Not bad. We did alot of research last minute and I think we're gonna get screwed upside down when the term starts. Heh. Maybe not.


I went for my BB Cambodia trip vaccination yesterday. Supposedly. I usually get damn nervous when I'm at the doctor's, don't know why. Heh. So I started to panic and my blood pressure shot up, first doctor said I was unfit for the trip. I was "wtf?" then he asked me to wait outside. 5 minutes later, another doctor called for me. She took my blood pressure again and it was still the same. Could see that she was doing everything she could to calm me down, even helping me take a glass of water, heh. She asked me to lie down for 20 min before taking another reading.

So 20 minutes later, the reading was still the same. While taking the reading, a 3rd doctor asked me to close my eyes and he tried to help me relax. He asked me to envision a blue sea with no waves and nothing satanic or ungodly. Turned out he was a BB boy as well. Hehe. I couldn't envision anything (probably due to our education system) but I told him I could envision anyway.

Yea, reading was still the same, abeit lower. He asked me to come back next Tuesday. I'm supposed to take my own reading at home and then he'll decide on my results. Heh. I took one just an hour ago and it was normal.

Today softball training was as usual, except coach's friend, Mr Goh and 2 girls from god-knows-where came and trained with us. Mr Goh is unbelievable. He could score a home run from just batting with one hand. Turned out that he was one of the best batters in Singapore. My honour to meet him. He coached us for awhile, and he taught us how to field ground balls and port flys. My throwing sucks today, something wrong. Can't seem to throw properly. :(

Hmm. Nothing much to add, I'm bored. Damn tired. Gonna have breakfast @ Delifrance with my family tomorrow morning. And I'm starting to have my silver/grey hair now. It's hereditary. My grandpa and father got white hair @ 18, so it's my turn now. Wonder how I'll look. Heh. No more pretty girls :(

Good night, and have a happy Deepavali!

Monday, November 08, 2004

Ah, the sound of music.

Hello. A very good evening.

What a nice Sunday.

I woke up in the afternoon and went to Winson's house at 3pm, or rather I was a little late. So the rest went first without me and I had the honourary task of buying printing paper and a black felt tip marker. I initially wanted to buy Digital Fortress as well, but decided not to. I'll buy it at a later date, once I finish my Da Vinci Code. Hehehe. It was a good move, considering the state of condition Da Vinci Code is in now. I hate it when my cover turns dog-eared. I've got to find the hard cover edition.

Amenda, go buy the hard cover one, then I'll tell you the secrets that the hard cover edition has. Yup, it's different. :)

So I went to Winson's house for the LAST PW MEETING we were going to have. And yea, it was quite okay. Been long since everyone was present in a meeting. Hehehe. Yup, and finalised everything. Printed and printed and printed stuffs. But our GPF still seems damn thin, compared to SOMEONE'S.

We be dead.

Then Mr. Yuhua saw my Da Vinci Code (I brought it along) and he told me how wonderful a book it was, even though he haven't read it yet. A best seller for very long. #1 hit. Wohoah. He told me that he read Digital Fortress before, and it was good.

I'm almost at the 3/4 part of the book already.

So we printed and slacked. We played Xbox and watched TV. Then after gaming we had to wait for our dear Mr. Yuhua to finish watching his anime (I think it was Full Metal Alchemy) before we could go for dinner. It was about 9.30pm already. We went to Bukit Panjang Plaza and ate Mos Burger. Had the teriyaki burger. I thought that the fries were actually better than the burger itself. Yucks.

Went home, reached home about 10.30pm (That's about 2 hours ago). Then had my 2nd dinner. Family bought backed Hokkien Prawn Mee from Kim's. Been long since I've been there. They be serving kickass Hokkien Prawn Mee.

Hopefully tomorrow will go smoothly. AND I HOPE WINSON DOES NOT BRING THE WRONG POWERPOINT PRESENTATION!! Cos he did the other time and luckily I printed the correct one and we had to edit the copy which he brought just before our rehearsal. So, yup, hopefully tomorrow they (examiners) will not throw tough questions at us. Hope everything goes smoothly.

Oh yes, I'm in the same room as Gabriel. So we'll be each other's audience. And we'll cheer each other on. Buahah.

I'll be having my 2nd meeting with the YEP krew tomorrow over at the BBHQ @ 7pm. The 1st meeting was kickass. Tomorrow's meeting would be kickass-er. Woohoo.

Good luck to everyone tomorrow, and good night!

Thursday, November 04, 2004

So dark the con of man.

Whay heyho heyhi.

Bush won. Bastard.

I've been slacking all the way for the past few days.


I bought the Da Vinci Code already. Great book. Seriously dope.

I'm planning on finishing the book before my Cambodia trip and getting either Angels and Demons or Digital Fortress to read throughout my trip, woohoo!

Tomorrow I'll be having my A levels Chinese. Yup, hopefully I'll do as well as I did for my Promos. Yup. After my Chinese paper, I'll be having a dialogue session with Tony Tan. Concerns all JCs. The topic is about National Security, which I have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what's that about. I BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE WOOWOOWOOO.




Did PW with the rest the other day. I'm planning on having one more rehearsal this Saturday. We need to do a full dry run soon. If not there'll be chaos. And I hope my GPF is in order. And we forgot to continue writing minutes. Now we're short of a few minutes, sigh. PW has been nothing but a pain in the ass since the beginning.

It's gonna rain soon.

Good day.

Monday, November 01, 2004




I don't know what to do.


Lucky bastards - those who have finished their PW oral presentation. Good job and a pat on the back! You just have to hand in your project work file tomorrow and your PW torment ends. Basket!

For my group, we have one more week before our PW OP. That's right, next Monday at 1.30pm. That's the last or the last. Yep. So that means we have to do at least one more OP rehearsal by next week.

Nothing to do much these days, but I have LOTS to do during Nov/Dec. Let's see.

Nov 20? - YEP JABS.
Nov 26 - Softball Camp? BB Amazing Race? BB Soccer party?
Nov 27 - Softball Camp?
Nov 28 - Softball Camp?

Dec 2 -18 - YEP Cambodia/ Pouk Village.
Dec 26 - 28 - JJC OGL CAMP.