Sunday, October 01, 2006

smiles and her laughter.

Well, today was a usual Sunday. Went to church, then came home to practise on the guitar.

Oh well, like I say every Sunday, "Oh well, that's another weekend.". Fast, isn' it? I'm sure those who are taking their A's this year would agree with me on this. Fast too, that 10 months have gone and past. The juniors in JJ are gonna start their exams.

So this weekend has been great. Oh, I bought this Sax CD for only $5 at Gramaphone, near Pastamania at Orchard Road last night. Then today, I bought this SaxChill CD at CD-rama for also $5. Yay.

Okay, book in at 2230 later. And then hopefully I'll catch you guys on Tuesday. But starting this week nights off might be on Wednesday. So, yeah. I'm on duty this Saturday too. Apart from that, I sure hope it'd be a better week. Heh heh!

okay bye!


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