Wednesday, June 30, 2004


Okay, today's title is abit weird, and I have no idea what it means.

Haven't update for like 3 days, cooped up with homework. Last night we experience a major blackout in Singapore. Had like 2 hours of no electricity, and I was coding my programme. Didn't save!! Bloodyyy.. Some places had electricity back up earlier, for instance, Clementi at 10.40pm and somewhere 5 bus stops away from my church. Damn Jurong had it's power back on at 12.15am! I was afraid my fishes would die. When I went to check they were alright. My turtles were sleeping happily next to them. When power was back on, my brother told me that most of them were lying on the flooring of the tank. Heh.

Had to code till 2am and I got a scolding from my dad. Okay then went to school everything went per normal and took my first computing theory test. Kinda difficult, but do-able. Failed Physics by 1 mark 54/100, and I got the lowest for Chinese, 24/100. So far I'm the lowest man, this sucks. But I expected I had did badly. Miss Gong (ah gong) commented that I had slackened by half since first 3 months. Time to put in some effort!! Otherwise my "fav" tuition teacher would be appearing at the doorstep anytime soon.

I have mathematical induction and 3 more GP essays to complete. Dang. GP first, :).

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Therefore Being Justified

Coal christian song! but the funny part was after the main song, there are 4 mini songs! by the bb of course, here it is:

chewy chewy chewy chewy
oom baba, aiyai yai yai yai yai yai
lalalala *clap* *clap* lalalala *clap* *clap*
lalalala *clap* *clap* lalalala *clap* *clap*

twinkle twinkle little star
how i wonder what you are
up above the world so high
like a diamond in the sky
lalalala *clap* *clap* lalalala *clap* *clap*
lalalala *clap* *clap* lalalala *clap* *clap*

san lun che pao de kuai
shang mian zuo ke lao tai tai
yao wu mao gei yi kuai
ni shuo qi guai bu qi guai
lalalala *clap* *clap* lalalala *clap* *clap*
lalalala *clap* *clap* lalalala *clap* *clap*

xiao jie xiao jie beir shen qi
ming tian qing ni qu kan xi
wo zuo yi zhi ni zuo di
wo chi xiang jiao ni chi pi
lalalala *clap* *clap* lalalala *clap* *clap*
lalalala *clap* *clap* lalalala *clap* *clap*

a b c d e f g
h i j k l m n
o p q r s t u
v w x, y and z
lalalala *clap* *clap* lalalala *clap* *clap*
lalalala *clap* *clap* lalalala *clap* *clap*

Many thanks to Eric Soh for teaching me to lyrics :D

The Reason.

Okay pretty good day today, woke up at 8am to go youth service@tacklebox. When I think of tacklebox, i think of AMENDA TAN. LOLOL. Poor thing, wonder how she ended up at chinese service. Hahaha I bet I wouldn't understand anything the pastor says. Okay then finished my homework (at least most!) and er yeah programming is about halfway done, luckily the deadline is on wednesday, 1.50pm. kay.

Then went out with my family to SeoulGarden@JurongPoint. Ate quite alot. 3 bowls of rice, 3 rounds of drinks, lots of beef, lots of chicken, a few strands of vegetables and 6 scoops of ice cream. Then went to bossini with my sis and got meself a black sleeveless shirt. $10 dollahs. Coal.


Let us enjoy our last moments before term3 starts. can't believe the school term has actually begun again. I mean, has the holidays even started yet? We have to go school everyday for the past few weeks for non-stop lectures and tutorials man. Gay education we have here. Heh, I miss Movie Marathon man. Nice way of spending my time in school. It was on the 29th May! Nice. HEHEHE. Okay getting high. see ya guys around :D

Saturday, June 26, 2004

Ai Pia Jia Eh Yia


I just found the song Ai Pia Jia Eh Yia in my winamp while sending songs to Val and Amenda. Wowowow! Ahahah! Didn't know I had this song in my list man, coal!!! I learnt this song when I was in LDC2. They taught us the English Version:

When despairing please do not complain
When in doubt yet do not be afraid
When everything seems so down, and everyday you're poor
Body with no life, just scarecrow

Sometimes life can be compared with the ocean
Sometimes up, sometimes down

Good day, Bad day
Still must carry on with our work
Work is everything, I must work like mad
Must work, then I will win!!

Yeah! The english is somewhat distorted , but its damn funny! :D Damn, those good days I spent with the boys two weeks ago just felt like yesterday :D


What a lousy day I had today. Woke up at 6.30am and almost wanted to take a cab to Hillgrove, where I have my parades. Turned out that parade was postponed for another hour as my dear captain has not arrived yet. So we played soccer, and I scored the opening goal. Wowow been years since I scored a goal. Hell I still remembe the good old days when I was worth 18million pounds and scoring goals like a machine. Lolol. That was in the past, now rusty already :D

Okay then I got 'promoted' to CSM and NCO Council Chairman. Nice. A particular someone which I will not named here kept playing the futsol ball when he was supposed to be watching the soccer match during games and I warned him 3 times. He refused to listen and my 2LT officer made him do pushups. After that that fella kept saying 'CSM big ah?' in my face. I mean, wtf dood. Already warned you, and wasn't me who pumped you. I don't pump people, I'm a nice guy :)

Then came back home and slept. Woke up to find my mother geting pissed off at something and my dad had to tolerate and suggest a place for dinner. okay so she pulled a long face and now she's sleeping in my room. Sigh, girls!

Just had dinner. And I think I have to continue on computing soon.

And friendster just changed its format. To an even gayer format. Now everything's changed man. Even the 'My Friends' list is sooooooooo pathetic. 4 in a row and 1 alone. Why??! And the testimonial page isn't even centred. Coal. Someone should sue.

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Life's judgement.

Yea, as I was saying earlier I cut my hair just now. After that I receieved a phone call from my dad asking me to meet him and my mom over at Popular@JurongEastMRT. He said something bout good guitar thingy over there. I thought there was a new guitar shop man. Instead, I saw a blind man beside some stalls playing the guitar. Boy was I disappointed. But that dooder can play real well, sing real well too. Hats off to him. We listened for about prolly 15 minutes before my dad asked me to give that guy 10 bucks. Many people were crowding round him and stood/sit there listening to him, but few gave money. Cheapo Singaporeans. Okay so we left and we were walking below the shelter towards the traffic junction. We saw a poor old man playing his harmonica all by himself. He was lame and blind. Nobody put money there too. Dad gave him 2 bucks.

Why did I write this? Not to show off that we donate, but to highlight something about life. We don't choose what life we want, nor do we choose what talents we have. I've heard about the story of Talents in the bible a few times. The moral of the story was that whoever did not use talents that God gave you, he will take it away from you and 'give it to the one with plenty, for he is a good and faithful servant'. How true. And how sad. That guitarist had a good voice, and he could even change chords without looking (he was blind duh). He could earn big bucks just by playing and singing. He was that good. But he was blind, and that destroyed everything. From a potential star to 'that blind guy singing on the streets begging for money'. And how much worser can it get? Playing a harmonica closeby with nobody dropping coins/notes in your box and you can hear them clapping to the tune of that guitarist.


Losing hair.

Indeed! I just got back from the barber. Basket. She cut my hair till it's as short as grass. I look like some funny guy now. :(

Okay, update on my fishies. Before we went out for breakfast, I checked on the fishes. Now a total of 3 fishes have boated up! What is happening??! Pregnant or disease? We drove to the market to have breakfast in the morning. Parents decided to buy a fish tank and accesories for the fishes. Err we got 2 water plants, a filter, pump, tank, sand(or stones) and another bag of mixed fishes which consists of baby goldfish, some longkang fish and an unknown type of red fish. Lol my mom was like checking them out and she told my dad that it was only 1 bag for $2 and 2 for $3. My dad came over and told her that it was for feeding other fishes (piranha,catfish++). hehe funny. I didn't know too to be honest. There was a packet of baby frogs too. I wanted to get one but my mother didn't allow. :(

I used to wish to have a frog, like the one Neville has in Harry Potter. Frogs are cool, sticky, wet, and they have great skin. Best of all, they are a natural mosquito repellent. A la ozone friendly! I used to catch frogs in my primary school, then store them in those plastics balls you get from those 50cent machines outside bookshops. Then the next day the poor thing died. Maybe it was because I gave it grass to eat :(

Tomorrow, my grandmother will be staying over for prolly a few days as my grandpa is undergoing surgery in mount elisabeth (i think). I used to stay there when i have pneumonia. Yep, pneumonia. But by the Lord's grace did I recover.

And I'm finally starting to do my homework! Hurray, that's a progress. = )

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Linkin Park.

Woke up at 1.30pm. Mother and bro went to discovery centre. The black fish died. Went to the jamming studio to get meself 2 thin (light) picks. But they were hard to use so I reverted back to the medium one. :P Then went Padang for the LP concert!! Left home about 4.30, reached about 5pm. Almost got lost finding Padang. LOL. Damn I'm street illiterate. Luckily the Esplanade guided me. ahaha. Okay concert time:

Wow, their concert blew me away. They played songs from Hybrid Theory, Meteora and even Step Up, the song created before they changed their name to Linkin Park. Reached Padang at 5pm. Long long queue. The concert started at 8 though. Kiasu Singaporeans. Okay then queued for 1 hour before I realised that I was in the wrong queue. Knn. Then moved to the correct queue, queued till 7.15pm before I entered the 'arena'. I stood like 20-30m from the stage, which is fricking cool. Close up. :) Opening act was PIA, a korean metal band. I think this is how they gain recognition eh? Okay thought they would be playing 1 or 2 songs. In the end, they played about 6 songs!! They finally finished playing at 9pm.

After that sheik heikel (spelling!) and daniel ong came out. They talked thrash about how you should take MC the next day. Everyone was pointing third fingers and shouting 'f$$k you's at them.

After waiting for another 20min, Linkin Park (finally) came out. Brad looked like a nerd though, wearing white school socks with 3/4 pants. Joe didn't comb his hair, so did chester. Joe came back on stage after a few songs with a centre parting. Phoenix was skinheaded. Mike Shinoda was wearing a blue cap, which he threw into the crowd. Coal. Rob was the same.

Okay they sang points of authority, papercut, crawling, breaking the habit, somewhere i belong, in the end, step up, a few others which I forgot and Nine Inch Nails. I don't know what song that was.

Overall a super krad performance, I was totally tired but still sang my lungs out. I almost fainted due to the heat and tiredness. Didn't bring water :(.

Oh ya, next time I should bring a camera. THEY WON'T CHECK DESPITE WHAT THEY SAY. Bought a skull cap and a red LP shirt (s size) for 60 bucks. Fricking expensive. Before that I got conned into buying 3 LP tags for 10 dollars. Knn on closeup they were scanned, printed and laminated tags. :(

Okay a few complains, though.

1. the queues didn't had any signs on what gate they were. Only a small tiny print of A , B and C which I only noticed when I was in front. BIGGER PLEASE.

2. Too long a performance by the opening band, PIA. Dude, we came to see LP, not to hear you sing for 1 hours.

3. Too hot! Okay maybe that one is the norm. But seriously, damn hot.

All in all : Tickets : $152
Tags : $10
Red LP Shirt : $35
Black skull cap : $25

Total : $222

Expensive! But well worth it.

Monday, June 21, 2004


Woahu! Today is a good day. I woke up at 1.30pm. Then played computer games. My brother and mother came back from BirdPark and Reptile Park. My brother came ito the room gleefully with a packet of fishies swimming inside.

He went to catch some longkang fishes at the reptile park.

He told me the place would surely close down soon, for the state of it was terrible. Only 8 people were in the entire park. Okay, I reminded my mom of the LP concert tomorrow. We then went to Lot1 at CCK to get my tix. Woah, she got me the $152 dollars one. I love her man. Not that I don't love her only when she buys me what I likes, I love her everyday, just as much as my Saviour!

We then went back home after dinner at Siam Kitchen. Hot stuff. Then went back to find one of the fishies died. Think it died cos there was a lack of oxygen. Okay, then as my family was struggling to find a water pump, I went to use my football pump and pump oxygen into the water supply. Sounds stupid, but hey, it worked. Couldn't find a pump, so we dumped them into my mother's fengshui pond. Hopefully they can survive. Hehehe. Anyway my brother purposely caught 8 red fishies and 1 black one. It's supposed to be good luck. The black one is to ward away bad fortune and evil.

Went back and practised on guitar AGAIN.

I think I figured out why I can't alt pick fast. Cos I'm using a medium-type pick! Must use light. Okay, I'm gonna buy my pick and a mic so Wan (or anyone) can hear me over the net.



Wow! an update on F1 racing in Indianapolis. Before the warm up round, montoya dashed into the garage to get his spare car and started at the back of the pack. 4 cars gone in the first turn, alonso crashed into the wall and bounced off the barricade at 200mph, then ralf schumacher crashed into another wall! He's being extricated from the car as we speak and being brought tothe medical centre. Dangerous stuff, this is. Thumbs up to those who dare to risk their life for such dangerous stuffs. Damn, 15 laps gone and the race hasn't actually started yet.

Woke up at 10.30am, went Malaysia to visit grandparents. Coal, I know what it feels like to be poor now. Parents didn't bring enough money cos they thought we would just go visit and go home. In the end we went IOI mall. I got a headphone that comes with a bit so I could attach it to my amplifier and jam silently, no more complains from sister. :) Didn't go much cos we didn't bring enough money and the stalls won't accept Singapore dollars. Went home at about 3pm.

Slept and woke up at 10pm. Ate dumpling made by my grandparents and now I'm here checking friendster, hi5 and blogspot. Listening to Master of Puppets. I so love that song, too hard it's so difficult to play. AND I HAVE TO GET STARTED ON MY HOMEWORK!!!

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Changed of plans.


Sounds gay to have a blog since I'm of male species but couldn't resist creating noe. Why? Cos I'm hooked writing the one over at hi5. So I'm transferring my blogs from hi5 to here, and my hi5 account would be most likely, terminated. Not so much as in terminated, but sort of leaving it alone. Cos it's not receiving as much attention as my account in friendster. :)

So, enjoy.


Sup, it's me again. 6th entry.

Just passed Father's Day eh? A big thank you to all dads out there who have tried their best to please and make their children's day, everyday.

Okay on with the blog. Did nothing today, except the usual stuffs. Woke up at 2pm then went Popular with Andy to get his Harry Potter book, while myself went to find for Guitar World magazine and the SPI book. Couldn't find anything. In the end we left with nothing. We went to Delifrance to eat the new Potato Gratin meal. Quite nice, except for the price. A whopping $7.90 for a Potato Gratin, ice peach tea and peach tart. I wasn't full, so we went to Macdonalds to eat something. I bought a double cheeseburger. Andy got himself a 25cent icecream and chicken fillet.

Went home, practised on guitar again. Damn I love the guitar. It's becoming part of my daily routing/life. I hope it wouldn't change when the new term starts. Master of Puppets I would say is about 50% done, except for the fact that the speed still isn't there.

Okay, then went to JB for dinner. Quite stupid, cos the whole causeway was jammed up. So after 'jamming' for 1/2 hour we went to Rail Mall to have our dinner. At Upper Bukit Timah road. Where all the rich babes live. Okay, I'm gonna move house to one of those houses when I grow up. Maybe just a dream, but who knows eh?

Parents found the place crowded and with little variety, except for Rocky's pizza. Sounded and looked nice though the place. Maybe I'll go over there one day.

Went back and bathed and time was already about 11pm. Then played till about 12am, then we gave my dad his present. My sister and mother went to all over the island travelling from place to place to get my dad his Canon PowerShot A80. Krad camera. Both my sister and mother went all over the island to get the freebies (tripod,memory card and some other random stuff) cos everywhere they went said they ran out of stock and the 'other outlet' would have had it.

Guess the expression my dad had when he saw his present. He was playing CounterStrike with his headphone on. He saw that it was his dream camera, he stood up and started to walk away from the computer. And the mug of Coke spilled all over the carpeted floor. I've never seen my dad so happy before. Hehe. Coal.

Now my dad is on the bed playing with his new gadget. :)

Friday, June 18, 2004


Cool. This is already the 4th (EDIT: Heh it's the 5th, my bad.) entry if I'm right. Time really flies. I think I'm writing all these down for memories only, since nobody bothers to read my profile at all. :(

My eyes are almost shut, and I'm trying my best to write this. Writing down what happened for the day on paper is kinda gay for guys in my opinion, and as a computing student, I have to make full use of IT right? Heh. Okay here goes:

Went to school at 10.30am for GP lecture. Was late, but Miss Lim didn't mind. Bless her. She's kind, pretty, and has a big heart, easily one of my favourite teachers in school. I've never heard her scold anyone before, though people have told me she's kinda nasty. So far, no. :) She released us half an hour early at 12pm. Maybe because most of us were sleeping (except yours truly of course :D). Went home, practised on my guitar again.

Making good progress, managed to learn the middle part of the song. Yes, it's still Master of Puppets. Kinda difficult for a beginner like me, can't seem to alternate pick without getting caught in the strings. But I'll try my best. = )

Played and slacked till now, about 1.18am. Says so on the PC clock. and Denmark's winning Bulgaria in the Euro2004 by 1 goal. Speaking of occer, yesterday's odds for England - Switzerland match were 1 : 6. Heh. That's ALOT. Imagine placing a 1 million dollar bet on Switzerland and getting back 6million. Multi-millionaire! Heh but nobody is so stupid as to risk 1 million. Maybe if you're Bill Gates or Steve Jobs.

I HAVE to start on my homework soon. I think I'll start tomorrow. See, I'm saying 'tomorrow' again. Procrastination procrastination procrastination. I wonder when will this bad habit stop. "Things will not be done by itself if you keep looking at it only.", as said by my instructor during my LDC2 camp last week. How true.


Thursday, June 17, 2004

Checked up and not good to go.

Okay, I think I'm starting to get addicted to writing this.

Okay. Woke up at 9.20 after lots of persuasion from my little brother. Went to school and got screwed because I didn't follow teacher's instruction. Then I went home and practised on my guitar.

Went out to play pool with Andy and Gabriel. Andy has improved tremendously. However, I still managed to thrash them as usual :D

Went home and learnt a few more riffs from Master of Puppets. Hopefully I can finish up the song soon. Alternate picking on different strings with super fast tempo is hard, but challenging :)

Wednesday, June 16, 2004


Okay. Let's see what happened so far since last afternoon.

Stayed at home and slacked most of the day. When parents came back they bought me a new set of electric guitar strings. I've been wanting to get a new set for like 1 month now. But no time, so, having the strings were good news for me. Cut myself when i accidentally tightened the strings instead of loosening them. Quite stupid huh? Luckily there were the old strings. Changed them and started playing again.


Went to school for Mr Lee's lecture. I tell you, it's a waste of time! I don't understand anything he says!

Went home and learned a few riffs. Mastered the interlude for Master of Puppets. Damn song so hard to play.

After that Wan sent me a 3:40 riff of Michael Angelo, the fastest shredder of all time (voted by readers of Guitar World). Holy shit. He sure can shred. I got stunned after watching. Jaw dropped. Literally. His hand's a blur in NORMAL TIME. Holy cow.

Electrified indeed.

Monday, June 14, 2004


Okay. 2nd entry.

Woke up at 2pm today. Slept at about 3.30am. Watched France vs England till about 20mins then fell asleep. Couldn't take it. Then about 5min into bed my friend Andy messaged me saying England just scored. I was betting on France to win.

Okay. So woke up at 2pm. My father didnt go to work today. When i woke up, they were about to leave for West Mall. Then I took over the computer and listened to Wan played his guitar over Skype. I ate lunch at about 3pm. My dad and bro then came back with a small package. They got a GameBoy Advance SP for my bro, his birthday present. But his birthday falls on August, so it was an early gift. He had been pinning my parents badly for it and he finally got it. Heh. He got Final Fantasy Tactics to go with it.

I met Andy at about 4pm to go to Swee Lee to get my electric guitar strings. But what the hell, for some reason I thought Aljunied was on the red MRT line. Andy and myself stupidly took till CCK, where we alighted. Then we realised. Waste time sia. So we went to Lot1 to slack. We went to the 2nd level and found a music shop called 'Sembawang'. What a gay name for a shop located in CCK. I actually found and bought an Eric Clapton Unplugged cd! That CD was released in 1992, about 12 years ago! So it's coal that I found it. Eric Clapton is my guitar hero! :) Okay went to Popular to find the SPI Volume 1. SPI stands for Singapore Paranormal Investigators. A group which investigates paranormal activity in Singapore. They've been to popular haunted places like Ford Factory, Red house, White house, Old Changi Hospital. Coal. Too bad my parents won't let me go for their latest investigation in Haw Par Villa. Ford Factory investigation will be aired tomorrow. Can't wait for it. But couldn't find the book. Maybe it hasn't reached some branches yet. O well.

Pool was about 17 dollars. Damn expensive. After all, it's K-Pool. So I went home without buying the guitar strings and my dad yelled at me. I mean, chill. I'll get it another time. Played my brother's gameboy for awhile. Not bad. Sigh. Just remembered I have to continue doing Computing. Sian. Hopefully I can complete everything by this week.

Funny how we'd say "I can do it tomorrow."

Makes us wonder how many tomorrows we still have.

Maybe tomorrow will be a better day.

Sunday, June 13, 2004


Aight, sounds coal to be doing a blog here. Aight, Let's just see how this goes along.

Just got back from LDC2. That's Leadership Development Course Stage2 for you. Speaking of it, this is gonna be a goddamn long entry. Aight. Let's get started. I had a very negative outlook before I went to this camp, cos my LDC1 was hell. Totally hell on earth. Officers who were there to break you down mentally and physically. Anyway, it also happened 4 years ago so I would have pretty much forgotten alot of things. And I was supposed to attend this damn thing 2 years ago but edmund submitted the forms late for 2 YEARS CONSECUTIVELY. As a result, I was the highest ranking NCO there.

I met the rest of the krew at sembawang MRT, then headed towards BB/GB campsite via 167. Almost late. The camp, accordingly to my standards, is super slack. It's like, there's no sense of urgency or scoldings at all, unlike my LDC1. Perhaps there were 'only' corporals and sergeants. Some LCP buggers even won me by badge count. Anyway, we were supposed to wear our uniforms and report in, so everyone would be like staring at me 'cos my uniform is totally different from the rest, coat,long sleeved shirt and tie and all. Hot wearing it. In both senses. Heh. So the boys stared at me. Ok, started off the camp at 6pm and with a bang. Learnt the song , ai pia jia eh yia. Coal song. Loved it. Albert Ching was our camp commander, funny guy.

The trainers were of corporals, staff sergeant, and a couple of primers. We immediately changed into our PT Kits and so very few people knew I was of staff sergeant at that point in time. Coal. My OCT (Officer Cadet) told me that there were few SSGTs there (I was the only one) and officers would normally aim at us. So I was happy to change into our PT kits, kept my identity a secret. They kept calling me harry potter. We were broken into east and west district. I was in west district and boy was East district slackers. I'll tell you why in a sec. I was in Alpha company, squad 1. In west district there was alpha company and bravo company. We were supposed to plan a 3 day 2 night camp over to seletar island and each squad was to write our a proposal. We finished our proposal at 3am.

2nd day.

Woke up at 6am. We had 5 projects, lead by Alpha1 to Alpha5, took turns. Sergeant Eric Soh took lead for the first project. I tell you, he's a hell of a leader. Cool, calm, collected. Seriously, he's the best sergeant i've ever seen. Natural born leader. That's why I voted him for best trainee. Anyway, we were supposed to plan a 3 day 2 night camp for Seletar Island. Fast forward, and we took our kayaks and build a raft out of logs and started our long journey. Took like 2 hours before going only 3/4 of our way where officers landed us on a beach. The journey there was tiring. We were stuck on the sea parallel to a jetty and we couldn't move the damn raft even though we paddled like mad. The current and wind were against us. Our spirit and morale was low. Everyone was tired. Eric then started to lead us into song and cheers. That motivated us and got us going. Eric, you rock. We had a de-brief on the beach and someone got stung by a bee, then we loaded him up on the raft and started to paddle back to shore. Edmund and myself got ourselves on a kayak. I asked an officer to put the casualty on a POWERBOAT but he refused. I had an inkling something was amiss. Anyway, we reached Sembawang beach and surprise surprise, it was all a hoax.

Everyone was physically and mentally tired, with sunburns and stuffs, being out at sea for almost 7 hours. We cooked our dinner using pots and woks and what-have-you. It was part of the project. Bloody east district was having a BBQ. They were playing soccer while we were at sea. Wtf. We paid the same price and got crap instead. HAI DI PANG XIE. Okay, dinner was a blast. We were supposed to cook our dinner by ourselves using rations we bought. The food was shitty. Bravo company spoilt their burner and they were cooking sambal kangkong halfway. Lmao. Actually, our food tasted bad on the tongue but it was delicious when tasted from the heart. After all, Alpha Company cooked it together. :) Mervin Tee is a good cook. Funny guy too. We finally ate our food at around 9.30pm. Then had a short debrief aka scolding then washed up and bathed and slept. Slept about 1am.

3rd day.

Last day, couldn't wait to go home. Had area cleaning, then debrief/scolding. After that we checked our stores and found that 1 first aid kits box and 2 ladles were missing. Then officer said it was actually 2 first aid boxes. Bravo company lost their kit but we had to pay for them? What kind of crap is this? Anyway, we paid 2 bucks each and someone eventually found the kits in their bag. Yes, their BAG. How dumb can someone get?!! Okay, then had lunch at 1.30pm. Hungry. Lunch was pack lunch. Long bean, chicken and tofu. When you're hungry, everything tastes nice. Then started to have POP rehearsal. Our COS was nonsense. A corporal. Didn't (want to) find out his name. Dunno how to give command. Gave a complicated command when he could have given a kekanan-lurus. He doesn even know how to receieve a prize! After all of us had taken our prizes, it was his turn. He turned and marched towards the officer. Then he stood there. And waited. And waited. For money to drop from the sky. The officer was trying not to laugh. Then he finally saluted and MARCHED OFF. I mean, wtf? It was hilarious and disappointing at the same time. The officer went off. I don't think he receive his badge. Hahaha. Had a debrief at the auditorium together with Bravo company and Albert Ching taught us the Anchor Song. Nice song. He then recapped what we learnt and told us that we were the ambassadors of the Boy's Brigade the moment we stepped out of the door. He also asked us to write down on a piece of paper what we learnt and went through. I guess that's what I'm doing now. Then we had our last parade together with our new found friends and dismissal. Exchanged numbers with a few people. Went home, slept from 7pm to 10pm and here I am writing, or rather typing, this down. Man, I miss them already.

Many people ask me why I love the Boy's Brigade so much. They ask me to join NCC, NPCC all those stuffs where 'the real men were'. As always, I say no. Why? It's the experiences and things you learn together with strangers that make us bond and then we come out as brothers. And only at the Boy's Brigade do we find such things.

Praise the Lord.