Tuesday, August 31, 2004



Yes, what a wonderful day this is.

Started off dancing on the tables during mass dance today in front of the whole school. Everything went well. :)

After that went to give the present to my CT. Quite a happy/touching moment, hope he likes what we bought for him!

After that went back to my alma mata, YHSS. Remind me not to go back. Wtf, they won't allow us to go back until 12pm. And we reached at 10.30am. It's super gay, damn pissed off. At least I forgot about that when I met Mr Khor and Miss Hema. Found out that her baby daughter's called Sonia. I asked her to name it after me the last time. Hehe. She's gonna invite us to her house for Halloween and Deepavali. Yippie.

Then went back and slept and had Chinese tuition. Yep, tuition on Teachers' Day Eve. The last time my favourite teacher is gonna teach me. She's gonna give birth and from next week onwards, a new substitute teacher is gonna replace her. Speaking of the new teacher, she telephoned my house while I was sleeping. She asked me to go downstairs and tell the security guards to let her in. Wtf. I immediately woke up, I thought she was gonna replace my teacher today without any warning. So I sent my maid down to get her. My maid came back empty-handed shortly after that. She said the security guards had already let her in.

So I called my present teacher. She said the new teacher was supposed to come only next week. She came into our house and telephoned the new teachers. Yep, confusing. The new teacher didn't pick up her phone. About 5 minutes later, the new teacher called our house again. This time, she asked me why my block's lift could only go up to level 37. I was thinking, ' Wtf? My block has only 14 floors.' So I passed the phone to my present teacher and she told the new teacher that she was supposed to come only next week. Yep. We didn't know where she was, the highest floor in my estate was level 24. So I don't know if she got lost of something. Hahaha.

Yep, gonna watch Alien vs Predator tomorow. Goddamnit.

Monday, August 30, 2004

Ah, yes.

Yes indeed.

What a tiring day. Finished everything school related at 4.30pm. Then went to tie the tables together for tomrorow's mass dance. Hohoho, Suria and myself is gonna be infront of the whole school, nevous and excited at the same time. Oh yea, while tying the tables Yulin came back to school. Heh, she looks good in her SA uniform man. She went to accompany her senior who wanted to cut her hair in JP.


heh. Suria was dead tired so being such a gentleman, I went straight home with her after the table tying. Then here I'm back.

Played DOD. Trialing for -rS- . redshift. A pretty decent clan in Singapore. Hopefully I'll get in. Speaking of games, Doom3 lags my com. :( But a very very good improvement since Doom2. Those imps, goddamn, really really got a MAJOR improvement. When I first saw them, I thought they were the Nemesis from Resident Evil 3. heh. When you get hit by bullets / claws, the HUD would blur and shake. Cool, absolutely cool. Man. Heh.

I want to watch Alien vs Predator tomorrow! But I've got Chinese tuition tomorrow. Damn.

Okay, can't wait to meet Miss Hema and maybe Mr Khor tomorrow. Hehe.

And to end with a note, I have to update more often. :(

Monday, August 23, 2004


Hello once again. Much love all around.

Time to pia my PW. Have to hand in my draft report TOMORROW. And we just started today.

Before I reached home went to Jurong Point to grab a box of chocolates and a box for my CT! Yabadabadoo.

I'm tired, frickingly tired! Sian, yesterday was fun. We went to East Coast for the Service Learning Project to pick up litter at the beach. Lotsa stuff to pick up, the rubbish the waves sweeps onto the beaches. Coal, after that we (Abbas, Sufian, Azman, Haer and yours truly) went to rent bikes @ $4 and went cycling for 1.5 hour. Cycled to one end and went over to the other end, but had to turn back halfway due to insufficient time. After that brought them to Clementi for soccer matches with my BB friends. Jeez, the bus ride was damn long. Almsot 2 hours from East Coast to Clementi. Bus 196. You could like sleep and wake up and still had time to spare. The soccer court was beside Pei Tong Primary School, Yulin's primary school, hehe.

Okay, then played against some 'Japanese' team (as nicknamed by Haer). They were locals, but played terribly. I pressured the keeper while he had the ball in his hands, and he rolled it into Jia Le ( who was playing for the other team), so I just happily slided the ball into the back of the net. Went on to score a few more, won a few matches, Ser Guan and Jasper happily contributing to the goal count. Lost to my class though. My old shoe (which I used to wear to town) almost broke into 2 after the games.

On a more serious note, I failed math ( 22/65) , passed Physics by a mark (56/110), Chinese (45/100). God I'm screwed. =/

PS: Surath makes a good keeper. Yummay.

Friday, August 20, 2004

The Circle of Friends.

circle of friends! copy
Originally uploaded by LordAeRo.
Indeed, the legendary Circle of Friends. Much love all around.

Taken from Si Min's blog. PLEASE DON'T SUE ME.



Why hello there.

It's another Friday night, and today's my brother's 12th birthday! Hurraay!!

Okay, nothing much happened.

Heh. Failed math. Mr Lee kept asking me how i failed, he said I do not looked stupid. And everything he asked me that question, I gave him the same answer:

" I could do all the revision tests and assignments what! Then I dunno what I couldn't do the test!"

After which he would give me him funny look. Hmm. Anyhow, it's fun talking to mr lee in pure singlish + chinese. Hehehe. =P

Physics I got 56/110. Which sucks. I got LOTS and LOTS of careless mistakes. I could have easily gotten about 70 marks if I actually studied harder. Grrr. Okay, Yulin's birthday in 2 days. But argh, that silly girl's not free! Oh yea, speaking of East Coast Parks, we are gonna do our CIP at ECP this sunday. I be having BB tomorrow. Sian, I lost my crossbelt and cap at ACJC last week. Luckily PRIMER GOH SER GUAN's gonna give me his. Kekeke. Okay, I gotta buy a belated birthday gift for my little kiddy bro. I've got no time to buy for him today. Rushed back home at 4.10 on a cab when I just ended lessons for my chinese tuition. Argh. 4 hours of Chinese can kill. It kills as much as smoking. Ababababababa.

Dum dum dum dum dum dum dumdumdumdudmdudmdudmdumdumdum dadadada.

That's Erotomania for you folks.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004


What a gay day.

Fck computing.

I think I screwed up todays test. Goddamn data reps. I wonder why we learn that anyway. Fricking 1s and 0s . We're not a computer goddammit!! :(

And I got news that only 4 people passed math in our class, and I'm not any of those 4.

That means 3 papers gone.

Chinese, which I have never passed before since the beginning of this year, math, and computing. The only hope i have now is that my marks get pushed up by my participation points and all those stuff.

Sigh. I just hope mr lim won't call my parents. I'm dead.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Captain Quazar.


Tomorrow I'll be having my last 2 papers : GP and Computing. Hurrah hurrah hurray. Just finished studying my computing. Seems, chim.

Okay, AVP coming out in 2 days time. Brother's birthday in 3 days time. Yulin's birthday in 5 days time. :D

Blahblhablha, think I'm gonna buy a new polo T tomorrow after my test. Looks nice.

Then er, think I'll change the music from Winds of Change to Maroon 5 - Harder to Breathe.

Congrats to Ronald Susilo for defeating Lin Dan and now his German opponent.

I've got a bad case of flu, hopefully it'll improve by tomorrow otherwise i'll have to hang on till 2pm then I can go home. Study study study. I need my gaming fix. I miss DOD, FLF, and definately Q3 RA3. Maybe I'll request Doom3 for my birthday :D.

Okay, out. Much love.

Monday, August 16, 2004

Dark rings appearing.

Sup. What a beautiful and fruitful Sunday this has been. Woke up at 11.30am then had brunch at British Club. Hot babes! :D

Okay then went home and started revising my math. Many thanks to Haer, Abbas and Valerie for teaching me so many sums. And taking up most of your time, Haer having to walk out of the library just to teach me a sum and Valerie having to spend almost 3 hours teaching me sums when she had physics to revise. Many many thanks indeed! :) Much love to all.

I wonder how I'm gonna fare for Chinese though.

Okay then studied from like 12pm to 11+pm. Nice. Hehee. Now I'm burning some nursery rhyme CDs for my sister.

Then gonna burn some songs for myself and sleep!

Hopefully I'll come back from school tomorrow with a smile on my face.

Friday, August 13, 2004

Hunted by a Freak.

Nothing much happened today. Had a computing test, it's still okay, hopefully can pass since it's a retest. Got 1 mark the other time. Hehe. Okay.

Tomorrow I'm gonna be the flag bearer for my BB company. We'll be getting the JM Fraser Bronze Award. The poroblem is, I don't know how to carry / march with the flag!!! Die liao! Have to learn tomorrow. Hopefully there'll be some rehearsal or something so I can get familiarised.

I added a shoutbox. Prob is, the font is abit too small. Have to squint or something.

Chionged my homework yesterday night. Almost passed out halfway while doing. Too damn tired already!

Bought Ramly burger today. Yummy. I bought it while taking back my BB coat from Edmund. I lent him for the National Day Parade and he didn't wash and I have to wear it tomorrow! Damn discusting. Yuck. Soccer training is on Sunday I think, so I have to buy my boots tomorrow. I might not go though, common test is next week and I haven't started on my revisions. :(

Okay, tomorrow is the big day for those taking chemistry. Good luck man.

Thursday, August 12, 2004



Right now we're having the swearing-in ceremony for the new prime minister, Mr Lee Hsien Loong.

Aight. Nothing much happened today. As usual.


Okay then then then then during assembly, Sylvia gave us a nice 'speech'. 3 things you'll need! Passion, Responsibility, and the Thirst for Success! Thank you Sylvia. I just saw her on TV too.

Okay. I think I failed my 2nd math trigonometry 2 test. Knn. Studied like hell then still fail. I got killed by a minus sign. And a careless mistake. Sian. I still owe Mr Lee one GP and one TRIGO2 assignment. On top of that, I still have to do my Chinese homework. Yep, lots of Chinese homework. 2 compos and 3 worksheets. All by tomorrow. I be dead dooder. Had a bad headache after the damn test. Screwed up my computing coursework too. Sigh.

Anyone knows where I can get Math tuition? Be group, then Lin can join me. We be suckers.


Wednesday, August 11, 2004



Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Look for the girl with the broken smile.

Okay, long weekend coming to a close. Chionged my homework today. Ideal gases was terrible.

Nothing much happened, on Saturday I got baked in the sun from 2pm to 5pm for softball. Learnt alot that day. Then on Sunday we ( BB ) had soccer training that day. Went to West Coast to train. Pretty good. I need to get a new pair of boots badly man.

Monday and Tuesday were mostly spent slacking off. Upcoming birthdays include Yulin's and my brother's! Hurray. Can't wait. :P

Nothing much happened la! So I can't update. Have to start studying for my common tests man, I'm aiming for at least an A so I can be exempted from Promos. Woohuoo.

Have a nice night.

Monday, August 02, 2004


Heh, been a week since i've updated. Long eh?

Been really busy these few days. Reach home at about 9++pm due to training or some things in school and I normally sleep once I reach school. Lunch for me is getting bad to worse, eating only chocolates to supress my hunger. Sigh.

We had softball training last Saturday morning. It was muddy and all, since it had been raining the night before. We saw track and field teams from Crescents, ACJC, HCJC, VJC, JJC and a few others training in school. Weird, so we couldn't use the field due to them throwing javelins and shot putts and hammerthrows. It rained heavily so everyone took shelter and we (softball guys) started playing soccer in the rain. I couldn't afford to be sick that day due to the ushering so I played for awhile. When the rain stopped, we went out to the field to do batting. Most of us (especially Yuhua) got hit badly in our shin as it was difficult to hit high balls that day (prolly due to the weather) and most or all of the balls rolled fast on the floor. The condition of the field is kinda pathetic too, the ground was uneven so the ball would bounce up and down while travelling towards us and it was difficult to judge the ball's position. So, in the end, most of us (including myself) got hit and we got bruises on our shin. Two days before that, I was the catcher and the ball twatted me just below the eye. Luckily I was alright. The ball bounced off the bat and flew up towards my face. Yum.

We had ushering on Saturday night. It was really fun all stuff, talking to those china people and those from abroad. They were quite friendly. Parvan, Daniel, Sook Fern and I was stationed at the staircase leading to the hall. Val and Khai and the rest were at the concourse, lucky people, can take photos with those teams! Okay, then went up to help those upstairs. Cool. After the prize presentation (China got 3rd and 1st, Singapore got 2nd(nanyang girls)) , they gave us performances. We ate some of the food (the roast lamb was excellent, yummay.) and at the last minute, we (the ogls) decided to do mass dance. We danced to the beat of Superstar and Hey ya. It felt like orientation again. I partnered with Li Yi. After that we went to MacDonalds to eat our dinner and went home.

Today, I completed the 2nd function for my coursework. Tomorrow (or tonight), I'll find a formula to finish off the 3rd and last part of page1. After that, I still have page2 and page3! Mr Lee went ballistic after he found out that almost everyone he taught in almost every class did not memorise the trigonometry fomulas and thus were unable to do the surprise test he gave us. Everyone got a deduction of 2 marks due to him giving us the formulas, which I already knew. I thought he was going to give us one with the R-formula. But no. So, I think I'll get a -2 for my score. Coal. "Can't wait!"

And that is how the cookie crumbles. Seeya.