Saturday, January 01, 2005

New Year

Hello, haven't been updating lately.


Had gastric flu, headache and nausea. Saw the doctor the Thursday we touched down from Cambodia but the medicine didn't help. I went back to see him and he gave me somemore medicine, and I feel much better now.

I'd better be!

Orientaton is just 2 days away.

Due to my sickness, I missed out on alot of things. Including Killing Fields @ Alby's house!! Argh! And the YEP meeting too. Dang. I also went home on the first night of the OGL camp. Doh.



I haven't started on my homework yet. Due to OGL matters, we won't be attending lessons for the entire week, heh. That sucks alot, considering we're taking our A's this year, I wouldn't want to miss out on anything.


It's always the same isn't it? At the beginning of the year, we'd say, " Oh, I have to really study hard this year, put aside all my commitments and just focus on studying."

But how many of us actually do that?

I can't, no matter how much I try. And that blows.

Oh well.

And the mentality of Singaporeans really confuse me. Due to the tsunami, they have cancelled out the live telecast of the party in Sentosa. But what the heck, they're still going on with the party in Sentosa. I mean, if you REALLY want to show your sincerity in showing your condolences for those who suffered, cancel the whole damn thing! You're only depriving those who are at home. Weird!


JC2, here we come.


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