Monday, January 10, 2005

When You Say Nothing At All.


Orientation has ended!

My thoughts about it?

It rocked.

You know, the night before the first admin day, I remember lying on my bed, thinking what my OG members would be like. Would they be enthusiastic, or would they be a rock?

The answer?

They were enthu. Ohh yeah.



Enjoyed myself, really the best orientation group I've taken before.

Today we started school as per normal. It's very difficult to shift back to studying mode after like 2 months of slacking. Sigh. Yeah, gotta start studying and focus on homework man.

Erm, gonna call/msg this guy who's selling his BOSS MT-2 for $70, and this guy who's selling his BOSS DS-1 for $50. Good deal, hopefully condition is okay. Been wanting to get one for a LONG time. maybe I'll start out with a second hand one.

Ohh yeah.

Tomorrow's the last time we're gonna spend time with the OG before disappearing into thin air. Hopefully we'll still keep in touch, and I think we will.

Things to do this week?

- Buy pedal (hopefully!)
- Do homework ( duh. heh.)
- STUDY! (damn!)
- Get long pants
- Get sandals
- Stay healthy (very very important. sigh.)

Oh well, that's all I have for today. I've received my NS registration letter last week. Gotta register from 12/1 to 22/1. Heh. Sucks. Oh, my blood pressure is still on the high side. HOPEFULYL I WON'T GET INTO PES C. OMG. Then I'll be a clerk or storeman or driver. Which I have no intention of being! So gay. So, I have to watch what I eat now, less/no salt!

Sigh, health is important kids!


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