Monday, January 30, 2006

Gong Xi Fa Cai!

Yay! Finally a title which makes sense!

Happy Chinese New Year to all!

Okay, got back from grandma's place like 1 hour ago. Super uber slack, time passed so so long over there. Must be the lack of BBC Prime and internet connection. The only life-sustaining gadget over there were the gameboys my cousins and brother brought over.

Photography-wise, only took 2 pictures. Had a few great ideas, but didn't execute them due to certain reasons.

Starting work on 3rd Feb. Yes! I'm working! I'm supposed to interview people after they have finished watching some Chinna event at the Esplanade. Yes, I'm going to be an irritant for the next 2 weeks. Extra moolah is good for me, though.

Err nothing else much to talk about, tomorrow will be waking up late.

Remember to share your angpow monies!

Saturday, January 21, 2006



Today was quite alright, had BBDC practical. Drove out as I had predicted in the last post (i might have lived with the gypsies in my past life or something). Drove quite far, from BBDC we went to Jurong East, then Clementi,under some tunnel which i didn't know existed, then drove past Rail Mall, then Bukit Panjang then back to Bukit Gombak, a few more rounds then lesson ended. It helped that I had a friendly instructor too, kept talking and joking around. He gave me tips on how to survive NS too. haha.

Wanted to go out to finish my B&W, but yeah the guys went out while I had Boys' Brigade. Oh well. Tomorrow then. I'm also planning on removing the batteries from my Fm2n so I can force myself to see and 'feel' the light. Maybe after this roll. Maybe next time.

Pictures by this guy looks good. Very good. I particularly like the one where he shot the model looking elsewhere.

Jamming (with the youthJam people) tomorrow at 7am!! I had better sleep now, and goodbye!

And I'll be the first to wish you guys a Gong Xi Fa Cai!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

these letters to you.


Today was quite interesting, no shooting today.

Instead, had BBDC practical, next lesson should be able to drive outside. After that we went for some jamming sessions. Formed a band with the regular DOTA-ers. Fun lah, so different from jamming with my youthJam people.

Err, so I'm lead vocals (don't laugh!) and rhythm guitarist. I think. We did a couple of Green Day covers, along with History from Funeral from A Friend. Quite messy, but not bad considering it's the first time we're meeting and playing together. Anyhoo, we wanted to perform in some upcoming 'gig', but I don't think so anymore. Speaking of gigs, who's going for this and this? Give a shoutout okay, so I can meet you guys there.

Anyway, shooting shall commence tomorrow! Maybe I can cycle to Chinatown to develop my film.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006



got back the pictures from Fotohub 2 days back. Dissapointing! Seems like I need to learn and practise more of flash photography. What's more disappointing is that the teacher-in-charge for the photography club doesn't even know how use use my all manual, MF camera! The picture wasn't even focused, and zoomed out a tad too much.

Anyway, had a great time shooting around esplanade+fullerton area. Hopefully the pictures would turn out as crazy as the time we had last time. Haven't sent for developing yet, maybe tomorrow.

And I didn't know slacking after A's would be so boring.

Okay, that was a short update for those who hasn't been finding an update regularly.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006



No photos this week, hohoho. Will be getting the CD back from Fotohub on Friday.

Anyway, went out to Little India for some shooting today, for my B&W series. Quite okay, except for the light drizzle. Didn't get much pictures.

Then went to thieves' market in search for a Yashica Electro 35. Couldn't find it. Or rather it was drizzling (sigh), so most of the 'stalls' had opaque plastic sheets over it. So yeah.

Then went to CamX to get back my dad's FT2! Hurray!

Then went BBDC.

Then dinner, then home.

Tomorrow's BB Day!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

a masochistic kiss.


Had an early morning rise today, then rushed to finish up on last minute recruitment stuff. Then went to school, only to find out my 2I/C woke up the time my boys were supposed to fall in. Sheesh.

Recruitment was awesome, we had alot of enthusiastic boys who eagerly joined us. We have a total of 31 boys this year! Yeah!

Okay tomorrow, I'll be meeting two classmates for some shooting around Singapore. Was supposed to go to the zoo but other friends wanted to go another day. Will be finishing my B&W film tomorrow then. I don't think Kim Tian does processing for black and whites, so I'm going to try Fotohub tomorrow. Do they do it?

Early night today, because it's going to be another early morning rise later on. Seeya!

Saturday, January 07, 2006



Just got back from JJ Nite. Actually I was back awhile ago but was busy doing some BB stuff.

Recruitment's tomorrow, and even though I'm more or less prepared for tomorrow, I'm still feeling the jitters. We've planned this for almost a month and it'd finally end tomorrow. There's a few unconfirmed-see-how-tomorrow things, so yeah, I guess that's what's bugging me. Oh well. More or less things will go wrong tomorrow (like they ALWAYS do on important days) but yes, we'll overcome them. Hehe.

Anyhoo, JJ nite was awesomely-fantastically-supercalifragilisticexpialidociously great! Them juniors did a great job I guess, better than what we did. And I almost lost my voice, luckily I didn't sing a few songs 'cause I know I'll need it later during recruitment. Speaking of songs, this year's orientation was kinda bizarre. Why? Because there were lesser cheers, lesser performances, no band performances, more unknown dances, more songs. We didn't dance to the likes of Choli Choli, 5 Colours In Her Hair, etc. I wonder why. Instead, there were many lovey-dovey touch-you-touch-me kind of songs. And I was dancing with Khairuldin. So I didn't want to touch him. HEHE.

Yup. I almost met Zong Da's OG group on the way out. It was okay lah, I knew they couldn't hear me with my half-gone voicebox so I wasn't shocked when they stoned with their blur faces when I told them my name was Timothy and whether Zong Da bullied them. Only a guy nodded his head. HAHA.

Was trying to find Alycia during JJ Nite too. Couldn't find her, and she found me halfway during a song instead.

I wanted badly to be a facilitator for the orientation camp, I signed up but pulled out on the same day. Why? Because of recruitment, lor. If there weren't recruitment later, I would be like debriefing my OGLs or having supper with fellow facilitators now. Oh well. I miss orientation. Haven't like danced or cheered for almost a year now. Was kinda surprised that the dance moves came together with the music. I guess I can be a facilitator next year. I hope so.

The nice thing about being an OGL or facilitator is that everyone I've met in JJ so far does what they're supposed to do. Yes, they complain but they still finish what they're supposed to do in the end. Unlike other associates I've worked with before (and some still working together), they finish their job. Simple enough. That's what people wants to hear. No, that's what people NEED to hear. But it really really really to the power of n sucks to work with people who don't want to do what they're supposed to do. Oh well, I guess that's life.

Okay, I hope you enjoyed what basically happened today. Will update you faithful readers on what happens during recruitment okay? :D

PS: I'm hooked on Tainted Friday's cover of All About You. I'm too lazy(and tired) to post the link here, but go google and search for this local band, and download their songs. It's greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!

Goodnight! Or good morning!

Thursday, January 05, 2006



Wednesday, January 04, 2006

thank god it's a nikkor!


really really really busy these few days. Well, BB recruitment is this week, and more or less everything is settled.

I'm trying out a black and white film, so photos will be up probably next week. No promises though. But it's super fun going shooting with friends, not only do I gain street knowledge (which I'm lacking severely), we get to enjoy fellowship with one another.

Anyhoo, got lost today in Clementi, and with the help of a friend I finally found my way out. I took the wrong shuttle bus from the interchange. How in the world did they happen? I don't know. The bus I was supposed to be on was leaving in front of Macdonald's at 7.15pm. And this was the only bus there, and it was leaving soon. So I happily went up and ended up at Faber Crest, instead of West Coast.

And on the way there, I dropped my camera bag! Along with my lenses and camera. Luckily nothing broke or cracked, or I'll be dancing in tears by now.

Oh well, thank God it's a nikkor!

Monday, January 02, 2006

for narnia, and for aslan!


Been quite busy in church in recent days. After Pastor B's dinner (which was awesome), went home, slept and went back to church for BS and service. Then stayed back after service to pass Amenda her prayer journal. ERRR then after that went home to slack and then go PS with some of the BB officers to catch Narnia. Nice show, but interestingly, the poster/trailer dones't have the words "Inspired by a true story". Why? Perhaps to retain the movie's 'secular' state.

Anyway, should be getting back 1 camera body, 2 camera lenses tomorrow (yippie!). Repairs will be a bomb though. And my hands are tied up in this year's recruitment. People who are in my team aren't doing their job, don't want to sacrifice their time because of the trouble it will give them, and conveniently pass me a myriad of excuses not to do it. And recruitment's next week.

Yesterday's Watchnight Service's sermon was great too. In short, Pastor Kow taught us how to relieve ourselves of the 3 Ws : Worries, Wounds and Wrongs. The one about worries hit home. Is worrying neccessary? Will worrying help us, or change the course of events? Worries build up in our mind. And to prevent worrying, we should just give our troubles to God, and let him take care of it. By worrying, we are playing God, and that's not what we want. So pray more, tell God about your troubles, and stop worrying!

Well, tomorrow's (or at least later) will be a public holiday, but it won't make any difference to me: everyday's a holiday until 7th April.

My captain told me about this new thing in church: there's a full-time ministry in church which caters for those who are waiting to go into JC, army, polys. It's a 3 months thing, and we'll be exposed to stuffs like projects and such. I most probably will go, after all, I guess most of us will find jobs. And what better job is there than to serve in church? And also, I'm still praying as to whether I should join the Communications Ministry as a photographer. I'd love to, but there's something holding me back. What it is, I'm not sure. That, I have to figure out myself.

Happy new year, and please, pull your ear.