Wednesday, January 26, 2005

I forgot what today's title should be.

Hey man.

We've come to the halfway mark of the week. That's right, it's a beautiful Wednesday evening.

Started the week being very paranoid (and I still am!).


Cos I'm afraid of getting fainting spells whenever I do physical activity. To be honest, I really wasn't sure if I had fully recovered. But anyway, had Physical Conditioning on Monday, Soccer training on Tuesday, and here I am, just back from Softball training. Yep, that's right, the tiring part of the week has just ended. From tomorrow till next Monday, it's time to slack! Hehehe.

Softball training was usual, except that we got word from the PD department that we shouldn't bat balls at that time, as people were running all over the track. If a ball hits them = dead. Or a concussion at least.

Yep, but before that, I got hit by a super fast ball. The sucky thing about fielding was that our school field is bumpy, and it's VERY difficult to judge where the ball would travel. And I got hit in the ribs/stomach by the ball because of that. The ball took a huge bounce JUST before it came to me and yeah, it hurt. Alot. Thank God there isn't any injury.

The past few days had been really tiring. I slept the moment I reached home and I struggled to finish my homework the night before. Oh, we had our last YEP meeting yesterday. Really nice to see familiar faces again. We're gonna do our presentation at KCPC on February.

After the meeting, Zhen Xiang, Roy and I went to eat. Was supposed to go home and eat, but my maid cooked seafood soup, and I really hate that, so I ate with them. While eating, we talked about our days in Cambodia and, heh, I really miss Cambodia.

Well, that's all I have to say for now, tomorrow will be a great day in school! I hope. But for now, I have to rush my GP essay outline before sleeping. Sigh.

Oh well.

Goodnight all!


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